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O.k . be honest- who was a geak in H.S ?

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I'll say it. I was a loser in H.S.

I never had any friends. I was friends w/ all the other losers.

The worst part was - I lived across street from the most popular cheeerleader in class ..and EVERY weekend she would have her parties for the cool kids and all I did was hide in my room and watch ...

Funny thing is ...It never ends. Even in this small club scene - It's just like high school ALL OVER again.

always about- Who's the prettiest, richest, coolest ..

One big pathetic popularity contest.

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i was never a geek, per-se, in high school, however i belonged to the "head-banger, stoner" set, as opposed to the "preppy" group. That was how it was in hs. in the 80's in PA...we were the stoners....not much has changed...ha ha, 'cept i have less brain cells.....but when i went back for my 10 year reunion i was so happy to see that all the "popular" kids were either fat or saddled with a wife/husband and kids. i wouldn't trade places with them for all the dinero in the world. no-one knew who i was at my reunion and it was the best feeling in the world to look at those condescending assholes and say to myself "see who's laughing now???"........hee hee, i win!! and i always will, that's just me!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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The coolest, most real people i know now were geeks in HS. I was a big geek F/S year, got into theater and things started to change. I came out of my shell, so to speak.

But there is still a little of that in there. But i like it.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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I hope you're not referring to us when you say "small club scene". I think I speak for many of us here when I say that the people that have been meeting up and clubbing together from the board are not

"...always about- Who's the prettiest, richest, coolest ..

One big pathetic popularity contest. "

Everyone has a place, a community. Especially in a city as large and diverse as this.

I'm sorry if h.s. was tough, but being bitter doesn't get you anywhere.

Come to the next meet-up and share the love cwm12.gif



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No not referring to YOU GUYS in general when I say small club scene.

NOT referring to you at all.

I'm not bitter. I get incredibly sad at times.

But I do think the club scene is rather small. Everyone knows everybody. It's always the same faces, same djs, same parties, same guys, same girls

Even if you goto a different city like Miami, it's the same peeps.

It's a small world.

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I had to think about this one a minute. At first I wasn't sure if I was a "loser" or not.

My school was divided into what many called "the plaids" and "the freaks." The plaids were the ones who had gone to my HS for a few generations, wore plaid shirts, baseball caps, loafers and had names like Truman Jay Crosby III or Ashley Taylor. The Ashelys wore sweaters with horses on em'. <chuckles>

The freaks were the ones who dressed borderline to the dress code (lots of black velvet and doc martins Hee!) and were artsy or techies....my tribe!!!

Me...I kinda well, floated around. By my freshman year I didn't give a flying fooey about 99.9% of the people in my school. I was in NYC every weekend and spending a lot of time in theater training. The only thing important to me while I was in high school, and I know this sounds totally dorky, was the education and theater.

So I wasn't a loser as far as I was concerned, just really didn't care. Never went (by choice) to my senior prom for instance. I've fond memories of HS, however. It taught me a lot about the freshness in solitude. And I also did make some friends that I will always respect and care deeply about.

I think I was lucky, popularity within my school itself never interested me because my social life was so focused outside of it.

Bah, sorry this got so long, just hadn't thought about this in a long time...kinda let myself ramble in my thoughts and typing. <blushes>



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Originally posted by dolcemimi:

No not referring to YOU GUYS in general when I say small club scene.

NOT referring to you at all.

I'm not bitter. I get incredibly sad at times.

But I do think the club scene is rather small. Everyone knows everybody. It's always the same faces, same djs, same parties, same guys, same girls

Even if you goto a different city like Miami, it's the same peeps.

It's a small world.

Beg to differ....i can see why you'd say that in ref. to places like saci, ohm, ....places i don't go...even exit at times...where you have to be all dressed up (and i love exit, don't get me wrong) but places like twilo or vinyl...you can totally be yourself. If the only vibe you're getting is the "shallow, name-dropping, he/she's-here-so-it's-cool-to-be-here vibe, then you're hanging for the wrong reasons. You should be out to have capital F-U-N, first and foremost.......


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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LOL....geek here! Present!

I was all into dressing in black and into punk and depressing new wave like The Smiths, Sex Pistols, etc.

Hey but I'm glad cuz I went to a tough school and the majority of kids ended up getting chicks pregnant and getting married before they wanted to and to people they really didn't want to spend they're lives with. I think if I wasn't a geek back then I would hung out with the "wrong" crowd. Plus I wouldn't have this great job which supports my hanging out and indulging in certain vices now!

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I was kind of in the middle. I wasn't really the coolest chick in school but I was always friends with both the "geeks" and the "cool" ppl.. I never had any enemies in my life either. And I NEVER picked or teased anyone.. I always got mad when someone got teased or bullied because I think it's just cruel.

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ha ha lol good topic....

well i was kind of my own category...

the jock/geek lol

i played baseball, basketball, and football and had a 96 average lol


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Fridays - Cream, NYC

12/6 - Arena, ALbany NY

1/13 - Slopes, Hunter Mountain

1/19 - NAMM, Los Angeles

Sat Jan. 20th - 92.7 & 98.5 FM 3-5am



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I'm with Mysteriousss on that one. I knew most of the cool kids and played ball with them all the time and chilled with the "in-crowd" (so to speak) every so often, but I really didn't hang out with them too much. I was still always down with the geeks smile.gif Come to think of it, I genuinely didn't want to be friends with alot of the popular kids because for the most part they were spoiled, pompous and rude people.

LOL, and I agree most of the cool peeps I know now were geeks in HS. Its funny, cause alot of the people who thought they were the shit in HS really dont have much going for them now and are always living in the past! But in no way, shape or form am I bitter about those days, I had a great time! smile.gif

- Ali


This weeks gigs:

Friday - Julie Steven's baby shower

Saturday - Sound Factory 5th Floor

PM for guestlist

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Ali.. So true. Isn't it funny how life works out? I find it interesting when they show all these famous ppl, gorgeous models and awesome athletes, actors, singers, etc etc who say that they were tortured in HS for being geeky.. I bet it feels SO good to know that you proved everyone wrong and most of all proved it to yourself. Of course in HS a lot of ppl have the attitude "tease or be teased".. It's hard to be on neither side.

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i went to boarding school where everyone was either super rich, super smart, or super athletic.... i was none of the above. needless to say i had about 5 friends until my senior year. i was so insecure too. i was a swimmer and i was so friggin skinny it was riduculous. i was also president of the "Sports Collectors Club" one year. talk about asking for an ass-beating LOL. yeh, i'd like to believe i outgrew those days.... someone please tell me i outgrew those days...



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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Ali.. So true. Isn't it funny how life works out? I find it interesting when they show all these famous ppl, gorgeous models and awesome athletes, actors, singers, etc etc who say that they were tortured in HS for being geeky.. I bet it feels SO good to know that you proved everyone wrong and most of all proved it to yourself. Of course in HS a lot of ppl have the attitude "tease or be teased".. It's hard to be on neither side.

Exactly...still being under 5 feel tall in 9th grade didn't help out either! I can't tell you how many bullies had a field day with me! LOL...its all good, I grew almost a foot in soph and junior years and I'm about 6 feet tall now(not barefoot of course hehe) but I can definetely empathize with short people.

College definetely was the turning point for me. Thats where I found my niche.

- Ali


This weeks gigs:

Friday - Julie Steven's baby shower

Saturday - Sound Factory 5th Floor

PM for guestlist

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I was somewhat a geek in HS... Band geek, theatre geek too...

I didn't hang much with the people I knew in HS cause I'd known most of them since Kindergarten (ACK!!!). I got ostracized early on, so didn't have anything in common with those people. The friends that I had went to different HS's, so I pretty much got more involved in theatre and music while I was at school... Did some sports too. cwm15.gif




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r


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yeah i was a loser untill about junior year when i really learned that high school popularity is bullshit and after that i didnt care about anything anymore. before that i never used to go to parties or was pretty much innocent and pure but i just didnt care anymore so i turned into a badass( a pretty fucked up badass, pretty bad as well). i guess after i started not to care anymore i became , in away popular( wired isnt it) but i still never cared about popularity. i guess even now if you go back to my old town they would consider me a dork or a looser but it never met shit to me, so i dont really give a fuck.

note: and if your wondering why i turned into a badass, its only because my family life was pretty fucked up then, i mean really fucked up and being the nerd and looser of the town every one picked on me, i had it kind of hard growing up in that town but i never really care what about people say about me anyway.

KILL KILL KILL KILL cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif

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Ali --> on point. I was somewhere in the middle also, hanging with the jocks/cool people, the geeks, and the speds. Never identified completely with any single group, and now the jocks and cool kids are living in the past, the speds are living day by day, and the geeks are ruling the future. Good to know other peeps can relate.


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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i went to a geeky high school if that counts-- so we were all geeks then!

yeaaaa BRONX SCIENCE.. whaddup to my fellow bronx science peoplez on the board! you guys know who you are! Crackorn, artful, nightcrawler, ibelong2thenight.... i remember! wink.gif



*turn it around baby*


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