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You have to SEPARATE the two: being healthy, smart, and a responsible person (sober or not - you can still be that!) is not the same issue as "enjoyment" ie: clubs, music, dj's etc. FIRST AND FOREMOST its our own self worth: physically, mentally , emotionally, etc. that needs to be there.

Its like that old saying, you cant love anyone or expect anyone to love you UNTIL YOU LOVE YOURSELF. Until you realize your own limits, responsibilities, and take care of yourself as best you can -- you have no place putting clubs first. If something like this doesn't affect you and make you just a litte more careful...you have more issues than what to do if twilo closes! Those people prove their inability to prioritize and realize what really matters in life.

The entertainment industry exists to enhance our lives; but without the ablity handle it maturely & realistically (and still maintain a life outside it) it can destroy you SO quickly. Ive seen it happen time and time again over the past 7 years- celebrities, drug dealers, suburban kids, city snobs, every ethnicity, religion, race - DRUGS ARE BLIND when it comes to who ends up dead.

Its not the kids who brag about popping 10 pils and going out every night that make it. Its the one that says , "Im going to stay in and take a rest tonight" that are the ones who can take the good from the club industry and escape the bad. And the ones who can look back and not regret a thing, who are happy to suffer through "miserable sunday" because they will make sure to get their ass in shape on Monday and do what they have to do. Yes it is possible to be in this scene, and still be a happy normal person -- but it takes a lot of determination and realistic thinking -- NOT saying "what about s&d" when someone DIES!



--=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--

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PVD slammed the dancefloor anywhere he wanted to...

At one point in the night, the crowd spread out a bit and I thought there was a fight, then this fat bastard was stumbling around precariously and grabbing at the air, then he fell on his ass, then it took 3 bouncers, one of my boys and some other dude a while to lift him up and drag him out of the club.

He seemed older than 21, though. I wonder how many people get carried out of that place on a hot (hot=slamming and hot=temperature) night.

PVD - 2 + 1/2 hours wait, but well worth it

Hopefully the extra money they made by robbing everyone an extra $15 at the door (35-ridiculous)can go towards paying lawsuits and paying off Guiliani..... hee hee

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Im sorry but most of you people need to wake the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!

listen to this!!!!

"me and my bro's were chillen ,and some fat basterd was like grabing for air, and it took 3 bouncers to pull him out""



Maybe that fat basterd was somone's son,Friend, lover, Who are you to call anyone fat? or to make judjment on anyone, maybe the kid you saw wasent fucked up on drugs? Maybe he had a heart problem?

People!! Take a fucking look at your self!

someone DIED!!!

there gone!, forever, some family is sick over this, and some of you are like

"Oh my god!! does this mean PVD will not spin anymore"


and move the fuck out of NY, your the ones that make all of us look bad!!!

as for the kid that past on,

to his friends and family,

my love and hope goes to you all


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This is ridiculous, it's sad that it happened, it's always terrible to hear when someone dies who is part of the club scene for whatever reason. It may have been bad e, they put, coke, cracl & rat poison in it these days, very little mdma...Anyway, the club scene will go on, pvd will continue to play in new york, im sure twilo will remain open, this death really won't effect many of your lives, yet you get so riled up about it. Security @ twilo will remain the same & people will continue to do drugs regardless of what has just happened...I for one do not do hard drugs, I smoke weed and that's on occasion, the reason being I lost several friends to OD's and drug related incidents years ago and I didn't want to end up like them, something more close to home makes you reflect on life and try to do something different or better than the next person...In my opinion music is the only drug you need, it gives me the high I need, I know after I go see DT on Fri I'm happy all the way through till Monday...I think more people now see the club scene as a way to go out and get fucked up, its not about enjoying the music or a vibe, its about how fucked up can you get, or how many letters of the alphabet can you do in one night...Things have changed...




"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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Overcrowded, overheated, overpriced, and an overpaid dj on a rainy night in New York City. If these reasons arent enough to despise Twilo perhaps you should reflect upon the death on friday night.

If the owners were actually concerned with their clubgoer's well being, they would not allow that many people into the night club. Twilo needs 3 more dance floors to accomodate the crowd it pulls in, and a new management team that understands customer satisfaction. It is the people that make the club, not the owners. Anyone with a large wallet can bring in a world-renounced dj. It's just unfortunate that the club owners arent in the entertainment industry, but rather the money making industry. Please take note that I've gone to these overcrowded nights enough to know that Twilo is heading towards disaster.

If you disagree with me, state your opinion. It will be respected regardles of how passionate you feel towards this subject. Right down the street is a night club that has survived through thick and thin. I'd love to see some big name dj's such as Paul Van Dyk spinning there instead. Seeing PVD at Twilo is like going to see Metallica in a gymnasium.

Darin C.

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I agree....Twilo has a serious overcrowding problem. Not to diverge from the topic, but I can't ever properly dance there, and i'm usually sober. I can just imagine the poor kid getting even worse from the heat & crush of the crowd.

as for shutting it down, they might. Fox likes to stick their nose in things and do "exposes" on the rave/club scenes. Was anyone else in DC when they shut down Buzz? And that was just over some secret camera footage. This time someone DIED.

I have lost a couple of friends myself. Be responsible guys.

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It's certainly very sad when someone dies. there's no doubt about that.

If you go to clubs for the music & vibe, and this guy did drugs and died and brought attention to the scene and the club gets closed, etc, then don't you have a right to be a bit upset.

I mean, this does bring a bad name to all of us, if you say he is one of us.

I don't think people mean disrespect to this guy or his family, its just that this is a message board about clubs/raves and the promotion of a positive club experience. When people die at clubs/raves, we aren't trying to be rude to the deceased by wondering about the effect it will have on the club world......

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Quoted by dschwed:


Yes I am saying that it is somewhat partially their fault. He took the pill didn't he? And the asshole who sold him the bad one is the biggest dick of all. So before you tell me "fuck you" because I implied that some blame lays upon the person who passed...save a real big Fuck You for the dick who sold him the bad pill ok? Is that cool with you? I mean god forbid you should recognize and acknowledge the fact that it is quite possible no one forced the poor guy to take the pill to start with. And Another thing, I've been reading this board for awhile and everyone is always saying be careful if you do drugs and be careful of who you buy from and never get your drug in the club because you don't know where it came from. So again there is a clear responsibilty on the person who took the pill. And I'm not trying to disrespect the deceased. Not at all. What I'm trying to say is that he was responsible for his actions and before you shout at me a Fuck you. Take a minute and think about the whole story. Yes I feel bad for what happened to him and it is wrong that it happened. And I don't want it to happen again, but the sad reality is that this stuff does happen and we can't make the world stop each time it does. We as individuals have to keep going on. And in a small tribute, maybe we as a club community should stop dropping or whatever drug you do this weekend and party in his memory, because after all the guy was here for the same thing we all are here for...to dance and lose yourself in the music.

And I think I'm not alone in this thought, from what I see, charrails as echoed similar sentiments.

sorry this was long.

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No I do think the person who sold him the pill is a fucking dick also but all i'm saying is the kid was 21. People do stupid things like drugs and just because he took a pill doesnt mean he deserved what happened to him. I'm sure you have dropped before. So if u died your friends would just shrug their shoulders and say oh well .... his fault he took the pill. No I agree he took a risk i ntaking the pill but no one thinks they are going to die. I hope this is a wake up call to people.


Everything will be perfect .... tonight and forever....

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I agree totaly with miss diva, and Jdogg

WE all ned to take a good look, especialy those of us who think it'll never happen to you or your friends because you're too smart for that... well you can't be all that smart to make a remark like that. Drugs.. are drugs.. you take a chance either way and everytime. My heart goes out to the friends and family of this guy.. I hope.. not even... act. I wish we would all take things like this more seriously... It COULD be YOU..be careful.. and get your morals intact.. whats more importaint.. a life or next weeks party? I choose a life.... be responsible.... and safe... there's only one you.. not everyone is lucky enough to make it out of a bad trip/ roll/ hole/ or what ever.. be thankful.. Music is the ans. not drugs. and I'm not trying to preach like I havent done my share of it. but in the long run, when you/I put it in perspective, I realize my life and love of the music is far more importaint then killing myself slowly. just my $.02 Just be safe.....

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Everyone is talking like they know what happened to this kid. We have NO idea that this was just a bad pill. Did any of his friends get sick too? I think what happened sucks and I feel bad for this guy's family and friends, but we can't say it was a bad pill(for all we know it could have been GHB). We also can't say it wasn't a bad pill. We just have to wait to see what happens before we go jumping to conclusions.

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Keebler, I'm glad someone brought up the subject that we really DO NOT know what killed this guy. I have also heard that it could of been GHB and not a bad pill. Like jennysweet I, too, have never heard of anyone ODing on just X. Not to say that there is no risk in X or any other form of drugs. There are ALWAYS risks. You know the old saying people, "When you play always be ready to pay." I think we should hold off on jumping to conclusions until we know for sure what happened.

On another note, I have to agree with DoubleDown also. We were not born yesterday . . . we're taught from a very young age that drugs are bad. Drugs kill. So, when a 21 yearold MAN . . . not a boy . . . decides to purchase an illegal substance and take it . . . as much as the dealers are at fault, it is ulitmately YOUR decision on what you do with YOUR body. That's the bottom line. If you decide to put things into your body without knowing what it is or how it could hurt you then the you are at some fault for what happen. I'm not saying that this guy deserved to die . . . for crying out loud . . . NO BODY deserves to die for wanting to party hard. However, we know the consequences. You have the power of what goes in you . . . the final decision is yours. So, make them wisely.

dschwed, I don't think any of us here are shrugging our shoulders and brushing this off.



"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write,

but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."

By Alvin Toffler.

[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 07-24-2000).]

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I am not sure we can blame the dealer, it's just supply an demand.

I havent herd of any deaths to do with bad pills. Ok there are bad pills out there but surly we cannot put the blame on anybody but ourselves. If anybody thinks that some dodgey dealer is going to buy a bad batch of 200-3000 and then throw them away they need to think again.

Ok this PMA stuff seems like there could be a case for blaming someone else but ourselves as who is to know.

This isn't the first death and unfortunatley it wont be the last.

I think it was PooH that said get somebody you trust stick with them and dont buy in clubs. Get yourself a testing kit, drink enough water but not too much and moderate.


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I'm so engrossed with this kids death. He was probably feeling the same way most of us were feeling then all of a sudden his hapiness ends. I know these are the risks we take but this is still so disturbing. I heard someone died at Sound Factory about 2 months ago. I wonder how many other people pass away when they go home from the club. Sorry to sound morbid, but when will it end? This really makes me not want to party like this anymore.

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Originally posted by jennysweet:

I'm so engrossed with this kids death. He was probably feeling the same way most of us were feeling then all of a sudden his hapiness ends. I know these are the risks we take but this is still so disturbing. I heard someone died at Sound Factory about 2 months ago. I wonder how many other people pass away when they go home from the club. Sorry to sound morbid, but when will it end? This really makes me not want to party like this anymore.

Are you serious ??? Come on, people die everyday does that make you stop and change the way you live your life ? No it doesn't. I don't mean to sound like a unsympathetic, because what happened at Twilo was a tragedy. I hope that at least the kids death will make people more responsible with drugs, not turn them away from the club scene or force the clubs to close down. The problem is people buying fake shit and then not actin responsible when they are in a clubs.

Sorry about rambling on like that....in kinda of a bitter mood.

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my heart goes out to the family & friends of James Wiest(the guy who died at twilo) but seriously who r we to judge him?? for all we know he could have had a bad day & decided to try the drug for the first time.. or he could be the person you see all the time strung out on drugs never know..more importantly u never know what exactly is in E there are so many kinds & so many possible effects..

its scary even though our sense of curiosity sometimes steps in can kill us its almost human nature to wanna try something your parents told you not to do .. miss diva, doubledown,& jdogg.. i totally agree & understand all of what u've posted..this is the type of thing that effects us as the club community..it makes us look HORRIBLE but stop & think it could have been one of your friends. & don't say "your friends would never put themselves in that predicament" b/c you never know..it could have been his first time .. imagine the thoughts that went through his head before he died..how would you feel if this was one of your friends?? would you still be so worried about S & D?? b/c I'm sure they'll be there next week but unfortunately this kid won't be..

yea he took his partying too far..you don't know what's was going on in his mind either..its was partly his fault but the truth of the matter is a life was lost!

I think for sure they are gonna start cracking down on security in clubs & if we don't smarten up a little bit the whole club scene is going to slowly deterirate.. i think we should take this as a lesson..be a little bit smarter about how u choose to party..i guess...just be safe...maybe out of respect we should all go out clubbing for the real reason ..to be around the only other people who understand why the club scene is so addictive in a sense..THE MUSIC..to enjoy the atmostphere..just forget about getting hight..bumpin..rolling..hooking up etc..& just enjoy the club .. this kid is someone just like us..who was there to hear the music & let loose for a night..think about his family.. his freinds before u question if S & D will be there next week..while ur danceing next week just remember somebody just like you lost their life there.. for once think about SOMEBODY else before YOURSELF!!

"PVD slammed the dancefloor anywhere he wanted to...

At one point in the night, the crowd spread out a bit and I thought there was a fight, then this fat bastard was stumbling around precariously and grabbing at the air, then he fell on his ass, then it took 3 bouncers, one of my boys and some other dude a while to lift him up and drag him out of the club.

He seemed older than 21, though. I wonder how many people get carried out of that place on a hot (hot=slamming and hot=temperature) night."


P.S. read this everyone..( EAT PILLS? READ THIS!!! - ClubPlanet.com Message Boards )

sorry if i offended any1 =\



*Get the f*k off my dance floor..SF <3 *

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my heart goes out to the family & friends of James Wiest(the guy who died at twilo) but seriously who r we to judge him?? for all we know he could have had a bad day & decided to try the drug for the first time.. or he could be the person you see all the time strung out on drugs never know..more importantly u never know what exactly is in E there are so many kinds & so many possible effects..

its scary even though our sense of curiosity sometimes steps in can kill us its almost human nature to wanna try something your parents told you not to do .. miss diva, doubledown,& jdogg.. i totally agree & understand all of what u've posted..this is the type of thing that effects us as the club community..it makes us look HORRIBLE but stop & think it could have been one of your friends. & don't say "your friends would never put themselves in that predicament" b/c you never know..it could have been his first time .. imagine the thoughts that went through his head before he died..how would you feel if this was one of your friends?? would you still be so worried about S & D?? b/c I'm sure they'll be there next week but unfortunately this kid won't be..

yea he took his partying too far..you don't know what's was going on in his mind either..its was partly his fault but the truth of the matter is a life was lost!

I think for sure they are gonna start cracking down on security in clubs & if we don't smarten up a little bit the whole club scene is going to slowly deterirate.. i think we should take this as a lesson..be a little bit smarter about how u choose to party..i guess...just be safe...maybe out of respect we should all go out clubbing for the real reason ..to be around the only other people who understand why the club scene is so addictive in a sense..THE MUSIC..to enjoy the atmostphere..just forget about getting hight..bumpin..rolling..hooking up etc..& just enjoy the club .. this kid is someone just like us..who was there to hear the music & let loose for a night..think about his family.. his freinds before u question if S & D will be there next week..while ur danceing next week just remember somebody just like you lost their life there.. for once think about SOMEBODY else before YOURSELF!!

"PVD slammed the dancefloor anywhere he wanted to...

At one point in the night, the crowd spread out a bit and I thought there was a fight, then this fat bastard was stumbling around precariously and grabbing at the air, then he fell on his ass, then it took 3 bouncers, one of my boys and some other dude a while to lift him up and drag him out of the club.

He seemed older than 21, though. I wonder how many people get carried out of that place on a hot (hot=slamming and hot=temperature) night."


P.S. read this everyone..( EAT PILLS? READ THIS!!! - ClubPlanet.com Message Boards )



*Get the f*k off my dance floor..SF <3 *

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it really is sad that something like this had to happen. Many people are curious to know just how many pills he has taken. There are many other factors that may have influenced his death. I have worked in a hospital for almost a year now and see lots of people who have come in with overdoses. There are cases that they have taken a relatively small amount. This 21 year old may possibly have had previous health problems. His heat may not have been strong enought to handle it. I'm not gonna sit here and lecture about the dangers of e but I am writing to tell you that it effects everyone in different ways. I have a and old friend who would take up to 15 pills a night and other friends who take at least 7. It effects all parts of the body. I have noticed for me that I have had stomach problems in the past. It was very hard for me to digest food and I had quite alot of weight loss ( i did not mind this cuz I am a female) perhaps those who have taken the drug can give me some info on the problems they have had after using.

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I was at Twilo Friday/Saturday night when this all happened, yet I didn't find out about it until Sunday night. The first thing I'd like to say is that somewhere in the NY Times article there was a mention of this guy possibly doing liquid GHB. Liquid GHB is a date rape drug that essentially slows down your heart and your body. I know of a specific incident where two people almost died b/c it slowed their heart down too much. This is ridiculous, who is the idiot who ingests this and brings the reaction it causes upon themselves? Doing that is stupid, and taking that drug and combining it with jumping up and down and dancing is, of course, going to unfortunately kill you.

The second thing I'd like to mention is that there really is no need to roll. I understand it's a matter of personal opinion and choice, but I have an amazing time and always stay until the last record is spun and don't roll. Sorry, I don't want to sound preachy at all b/c each individual is allowed to make their own decisions and my friends even do it, but it's just a thought.

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before i even comment on Twilo and the death incident...

(PvD is God!)

...and to continue, i remember very clearly seeing a group of bouncers carry a guy off the dance floor.

i later walked up to the exit doors and sat down to groove to the sounds of PvD.

i leaned back on one of the doors to let some cool air in and i noticed a guy lying on the floor with his pants half way down his knees (as if been searched)...

he was a rounded white guy in a black tee and blue jeans (i think)...

i wondered if this was the same guy that got carried off and was lying there dead, or maybe he was just passed out.

before the door was slammed shut by someone inside i couldn't help feeling a chill.

i shuddered at the thought that maybe this guy's really dead or was he just peaking off a good fuckin' roll?

then i heard about the death incident and i my mind began to permutate.

i felt really bad for the guy because i know he came to twilo to have a good time --like we all did!

but this guy wasn't coming back to enjoy it ever again.


after reading all the responses posted on this topic, i think the most important revelation that i would like to express is the fact that i'm more worried about the use of drugs (what ever it might be...)

i see my friends hooked on it and who knows when something bad might happen. (it doesn't even have to be a bad batch, it can just be laced with something someone purposely put in...)

yes, i'm tempted to go out this weekend but maybe it's better to just chill and take a step back from it all...

how about you?


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first of all i am how they can't find a cause of death considering it most likely well duh is drugs, i heard they didn't find anything

second now they are gonna go crazy in clubs now like they are gonna make some new bs whats the word restrictments, requirments in searching i dunno

third of all what lawsuit can they actually sue if he was taking drugs, i mean hey he took the risk and it bein gillegal and all i dunno,

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