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**UPDATED 3** Recent examples of a collapsing club scene:

V. Barbarino

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Guest Marina22

WTF ?! I’m in the middle of my winter hibernation and wake up to this thread ?! Before I go back to sleep until the arrival of spring (otherwise known as the WMC), I leave you with these nuggets:

1) Some of youz need to get a passport and travel. Dance music is a global force that will be here long after us old folks have stopped carrying the torch.

2) Radio airplay dictates what music format is popular in any given market. I defy anyone to prove otherwise.

3) Dade is right; clubs are a business whose only concern is ringing up sales at the bar. You all should be ecstatic that ANY form of electronic music is even played in a bar/club.

4) Like anything, this business is cyclical. I’ve been in Miami 15 years and trust me it has been this bad before. Guess what? It always gets better too. Simple case of the market correcting itself.

5) Both commercial AND underground scenes can co-exist. In fact they are both necessary for any scene to grow & prosper. Hip hop is the template for this.

6) The snobbery needs to stop. All genres generate some amazing music as well as an incredible amount of crap. Get over it and expand your musical horizons. I love Italian food but I wouldn’t want to eat it every friggin’ day. I don’t understand why everything in this scene has to be either / or instead of and / also.

Anywho, nice reading such a lively debate. As usual the true path lies somewhere in the middle, I’m just happy to hear music evolve & change. This music I love has been giving me joy & goosebumps for well over a decade. How many things can you say that about? :)

Right on, brotherman! ;D Yes, I do need to travel more even though I have a passport or two..

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Guest Major

I have to agree with Pod, sound system is the most important component in a night club. With that being said, what good is a Dynacord, if the quality of music coming out of it is piss-poor at best. Bad music gives me a headache, therefore I will take quality music on JBL's and Cackies any day of the week.

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Guest spinderella7713

I have to agree with Pod, sound system is the most important component in a night club. With that being said, what good is a Dynacord, if the quality of music coming out of it is piss-poor at best. Bad music gives me a headache, therefore I will take quality music on JBL's and Cackies any day of the week.

I agree with this to an extent. Yes I dont want to hear a crackling sound system....but TOP of the line is not a necessity unless you have a megaclub. A small club needs good music, and good drink prices...and some freggin marketing. thats about it.

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Guest pod

Really? I mean, I loathe country but it doesn't give me a headache.

Must be my background. A dog's age ago, I was a light tech for a local sound company run by a friend of mine. We had to listen to some of the most godawful acts that South Florida put out on the rock, dance, and and Latin scenes. No one with talent seemingly wanted to hire us. Except for this one Billy Joel-esque performer, he was actually really good. We used him to demo new gear all the time.

But, we made the bad acts sound fantastic from a technical level. Their bad music sounded excellent. We'd bitch about the music, but comment positively on the fidelity.

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Guest pod

Once yer good 'n drunk.

Which reminds me, we did have a beer cooler next to the processing rack. Odd juxtaposition. $50,000+ worth of processing and $50 worth of beer.

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Guest Editor

Pod, that club you posted is a tough one. I just checked the entire DVD segment and I didn't see anything that would identify it exactly. That episode aired 10/84, so it was probably filmed mid-84 at the latest. The general layout of that club is similar to Warsaw with the angled entry door in the SE corner and a bar along the North side. Even the elevated platform with the handrail and center support columns would sort of fit, but the columns didn't have those big fluted-things at the top like Warsaw, and also I didn't think that the Warsaw space was tricked-out light-wise until Club Ovo in 5/1986. This was Warsaw the night it closed...


Plus, in the opening segment of "Made for Each Other" from 3/85, it shows Warsaw completely gutted, and that club in the segment you're talking about seems awfully new to be gutted less than one year later.

I think you're going to have to call Michael Mann on this one, dude.

(Actually, you could email screen caps of some of the wide-angle scenes from the DVD to LP and see if he can recognize those neon light patterns on the wall.)

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Guest Editor

Dade, can you remember when Warsaw was first used as a modern-day club?

I know that as early as 1981 it was being called the "Warsaw Ballroom," but I get the impression that it was being used by the old folks as an actual big-band-dance style ballroom.

Just curious.

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Bling, what if she was playing the latest tracks from Johnny Fiasco?

nope .. maybe if she spun naked though

so u can see bones and freckles? id pass on that one.

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Guest JustDade

Dade, can you remember when Warsaw was first used as a modern-day club?

I know that as early as 1981 it was being called the "Warsaw Ballroom," but I get the impression that it was being used by the old folks as an actual big-band-dance style ballroom.

Just curious.

I'm not 100% sure of the exact timeline but it was originally called the Warsaw Ballroom. It was a dance hall. It was converted to a full nightclub and was also called the Warsaw Ballroom. At some point it was Ovo...I think as the first re-incarnation...and also it was The China Club...Then Warsaw again. The funny thing is that I have a satin Ovo "members Only" jacket that was given to me at the opening and I have a China Club "letterman" jacket that the owner gave me. Both are in a box in the attic.

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Guest djcarlosf

btw when i refered to nyc, san fran, dallas, etc. i am refering to the underground scene.

we all know that san fran, nyc and chicago will always have a really strong mainstream nightlife industry.

to me underground is exactly what it is. BYOB.. warehouse parties where people go for the music and if they break even or even make some sort of profit.. thats just an added bonus...

only ones i see in this city that at least is mentioned on this board is

joe's warehouse parties........and the residence parties

i also want to highlight something marina said a while back about mansion when she went to hear timo maas

I can comprehend it from both sides of the coin

VIP crowd spends the $$$ so Mansion ropes off most of the main room to cater to that crowd. Is that bad? Nope..

They bring in an underground dj to satiate the headz and bring in the cash at the same time by having a large VIP area

the problem is the undergound headz want to dance and when you have no dancing room available except at the far corner of the room behind the couches. which is a veritable clusterfuck of people going in and out of vip.. or the stairs in front of the ivy room then yeah people will voice their opinion.

personally this is why i go to small hole in the wall places and avoid larger venues.

Hell I like Roger Sanchez but i havent gone to see him at space only because i like to actually have dancing room. being shoved around from one corner of the patio to the other because its slammed is not my idea of a good time.

blame my old ass i guess.... so be it.. yeah i said it im OLD lol

yah i wont see a PVD, Tiesto or Danny Tenagalia play at Blue or Laundry bar but at least ill have room to dance..

course these venues bring in djs that cater more to the music heads as well becuase they can (they dont have the high overhead costs that pod has mentioned before... etc)

space will always pack it in...... cameo will pack it in..... mansion will continue to dominate the hip hop scene on sobe.

life goes on.......






underground headz?

room to dance?

mainstream nightlife industry?


Bling...are you serious?!?

if it wasn't for the very things you criticize...you wouldn't even be aware of this scene you claim alliegeance to...

When you discovered EDM a few years back...and you were listening to PVD, Armin, Tiesto etc... at Ultra with 20,000 people smashed up against you and you had your hands in the air worshipping while wearing your custom "I love Trance" t-shirt....you had no fucking clue about these things you speak of now..BUT, thanks to that scene, you found this music and this scene.....so why knock it?

the way I see it is....

The Tiestos, PVDs, Morillos etc......are a very important part of this...they are the gateway drug...They are an introduction to a culture which at this point is pretty rich with talent...

I love this music...and as an artist I want EVERYONE to experience my music...I dont care who they are or how underground they claim to be..

If they are on the floor while Im playing house music...they're cool with me!!

oscar is right. they ARE the gateway drug. as most people say, trance is the gateway drug, simply because these big name djs attract the most people and give them a taste. hey if they like it, ok. truth is, theyll get tired of the same sound and go exploring for other electronic music. i dont like these big jocks sound, but i do give them respect for keeping the scene alive. the underground will always survive, and so will the mainstream. its all about balance!

i remember when i used to think pvd was the best dj in the world. liked pvd, corsten, and many other trance/ hard house djs. hey, it took me a $65 ticket to ultra 2001 to figure out that 'this type of music isnt its all its cracked up to be.' even the trance kids that like the big names, dont stay there. theres a bunch of them that go on to discover other djs that are 'underground'.

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Guest pod

Welll, at least you realize that. No one's gonna dispute you for your preferences, but at least you realize that you can't have an "underground" without an above-ground.

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Guest djcarlosf

dude like, i go support friends no matter what type of music they spin or produce. i just take my earplugs.

if youre going to 'support the scene', do so, venues dont represent 'the scene.'

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