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Millionaire or not - I would've done the same thing. ESPN talked to other NBA players like Shaq, Odom, etc...They ALL would've done the same thing.

Stop sticking up for the fans...because they did the wrong thing this time.

so this is different then EVERY OTHER CASE that has ever happened????? the fans were finally wrong?????

get over it

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so this is different then EVERY OTHER CASE that has ever happened????? the fans were finally wrong?????

get over it

did you even read what I said earlier? It's not different..In Domi's case, and in Francisco's case...the fans were wrong there. What about in Chicago when they went on the field and went after the 1st base coach? Were they right? You probably think so.

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i'm not saying what the fans did was right - i'm saying what the players did was more wrong IMO!!


there are boundries you just do not cross and no matter what the situation, you are wrong to cross them...the fans crossed the line but never stepped on the court until artest was already swinging away

like I said before, some money should be witheld from the players and used to be paid for security so shit like this is limited starting with artest

(I'm sure he's getting plenty of money anyway from his rap album)

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lawsuits, arrests, and possible long term bans from the NBA is what this mess will probably result in. NBA players going on television and saying they would have done the same thing ,is not really the brightest move IMO. the idiots in the stands where wrong, but in a court of the law if it comes to that, it won’t matter. particularly when you have fans that sustained injuries; which required medical treatment and video which can be used as evidence.

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i'm not saying what the fans did was right - i'm saying what the players did was more wrong IMO!! but it sucks we got 3 players suspended now - hope it doesnt affect our playoff chances...

Listen...a "fan" threw something at Artest, which is basically assault...so he had every right to go into the stands and defend himself, just as Jackson and O'Neal had every right to go in there and protect their teammate. Are you telling me that a friend of yours is getting attacked by a bunch of people, you are just going to sit there, watch and do nothing about it??


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Listen...a "fan" threw something at Artest, which is basically assault...so he had every right to go into the stands and defend himself, just as Jackson and O'Neal had every right to go in there and protect their teammate. Are you telling me that a friend of yours is getting attacked by a bunch of people, you are just going to sit there, watch and do nothing about it??


of course not but artest hit the wrong guy, then hit another guy on the floor just for having on a pistons jersey and o'neal clocked some guy too.....and btw this wasnt a bar brawl or a street fight it was a frickin basketball game!!!

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of course not but artest hit the wrong guy, then hit another guy on the floor just for having on a pistons jersey and o'neal clocked some guy too.....and btw this wasnt a bar brawl or a street fight it was a frickin basketball game!!!

Those chubby fucks wwnt on the COURT...all bets are off and they were lucky they didn't get their asses beat any worse than they did...that was some funny shit though!

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Those chubby fucks wwnt on the COURT...all bets are off and they were lucky they didn't get their asses beat any worse than they did...that was some funny shit though!

u damn right that was funny...and the ppl on the court did get what they deserved...just as the players cant go into the crowd...fans cannot go onto the playing field...

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of course not but artest hit the wrong guy

i dunno about the wrong guy, if he's in the arena, he's fair game. honestly, do you think if he had walked up to the group and asked who hit him....i seriously doubt anybody would be forthcoming. Now, what he should have done is:

1) walk up to the 1st guy in that row and ask, if all he got was some smug faces looking back at him...start kicking his ass and work his way down the row.

2) if another 'fighter' threw something behind his back; repeat step one as descibed above.

seriously though.... lmao@this thread :laugh:

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1) walk up to the 1st guy in that row and ask, if all he got was some smug faces looking back at him...start kicking his ass and work his way down the row.

2) if another 'fighter' threw something behind his back; repeat step one as descibed above.

seriously though.... lmao@this thread :laugh:

:laugh: its funny after the fact but like i said before, i love the pacers, but damit somehow they always manage to screw up the playoffs - we never shoulda lost the championship to the punk ass pistons in the first place :splat:

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i honestly think, when its all said and done, it will be mostly hefty fines and no more than 15 game suspensions handed out. the nba suits are not fools, those two teams are some of the elite teams in the east..screwing them over with longer suspensions would screw the playoff picture, hence, less moolah in tv viewing ratings. the only person jumping with glee about the whole melee is Ron Artest....he finally got some time off to promote his cd b4 it drops :laugh:

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i honestly think, when its all said and done, it will be mostly hefty fines and no more than 15 game suspensions handed out. the nba suits are not fools, those two teams are some of the elite teams in the east..screwing them over with longer suspensions would screw the playoff picture, hence, less moolah in tv viewing ratings. the only person jumping with glee about the whole melee is Ron Artest....he finally got some time off to promote his cd b4 it drops :laugh:

i hope so - artest is a pyscho but o'neal - he's my boyyyy :spin:

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Ron Artest is a punk, always has been... I'm sure he'll get all the time he needs now to promote his new album :rolleyes: Though I do blame the fans more for starting the whole incident, I'm glad that fat fuck got his lights knocked out, he was askin for it. I guess shit like this explains why I have so much more respect for players like Tim Duncan...

Spragga's right, Stern didn't put any blame on the fans so far... all he keeps mentioning is how the players acted so bad, no word on the fans though :rolleyes:

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artest isnt a punk...artest never hid behind dudes like Laimbeer and Rodman hid behind Rick Mahorn back in the day. Ron knows the deal...he goes after dudes but then he mans up and is ready to thump if shit happens. therefore he is not a punk

if i was stern i wouldnt have suspended any1...especially not ron for 30 games

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artest isnt a punk...artest never hid behind dudes like Laimbeer and Rodman hid behind Rick Mahorn back in the day. Ron knows the deal...he goes after dudes but then he mans up and is ready to thump if shit happens. therefore he is not a punk

if i was stern i wouldnt have suspended any1...especially not ron for 30 games

exactly...and the fans are gonna get away with it...again

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artest isnt a punk...artest never hid behind dudes like Laimbeer and Rodman hid behind Rick Mahorn back in the day. Ron knows the deal...he goes after dudes but then he mans up and is ready to thump if shit happens. therefore he is not a punk

if i was stern i wouldnt have suspended any1...especially not ron for 30 games

I don't mean in terms of fighting and all his technicals, which do add up though. I'm talking about his dirty style of play that we don't see on TV and his constant trash talk. He's definitely one of those guys you'd love to have on your team because he clamps down on someone and basically ruins their game because of all the dirty plays he pulls off and gets away with, which is why S-Jax and J. O'neal dove into the stands to help him out, they love the guy. I still think he's a punk because he does take cheapshots... just because he mans up doesn't make him less of a punk, he pulls off the dirty plays, he's a punk just the same, just a more manly one. I still remember the elbow he threw at Rip's face when his nose was broken and had the mask on during the playoffs :rolleyes: His antics bring the NBA down to low quality street ball. Stern won't do anything to the fans because the NBA's already losing enough and is on a decline, he'll be kissing the fans' asses for a while.

In Europe during soccer games if fans misbehave, the team basically gets a home game with no fans, just an empty stadium. Not a bad idea, but I guess Stern needs that fat paycheck.

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Listen...a "fan" threw something at Artest, which is basically assault...so he had every right to go into the stands and defend himself, just as Jackson and O'Neal had every right to go in there and protect their teammate. Are you telling me that a friend of yours is getting attacked by a bunch of people, you are just going to sit there, watch and do nothing about it??


defend himself? from what a cup. This was not self defence and by going in the stands it made things alot worse. It would of been real good if someone in DEEEE -troit stabbed the fuck out of artest or jackson. And then the fan who did probably would of got away with it because that would be self defence.

HE attacked a bunch of people, they did not rush the floor he rushed the stands. In baseball people throw shit all the time, is it right-no, should they be punished-yes, should the players do it-no.

you are nuts getting hit with a cup of ice does not constitute inciting a fucking riot. IF a fan ran on the floor after artest fine fuck him up, other then that call sequrity. End of story.

Not to mention this is artest 3rd time doing something like this. He is done. HE got fined for given someone the finger then he charged the stands before.

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