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What's More Important...

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What people wear into a club or the vibe they bring in?

I ask this because it seems that some people really have an issue with dress code. That it's more important to look good than to have a good time. I like to get dressed to kill from time to time, but on the other hand, I am more comfortable in clothes that I can actually dance in.

What does the board think?


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My girlfriend and I always complain about the

same thing. You go out to dance your ass

off, but you have to put on Dressy clothes to get in... Even worse, fancy shoes that you

can't dance in. I wish they at least let us wear sneakers. The stupid part is, you have to dress like a champ to get in, but everyone inside is a sweaty mess, and half of their clothes come off anyway - everyone ends up looking crappy, so why do we have to start out looking good?

It's kinda cool to be decked out and feel like you're in a (somewhat) classy place, but

the option should be ours....

I hear Vinyl has a less strict dress code - is that true?

Tunnel you can dress down, but noone's really inside the place.

Any other mega clubs let you in with sneaks?

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Part of my enjoyable club experience is being around people who looove the scene, are happy and are dancing their asses off. But I must acknowlwdge that I think that when you are going out to the club you should dress to impress, while still being comfortable.

It's all about looking good, feeling good, having a good time, and creating a good vibe!


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Shit. Your vibe is much more important than any fucking cloth you cover yourself in. You can bet you ass on this....any club that values your clothes over anything else, is the club that gives off the most negative energy and shade. You can walk into Vinyl wrapped in toilet paper, but you'll enjoy yourself more. I have gone to Twilo in Structure workout pants and sneakers, and had the best time. Do yourself a favor, and go to Vinyl.

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Originally posted by charrails:

The stupid part is, you have to dress like a champ to get in, but everyone inside is a sweaty mess, and half of their clothes come off anyway - everyone ends up looking crappy, so why do we have to start out looking good? ?

totally agree, i dont mind getting dressed up but within an hour inside you're all sweatty and half the guys take off their shit. by the end of the nite your nice clothes are looking like shit anyway.

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i disagree

by having some sort of dress code it keeps away the people you dont want there

yeah the party is most important but i dont wanna see people wearing sweat pants or ripped jeans to party show some respect for yourself and the club but sneakers should be permitted exit will let you in in sneaks

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i also agree with letting people dress "comfortably" into clubs. if you want to lounge around in nice clothes and not get them all sweaty from dancing, then go to a place that wants people to do just that- a lounge, bar, posh club, etc. verycool.gif

but if you're going to dance, then come dressed to dance. if you could balance on 5 inch shoes, go ahead. if you don't mind risking your nice lil d&g shirt as a victim of an alcohol spill, then by all means wear it.

but i am not one of those people. i will choose my nikes over my 4 1/2 inch platforms anyday.

i don't think it matters what people wears at all- some of my best nights at clubs have been filled with the most electic group of people, not the same homogeneous crowd dipped in labels and h&m gear.

ps. the clubs i have gotten into with sneakers: Tunnel, Twilo, Exit, SF, Limelight.



*turn it around baby*

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My first time at Exit I was told the dress code did not allow sneakers. I ended up having a very frustrating time on the dance floor in heels. Yes i think people should look respectable, but it's all about being in your own element and wearing clothes that do not hinder your dancing experience.

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Dress code is a nazi attitude that allow the fachist bouncers to harrass people at their door. Also the people who go to a club to see and be seen didn't get it and are just a bunch of snob losers.

When I want to dress up I go to a lounge or a good restaurant.

Vynil is the best place. I guess when the snob losers get there with all their gucci and versace clothes and ruin them because of the heat they don't come back and bother us.

I don't want to dance with snobs rich kids who don't know how to have fun (anyway those pricks don't know how to dance.)

(Sorry for the negativity today there are a few things that pissed me off recently...)

Plur (anyway)

-Joël S.

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THE VIBE IS MOST IMPORTANT, and if you feel differently, you are there for the wrong reason.

Vinyl is THE place, but if I have to get dressed up, I bring a change of clothes. How the fuck can I dance with a skirt and platform heels?


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people wanna go to a club to have fun and dance all nite rite?? then why would you wanna go all uncomfortable? when i go to clubs i like to look good, but be comfortable too. i definitly think the vibe is much more important. actually when i go clubbin i don't go there to see who looks good or not, but just to have fun and meet cool people.

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I would agree with most everyone else on the board, it's all about the vibe and music. Without either the party just isn't a party. Leave the dress-up part at the lounges and the snobs in the upper west side bars. Whats the point if you are going to sweat your ass off you should be comfortable. On the same token, there is no reason to come out smelling like left over cheese and looking like you just woke up from a fifteen year disco-nap either. There is enough gear to be trendy yet comfortable on the floor.

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I think it all depends on what club your at.. If your going out to like Sound Factory or a well dressed club, why would you want to look like shit, when everyone else is dressed nice??

I usually get dressed up whenever I go out, with the exception of Vinyl.. Vinyl is the only place I goto in sweats and sneakers.. No one is really dressed up in Vinyl ( Cept for Abstrakt..lol wink.gif ),..

When I go to SF, I like to dress nice.. I like to see everyone in there dressed nice as well.. It just looks good when your walking around checking everyone out.. I have gone to SF in the AM hours in Adidas and sneakers, but at 7 in the morning, no one is really dressed up anymore..


Hit My Damn Music...

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Ya i totally agree about the less restrictive dress code policy. I especially hate dancing in my boots. There's nothing quite as wonderful as dancing in my sketchers sneakers.

Trance was meant to be danced to in sneakers...

just my 2 cents...

Oh and all big sweaty guidos shold always be forced to keep there shirts on or face being thrown into a big pit and hosed down or something...

ok 4 cents... =)

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More of my 2 cents. OK I can understand getting decked out for the lounges etc... And I definately agree with looking decent when your at a club. But I just don't get how one can be judged as rif raf simply on their attire, to me it's superficial and those people who do judge simply have missed the whole reason why we all go to the clubs.


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vibe is more important to me.....

i hate dressing up but if theres an event i wanna go to ill do it....

i agree with getting dressed nice then having ur clothes stink that sucks

i think clubs should have no dress code this way there are so many advantages ......

one being you would more than likely meet people for who they are maybe though.... liek thugs pretty boys normal people

its better to be comfortable

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let me tell you guys about a great invention

washing machine!!!!!!!!!!!

i have never ruined a nice pair of pants or shirt in a year and a half of going to factory and exit

all this bull about ruining clothes is stupid

and i have found two pair of shoes that are comfortable and fashionable to wear and i can dance all night in them

if the hoes are a prob go for sketchers


music is an escape from reality-----------

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Agree with Pilla, start using the washing machine...I've been to clubs all over Europe, and over there it is a no-brainier to get dressed up before you head out for the night. I haven't ruined any of my good clothes in clubs so far.

Maybe for some the scene is just about dancing away for hours on end, so that's fine, come in with comfortable clothes and shoes or go to clubs like don't care about your dresscode to dance away. Others however go clubbing just to dress up and be trendy, dance a bit, look at everyone else, and go home still looking good. Stop judging other people by what they do at a club or what crowd a club owner tries to attract by upholding a dresscode. there's a scene for everyone that suits them, just live and let "live"...

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