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DT Review crobar

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its 9am made it to 6am. place was way to crowded. bodies getting slammed everywhere. impossible to dance. caught a girl before she went over the railing. cops everywhere when i came out. fight at the coat check. oh yea danny was great as always. seemed to like being at crobar. could of done without the booth though. a might big? and its still going on, hope those left make it out alive. interesting night. :type:

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I could only imagine how packed it would have been if there doors were open past 5am... If it was that packed around that time. It seems as though they turned away a ton of people after a fight broke out between come people outside and than with the cops. :rolleyes: People need to stop the bullshit.

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just made it into work about 90mins late but f it. And the party was still goin strong from when i left. Walked in there around 11:20pm or so and couldnt wait to the main room was open. Finally it opens up and im sure most of the crowd was walking in there expecting danny to be banging it out already, but NOPE. He started off with a smooth oldie to me and a few peoples delight, while others in the crowd were like hmmm wheres that hard tribal. I guess some people still dont know that DANNY is not a hard tribal dj ONLY, BUT A MUSICAL GENUIS.

Anyhow out of all the big name djs that have played crobar i have never seen anyone of them have a beautiful custom made booth for themselves. And to me it looked amazing. And from the first track he played you can tell he was having fun being the musical selector.Lots of faces from so many messageboards and from 6 hubert street faces that havent seen for months or even yrs, which was a great thing. Danny to me was absouloutely FLAWLESS from 12am till about 5am. Then kinda played a few tracks that were out there for me but the crowd was jumping all over the place. Then again BOOM he hits you with another amazing hr or 2. Then again it went from great to good to ok and tehn great all over again (for lack of better terms). Then at 9am he played "I'LL BE YOUR ELEMENTS" and from then until i left at 10:05am it was a great night of music. And what makes me more sad is that i know how much better its gonna get or is as i write this review. So many great songs but was really hoping to hear DIBIZA, but hopefully next time then.

As for the crowd well what can i say i met a bunch of new people from all over the boards and from all shapes n sizes and styles. MUCH LOVE TO EVERYONE. Wasnt the greatest crowd ever but also wasnt a bad crowd at all. Def very into DANNY from what i saw. Also there were a couple of fights goin on so that ruined the party for a lot of people from what i hear. Overall i give the party an 8 out of 10 stars. And thats cause i dont know what im missing as we speak.

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I dunno I def appreciated his earlier music more than his later. Don't get me wrong I was tired by 5 so it was hard for me to dance so we just chilled. Left a little before 7. I won't giff any negative comments about the crowd. They were having fun and that's what matters. Not to mention the hotties dancing on the bar were def a treat to the eyes. I heard about the unfortunate incident at the front. Sucks cause these people that work there don't deserve to be caught up in peoples dumb ass arguments. Cause they are actually nice people!

It was a pleasure meeting tayama, dj tristan, cystam21 for a hot minute, elevated flow who was reppin' all night long, sliverbull duh, bluedragon, Rickie, My Gangsta friend Drewminati, my homegurl Kitty, and last but not least Mr. Plasticface aka DaMask. There were some mutated masks there for a hot minute. I got there pics... gotta post them if I can get them off of my camera. Def a good night and I hope next weekend can prove just as nice.

One Luff...


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well, apparently people here are oblivious to the drama of yesterday.

a nasty fight broke out in the line to get in around 4:30, involving people, bouncers, and nypd. at that point, they stopped letting anybody in. so at 4:30, that was it, no more pple in. i showed up around 7something; me and the usual late-arrivers were told to 'backup'; they would not let anyone in (or nypd would just close the party all together).

what a waste!

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Never got in. Got there around 7am and were told the doors were shut for good. Heard about the fights and someone told me a 2 cops were knocked out. Dont know if its true, but if so I'm glad to did not get in. Would not want to be part of that. Headed over to discotech had a good time, DJ escape was alright. Just got home

Its sad to hear about those types of crowds they are ruining the scene

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glad alot of people had fun. i skipped this one because i was tired from the night before.and i didnt feel like spending alot of money last night so i stayed my ass home sucks that those fights went down but what did you guys expect? lol


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Danny T's set was just ugly, shit was wrong, im going to sue for whiplash. I have said this before, but who can get the rights to recording that set. Jesus it was unreal, i didnt stop dancing for countless hours .. and seriously i would be first in line to pay 4.99 to download that set .. there is an idea that will prolly get stolen from me, but at least i will be able to get the sets i want!

On top of the music being just earfucking good, the night was topped off by meeting many peoples from the board, and it was a pleasure meeting you all .. even the illustrious lutzidara. to everyone else i meet this evening .. mask, mikey, bluedragon, drew, djoner .. and anyone else i might have forgotten, lets do it again !

The stage was a lil noah's arkish for me. I did like the lights though, but that booth gave a whole completely different feel to the DJ's status. But why is they didnt build something like that for sasha? .. oh well i guess Danny has demands that must be filled! Also where was the effort in singing happy birthday for the guy? Sounded like a group of people singing for a deak guy, put half the effort cause he wont notice anyway, hahaahah .. and i was told by someone that the music stopped because people were smoking alot of cigarettes in the middle of the dance floor and danny gave that a thumbs down and cut the tunes ... is this true in anyway?

all that BS aside .. i left @ 7am .. just couldnt stand on my own two feet anymore and i drive a 5-spd! .. could u imagine that place if they didnt close the doors at 430am? It would have been grossed pack all night long. I hope that crobar presses charges on the duchebags who f'd it all up for people and then post it in the news paper and release their names ... just so people can send personal thank you notes for F'n up a otherwise amazing night!

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quick review, still very tired.

DT's best nyc set since arc.

he is totally the best nyc dj, he left no doubt as to that last night.

as he said it was 'a voyage.'

a lot more ambient or experimental moments than usual, but that made the peak songs go even higher.

loved the deep house grooves with vocal samples/ a capaellas on top.

whatever hard house/progressive bombs he dropped were massive, i was loving their future funk & beats.

way to crowded. its good they stopped letting people in, when i arrived at midnight it was already packed.

considering how many people were there, the quotient of hot girls was impressive.

still too many guys to girls ratio.

but compared to morillo, DT gets a better crowd, morillo gets a lot of jersey/SF mooks & DT still brings the arc homegirls/guys crew; but still a few too many SF guidos it must be said.

anyway as far as the music it was extraordinary, ve heard a lot of DT sets & this one was among the most interesting, if not as great as his best from 1999-2002.

music? 9 of 10 easily, maybe more.

club....maybe 7 of 10, too crowded.

overall, 8 of 10 or 8.5. DT was incredible.

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Danny T's set was just ugly, shit was wrong, im going to sue for whiplash. I have said this before, but who can get the rights to recording that set. Jesus it was unreal, i didnt stop dancing for countless hours .. and seriously i would be first in line to pay 4.99 to download that set .. there is an idea that will prolly get stolen from me, but at least i will be able to get the sets i want!

its not really worth it. all the owners of the masters and publishing of the songs played on the set are entitled to a portion of what is made selling the set. with all the work that would have to go into clearing the music and making sure royalties are paid, you would probably not be making money at all.

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I Like To Here Detailed Reviews From People Who Go To Here Danny For The First Time They Are Always So Much More Interesting And Straight Foward With What They Were Feelin At The Party...Im sure he ripped it as always..

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nice reviews everyone - sounds like the music was on point as expected, crowd was mixed, and too much drama...i couldnt make it, but hope to see DT @ Spirit in april...i'm looking forward to deep dish & behrouz next week, hope to see some of you out next sat nite...

someone post some pics please! i gotta see this dj booth...

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This was my first time seeing DT and my first time in crobar. First off I would like to say Crobar is very nicely decorated inside compared to all the other rat holes I been going too giving it a great vibe. Danny T was incredible. Even the lighter house music he played was great to me and I'm a hard tribal kinda guy. He really knows how to build anticipation and rip it up at the right times. He even got into the light schemes himself. I was in awe when I saw the DJ booth lights go on beat with "exit night enter light" which I think is a new bomb(?)

Even with the crowd packed I was always trying to move some part of my body. The crowd was pretty well rounded. Lots of hot girls. Juicehead guidos here and there. Still upset at the guy/girl ratio. What is going on in NYC clubs these days?!

I did see a couple of fights. I was unaware they stopped letting people in but I am glad they did because I mentioned to one of the bouncers that it is fuckin ridiculous and is a major fire hazard and he was in complete agreement. Also I wasn't checked for any weapons at all and didn't see nobody else searched. Granted it was a lot of people to search, but I would have felt safer if I was searched.

Nice meeting a few of you. Mike, Alan, and of course Gabe the bull

Looking foward to this DJ's next party!

Overal rating: 8/10 cause of lack of crowd control/safety

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OH man.. Ah lets see

Danny first 3 hours .. was much much better then vibes 8 hours or how ever long he played..

This was probably the best ive heard danny in a long time.. Actually this party was the best music i heard all year so far..

It was such a pleasure to see everybody from cp.. I'm soar so i won't right names now.. ill do it later :)

I partied 3 nights in a row .. now it's time for me to sleep..

lata peeps

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Also wanted to say sorry for all the people who didn't get into the club because of the fights.. You guys would of enjoyed yourselves

Also hated the crowd.. Seriously hated the crowd.. especially the china town community.. VERY VERY Annoying.. sigh .. im sorry i love everybody :)

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I've waited and planned for this night for almost a month since I've only heard DT once before (at what I think was a bad venue). Judging from all the props he gets I was very curious to check him out.

Due to the lateness and irresponsibilities of some knucklehead "friends" I missed this and will be sending a hit squad to take care of them! :gang:

The worst part was... I was up anyway till about 4am (w/o clubbin') :mad:

Good to see though that NYC had a night where (apparently) everyone was feelin' the vibe. Like Cassidy said... "Can't get no better"! :cool:

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very upset. Missed getting in because of stupid assholes. really mad i missed this party. i had to go to temple to meet some friends. Wated outside for close to 2 hours hping they would eventually let people back in. Never happened. Also on the other side im glad that the cops didn't shut the whole thing down when this happened. From your reviews it was an amazing night that i am sad to have missed

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