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Why does everywhere suck?

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I have met plenty of types of people, enough to know what sort of scene I can tolerate in respect to nightlife. As far as clubs go, I am not going anywhere other than the upscale pretentious places, because I will hate it. If I want something other than that, I go to bars.

ok, but didn't u say you were TIRED of your regular nightlife routine? that's why i was suggesting opening up to other places or things u would have normally rejected....

you so need to move to LA and b happy with the pretentiousness at the doors everywhere in the more upscale celebrity spots

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ok, but didn't u say you were TIRED of your regular nightlife routine? that's why i was suggesting opening up to other places or things u would have normally rejected....

you so need to move to LA and b happy with the pretentiousness at the doors everywhere in the more upscale celebrity spots

LA sucks

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I'm not challenging you to a fight mate, i'm saying that you should try giving people shit in person. You're an idiot.

Excuse me for lack of emoticons.

i would..but it might be hard to find you in a club considering you HAVE NO FRIENDS..needle in a haystack sort of scenario

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Why do you care so much if I have friends or not? Either way, why would I want friends in this country in the first place? New Yorkers are cunts. Most of you anyway, but I think that I made actual friends with more people in my week in London than I did in my month and a half in New York. The number of people I have met in new york and numbers that I have got, I havn't called a single one. I find it funny how much shit the American's always get whenever I stay at a youth hostel anywhere in the world, not because you are American's, but because American's are dumbasses. It's a generalisation, there are good people here, but you don't have any culture or personality and you are so up tight and really have no clue. You get told to go fuck yourself anywhere in the real world. I have no trouble meeting people, I just can't stand alot of the people here.

And back to my original point, I said that I prefer to go out alone anyway, or else with one or two of the boys max. That way, I don't have to worry about ditching some large group for a root or if I feel like going somewhere else. I could go on for ages, and I know that you are just fucking with me to feel smart and waste my time, but i'm back in NY so I have nothing better to do.

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Actually the ORIGINAL stereo is on montreal Created by Angel Moraes you know the guy who made the place on 33rd st a few months back.

i was actually referring to the two stereos currently here in NYC not about any places outside the city but thanx for the history lesson anyways

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well abrooksbro there jus may be a solution 4 a person in ur postion...since it seems u have all the $$ u need and u have been to jus about every place in the world n jus about every club and u seem to hate all the ppl and all the music (which i dont kno how b/c there r so manyyy great dj's from local talent to international talent and soooooo much great music that its impossoble to hear it all) and every place...theres only one thing left for u to do: stay inside ur fucking house and do us all a favor...its ppl like u who go out wit there negative attitudes that spoil good vibes and great nites out...there r so many interestin ppl that u can meet u can never get bored even if u jus stay in NYC...and if u dont wanna stay in ur house n play wit urself then u might want to take up a hobby like mayb polo or crouchet...good luck solvin ur problem...hope an answer hits u in the head real soon...:aright:

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I hate stereo (if you mean the one on 29th), I hate B.E.D and I think I hate guesthouse, but I can't be sure if I remember it.

You are a woefully revolting oaf, a deucedly ignominious sycophant, and a decrepit, myopic tainted spawn of a syphilitic swamp hog.

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Wasn't in the cards for last night, went to Cirpianis, then marquee and was supposed to go meet some friend after at Bungalow and then I guess they went to Scores after, but I got too drunk too early and was home by 2 or 230 I think.

Cipriani and Marquee are so 2003, you nouveau riche amalgam of dross, drivel and malarkey.

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why does everywhere suck??? that's super easy to answer.... for some reason in NYC it's quite OK to give attitude. i don't know about your scene but in a place where being all fab and full of glamour, and seeing who can throw the biggest attitude around, is far more important then what the DJ is spinning then everything sucking hardcore is about the easiest thing to give an answer to.

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why does everywhere suck??? that's super easy to answer.... for some reason in NYC it's quite OK to give attitude. i don't know about your scene but in a place where being all fab and full of glamour, and seeing who can throw the biggest attitude around, is far more important then what the DJ is spinning then everything sucking hardcore is about the easiest thing to give an answer to.

wrong, I could care less about the DJ. The only people who complain about the attitude etc... are people who can't get in, or people who just want to dress like trash and dance on E, I want no part of that.

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wrong, I could care less about the DJ. The only people who complain about the attitude etc... are people who can't get in, or people who just want to dress like trash and dance on E, I want no part of that.

exactly - you don't care about the DJ - neither do most of the peeps in this town - it's all about who you know, if you're on some list, how cool you can be, etc, etc... and then people wonder why this flaky nothing-but-fluff thin-as-ice as-see-through-as-plastic scene sucks. go to any city where people actually care about music and you'll see a scene that does NOT suck and people who don't mind waiting in a long line and actually paying to get into a club

and excuse me - i'll be the first one to complain about attitude problems however i hardly have a problem getting into clubs for free. and if you call caring nothing more than wearing jeans and a t-shirt as dressing as "trash" then i'm all for the mold effect.

btw, forgive me if i read u wrong because it seems to me you meant to write "i couldn't care less" because people don't usually say the care about something by saying "i could care less"....

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We obviously want different types of places. I would be loathe to waste a night at the type of place you seem to want, and you seem to want nothing to do with the pretentious, who you know places that I like. I have no problem with the DJ playing 80's/top40/hip hop, and I don't do lines, so I like the fact that you can waltz in and cut everyone if you know the right people, and I like hanging out with other people like me. Basically all I want out of nightlife, it new venues that cater to this crowd and don't suck, my complaint is that this niche has gotten stagnant in terms of venue proliferation

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what? some place that only plays 80's/top40/hip-hop becoming stagnant? imagine that.... (and i would imagine you're not talking 80's, as in New Order 80's) - you can only be in a lame scene for so long b4 you realize it's super tired... one day you might realize it was tired from the start...

what i'm into is a scene that plays the most cutting edge music possible and i'm sorry, trance that has been around for 15 years at least is not 'cutting edge'....

btw - this was trance when it 1st hit FL and was kewl:

we shall be by well hung parliment '91

btw pt ii - the break in this song was one of the 1st real breaks in house music and to this day is probably the most beautiful break ever.... the simplicity and beauty of it can not be understated

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