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A question about love or clubs

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So would anyone here give up on the club scene because they met someone who didn't approve? This person never straight out said you couldn't go or or anything like that, but you knew that they wouldn't take you seriously if you kept going.This someone being a person that you could spend the rest of your life with? Would it be like losing yourself or would it just be a necessary part of being in love with this person? Im curious to here everyone's opinion.

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You know whats funny.. my ex couldn't deal at all with me going. The people that we were more friends with and in our area went to more of lounges like Glo/Select/Duvet/Ruby Falls and the list goes on. I used to love that stuff all the time but you know what.. it gets pretty boring sitting at a table drinking Hypnotiq straight up-- which tastes like a wine cooler, can be bought for $40 dollars regularly so you're not baller status if you get it, and might I add it is supposed to be MIXED with something, not to be drinked straight up. I also just got annoyed with sitting at a damn table and constantly hearing the gossip and bullshit that people had coming out of their mouths. And for the record-- the dancing-- JESUS, not many people know how to dance, and if they did, having dry sex on the dance floor doesn't mean your talented, it just means you have to get a room. I really started getting into the more major nightclubs aka Crobar/Avalon/Spirit/Roxy and all of the others in the beginning over the summer. What a 360. At first it slightly weirded me out but I took a great appreciation to house music and I think the vibe and the feeling is unbelievable. I also like how it is diverse and contray to what ignorant people aka my ex believe, there are plenty of clean-cut, "normal" people that go such as you and I. Anyway.. when I started promoting and doing guestlists and what not for these places, my ex FLIPPED out. I invited him to even go when we were together but he was just like "Its not my scene," and "Jen, how could you result yourself to trash like this with these type of people, these aren't OUR people." On top of everything, he couldn't dance for shit- which is a huge turn off for me (my fellow CPers that have seen me on the floor understand). There were more major problems that lead to our breakup.. but this.. I thought was just a mockery of words. How can one make an observation on something they never experienced? And then tell me I am bringing my own self-worth down? In this case, the club won.. he is more loyal of a partner anyway to me and will never let me down in terms of entertainment. :bowdown: I think that this scene is like an art and if someone can't or won't take the time to understand it.. screw them.

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So would anyone here give up on the club scene because they met someone who didn't approve? This person never straight out said you couldn't go or or anything like that, but you knew that they wouldn't take you seriously if you kept going.This someone being a person that you could spend the rest of your life with? Would it be like losing yourself or would it just be a necessary part of being in love with this person? Im curious to here everyone's opinion.

If clubbing is a part of your life, tell the other person to accept it or move on. It's a part of who you are. I'm not saying you're going to meet the love of your life in a club, but someone who is in the scene will understand better.

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So would anyone here give up on the club scene because they met someone who didn't approve? This person never straight out said you couldn't go or or anything like that, but you knew that they wouldn't take you seriously if you kept going.This someone being a person that you could spend the rest of your life with? Would it be like losing yourself or would it just be a necessary part of being in love with this person? Im curious to here everyone's opinion.

the scene thats out now, wont be there in the future. So you either get busy living or get busy dying...

best thing is, if you can both go out and enjoy it together.

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it also depends on what clubs you go to and what the other persons view on clubs are.

I know my ex g/f who is from jersey only knew one type of clubs and type of clubbers, until she met me.Then i started taking her to clubs and parties that was driven by the music and not drugs. And she fell in love with the scene. She hates clubs liek crobar,spirit,avalon, but loves cielo, love,deep,shelter,sulivanroom.

Same thing with my current gf now she been to clubs allvoer the world (she was a professional dancer for yrs). And only now until she met me did she finalyl understand the whole culturebhind it. And now looks forward to the monthy 718 sessions,cielo, deephouse shelter type of aprties. Cause she cant stand the crowd the big rooms atttract.

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So would anyone here give up on the club scene because they met someone who didn't approve? This person never straight out said you couldn't go or or anything like that, but you knew that they wouldn't take you seriously if you kept going.This someone being a person that you could spend the rest of your life with? Would it be like losing yourself or would it just be a necessary part of being in love with this person? Im curious to here everyone's opinion.

To answer your question straight - yes, I would give up the club scene if this were absolutely the only thing holding me away from happily ever after. However what often turns out is that clubbing is NOT the only thing this person would want to change in you. Or worse - clubbing is just an excuse for something else that's much more serious that this person has a problem with.

There is another common situation, a less serious one, that many people have a huge misconception about what clubbing is really all about, like: you go to clubs so that you can take drugs and fuck strangers in bathrooms. Personally I discovered that taking a girl clubbing is great because girls simply like to dance :huh: And that includes all kinds of girls, even very serious ones that I tend to go for these days - the most recent examples are an eye surgeon near the end of her residency and a CPA near the end of her MBA .

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Jen Babe you are wise beyond your years, huh?

You know whats funny.. my ex couldn't deal at all with me going. The people that we were more friends with and in our area went to more of lounges like Glo/Select/Duvet/Ruby Falls and the list goes on. I used to love that stuff all the time but you know what.. it gets pretty boring sitting at a table drinking Hypnotiq straight up-- which tastes like a wine cooler, can be bought for $40 dollars regularly so you're not baller status if you get it, and might I add it is supposed to be MIXED with something, not to be drinked straight up. I also just got annoyed with sitting at a damn table and constantly hearing the gossip and bullshit that people had coming out of their mouths. And for the record-- the dancing-- JESUS, not many people know how to dance, and if they did, having dry sex on the dance floor doesn't mean your talented, it just means you have to get a room. I really started getting into the more major nightclubs aka Crobar/Avalon/Spirit/Roxy and all of the others in the beginning over the summer. What a 360. At first it slightly weirded me out but I took a great appreciation to house music and I think the vibe and the feeling is unbelievable. I also like how it is diverse and contray to what ignorant people aka my ex believe, there are plenty of clean-cut, "normal" people that go such as you and I. Anyway.. when I started promoting and doing guestlists and what not for these places, my ex FLIPPED out. I invited him to even go when we were together but he was just like "Its not my scene," and "Jen, how could you result yourself to trash like this with these type of people, these aren't OUR people." On top of everything, he couldn't dance for shit- which is a huge turn off for me (my fellow CPers that have seen me on the floor understand). There were more major problems that lead to our breakup.. but this.. I thought was just a mockery of words. How can one make an observation on something they never experienced? And then tell me I am bringing my own self-worth down? In this case, the club won.. he is more loyal of a partner anyway to me and will never let me down in terms of entertainment. :bowdown: I think that this scene is like an art and if someone can't or won't take the time to understand it.. screw them.
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I think that this scene is like an art and if someone can't or won't take the time to understand it.. screw them.

Dont get with people that want to control get with people that want to chill, life is too short and your only young once.

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My G/F is not in the scene at all, she does not really like the music but cause she loves me and she knows that I like to go out and dance all night long she can put up with it. Sometimes she comes with me and others she tells me to go out and have fun. When we go out to places she likes, such as hip hop clubs, the same thing happens, either I will go with her or tell her to have fun with her friends, when I do go, I dont care for the music, but she is all the enterainment and drive I need to have a good time. If the person your with cares about you, then they will go out with you or not get upset when you want to go out with your friends. In every relationship it should be give and take.


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Music is my livelyhood. I own a record store, DJ, produce, and do small time promoting, so for me if she could not accept what I did she would be gone w/out hesitation. One of my best friends who I love to death stopped talking to me for about 3 months after I bought the store because she said all I did was go out and break plans w/ her. I hated to see her go, but I had to continue doing my thing. She eventually understood where I was coming from and we are very close again. It's all about compromise. Like someone else said, it starts w/ the clubs and if she/he sees she/he can change that, they'll try to change everyhing else about you.

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Dont get with people that want to control get with people that want to chill, life is too short and your only young once.

Yup, I learned the hard way.. but at least I learned.

And I guess you can say I am a little wise beyond my years :hat:

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My bf didn't approve either so I compromised and only went out to clubs once a month but because of his job , he had to relocate to LA since summer of '04. So I can go out whenever I want to now but it's weird, I no longer want to go clubbing every week like I used to...once or twice a month is more than enough for me now. Prolly I am just getting old.

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yeah i'm in a similar situation myself with my girl she's from jersey.. she doesnt really get to go out with me because she works alott she's a bartender.. makes crazzy money and she knows i go out alot well not as much as i used to but when she does go out on special occasions weather it be a friend's birthday or something like that she has done drugs a pill or two and she knows how against that shit i am but she says that i'm not her dad i cant control her and i really dont think i control her at all lol but i really love this girl to death she's very very beautiful and i dont wanna fuck up our relationship because she likes to get fucked up on new years eve or a birthday party because our love is bigger than any of that bullshit. the moral to this story is you have to let the other person live because we're only young once and dont know when we're gonna go. so go on kiddies do your shitty drugs but be fucking responsible. i'm tired of seeing people that are G'dout because they couldnt handdle their drugs. Ty (i feel much better now that i've vented)

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This topic brings the song "You Don't Know Me" by Armand Van Helden to mind.

It's tough to choose between the two but you're eventually gonna have to settle down some time in your life. I was very much in the scene and have pretty much given it up since getting married but, I do go out on rare occassions and when I'm actually spinning somewhere.

Getting older will eventually make you kind of get tired of the scene naturally too.

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You know whats funny.. my ex couldn't deal at all with me going. The people that we were more friends with and in our area went to more of lounges like Glo/Select/Duvet/Ruby Falls and the list goes on. I used to love that stuff all the time but you know what.. it gets pretty boring sitting at a table drinking Hypnotiq straight up-- which tastes like a wine cooler, can be bought for $40 dollars regularly so you're not baller status if you get it, and might I add it is supposed to be MIXED with something, not to be drinked straight up. I also just got annoyed with sitting at a damn table and constantly hearing the gossip and bullshit that people had coming out of their mouths. And for the record-- the dancing-- JESUS, not many people know how to dance, and if they did, having dry sex on the dance floor doesn't mean your talented, it just means you have to get a room. I really started getting into the more major nightclubs aka Crobar/Avalon/Spirit/Roxy and all of the others in the beginning over the summer. What a 360. At first it slightly weirded me out but I took a great appreciation to house music and I think the vibe and the feeling is unbelievable. I also like how it is diverse and contray to what ignorant people aka my ex believe, there are plenty of clean-cut, "normal" people that go such as you and I. Anyway.. when I started promoting and doing guestlists and what not for these places, my ex FLIPPED out. I invited him to even go when we were together but he was just like "Its not my scene," and "Jen, how could you result yourself to trash like this with these type of people, these aren't OUR people." On top of everything, he couldn't dance for shit- which is a huge turn off for me (my fellow CPers that have seen me on the floor understand). There were more major problems that lead to our breakup.. but this.. I thought was just a mockery of words. How can one make an observation on something they never experienced? And then tell me I am bringing my own self-worth down? In this case, the club won.. he is more loyal of a partner anyway to me and will never let me down in terms of entertainment. :bowdown: I think that this scene is like an art and if someone can't or won't take the time to understand it.. screw them.

wait, you drink Hypnotiq?

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I would never stop going to clubs b/c a guy wanted me to...if you are really into the scene I think it's hard to hang out with someone who isn't, b/c a lot of people who aren't into it don't understand that it's not about drugs, hooking up, etc., but I think if someone were really understanding it could work. Not to mention that if someone loves you they shouldn't be asking you to give up something you really love...

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