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This past Wednesday a former classmate of mine shot herself in the head she died on Friday she was found by her 3 yr. old daughter. She wasn't a friend of mine but i did go to school with her for 6 yrs. so we kind of grew up together. I'm in total shock. I was just wondering if anyone else on this board knew someone that committed suicide?


"your traveling to another dimension a dimension not only in sight and sound but of mind a journey into a wondrous land whos boundaries are that of imagination your next stop the twilight zone." athenalust@hotmail.com

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3 people.

One found out he was adopted when he was 16, hung himself in some woods.

One had HIV.

One was addicted to Heroin, overdosed but it was classed as suicide.

It's a terrible thing knowing your freind saw no other way out. Two of the people were really good freinds, i know myself and most of the group felt a sence of guilt after we found out.

Keep you chin up.

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my cousin went through some ill depression and prozac days ... then got turne don to heroin ... just wehn people thought he was clean and was starting to do better and become happy again he ODed on heroin about a week before his b-day ... a lot of people think it was intentional ....



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Originally posted by edge420:

suicide is the most selfish act on earth. it's tragic that people are that distraught and confused...

I think that's very harsh...

Clinical depression is a real problem, people don't think straight and tend to get themselves deeper and deeper into it.

The Heroin/Crack thing is another area where it's just not as simple as that. You want to check what Heroin does to people. You want to see what being raped by a parent over a ten year period does to you... then tell me it's selfish.

It can hurt other people, but sometimes these people are convinced it's the best thing... yeah they need help but your attitude it's going to offer that.

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I know of two people that did:

One shot himself after a long battle with drugs and a bad relationship

One shot himself after not doing well in college (Dartmouth) - he was the valedictorian in my high school and a pretty good friend.



AIM: JDoggNY2000


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A very close friend of mine from High School hung himself two years ago. We had grown up together as well.

I also, and I'm not ashamed to say this, survived a suicide attempt (thank god, I'm very very very very lucky.)

Dealing with suicide is incredibly difficult...even if you weren't close to the person. Just knowing them makes the choice they made very hard to deal with.

Talk to people you care about who will listen to your emotional response without making light of them. It's shocking and hits some very uncomfortable cords when someone you know takes their life.

Good luck and don't judge your feelings.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Originally posted by ooana:

I also, and I'm not ashamed to say this, survived a suicide attempt (thank god, I'm very very very very lucky.)


Ooana, I think that's very courageous of you to share that information with us. Much love girl!! cwm38.gif

I've never known anyone who committed suicide, but I've also attempted once and was extremely lucky that god was with me that day.

Mine was from depression that I had to eventually get treated for and what B2B said is so right. You can't sit there and say that suicide is a coward's way out or a selfish act cause there are just way too many elements that are involved.

And most of the time it happens cause people don't bother to sit still to hear the cries of help. Cause 95% of the time they do all cry out for help until they finally decide to do it.



“Maturity is when you stop doing the things you make excuses for and stop making excuses for the things you need to do." -Unknown angel.gif

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Suicide isn't as much an act of selfishness as and act of desperation.

For me...the moment came when I actually was healing from my difficult times. When I finally realized what had happened, how I'd lost myself, my spirit, my courage.

I was healing, but I didn't understand the nature of what happened yet...the whys the hows or that I could choose not to ever let it happen again. And that I didn't need drugs to do it.

Because I didn't understand those things yet, I made the choice that I'd rather be dead, then ever go through that level of pain, numbness, fear, loss and regret again.

It was a choice. A dangerous choice. A choice I am so so so lucky someone was there to save me from.

Was it selfish? About as selfish as putting a bandaid on a wound that's cut. Granted my bandaid was the wrong kind....but before that epiphany comes where you understand the nature of pain and sorrow....sometimes, it can feel like its the only bandaid you've got.

That's why people who are going through depression and suicide need road maps. Whether those maps are drugs, friends, books, support groups, doctors, therapists, what have you. When going through something like that yuo really really can't see the forest for the trees. And its terrifying.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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I've had several close friends/relatives pass away through the years....and in unfair ways.

I had a girl friend of mine attempt suicide when I while I was on the phone with her..She overdosed after taking an entire bottle of tylenol.

One thing you should always remmeber when the thought of suicide coms to mind is that suicide is a PERMANENT solution to a TEMPORARY problem...

Love you guys !!


AIM vampie

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I know two people could be three.

One guy, was a complete shock to me. He was a couple years older than me so I didn't know him very well but he closed the garage door and left the car running. It was a shock because he was the star pitcher on our towns legion team, good looking kid, had lots of friends. Just someone you would never think it would happened too.

The other person was my 13 year old baseball coach. I knew is daughter too. He hung himself behind his house, he lived at a funeral home, kinda creepy (that was their family business). He was a very nice guy, don't know what happened.

The last just happened recently. One of my good friends dad. I don't know if it was suicide, just that when it happened it was very suspicious. Its never brought up, my friend never talks about so I don't ask.

Very very sad. If anyone ever talks about suicide, never ever take it lightly. Almost all people talk about it before they do it. As soon as you hear those words get very serious and try to show your love for them. Hopefully when they see how much their death would hurt others they will reconsider.

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it's not selfish. some ppl feel it is the only way to deal w/ their problems. my sister tried to kill herself and thank god it didn't work. a good friend of mine tried to also. ill admit i had some of those weeks. being depressed and feeling worthless and sad, feeling like u have no one who cares about you, feeling lonely, its the worst feeling in the world. u just want the pain and the hurting and the crying to stop. there were days i wouldn't get out of bed, i stopped calling and hanging out w/ my friends, stopped doing all the things i loved. all i did was get so fucked up so i would forget my problems. which of course never helps, b/c they dont go away like that. then i for once finally decided to help myself instead of sitting around crying, feeling sorry for myself.



" Don't take life seriously, because you can't come out of it alive." - Warren Miller

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My cousin tried to kill herself several times: overdosed on extra strength tyelonl; tried slitting her wrists, and tried other pills as well. luckily she was found in time on all occasions, but her reasoning was she thought she was FAT!!!!

My bf's cousin tried to kill herself as well by taking pills and slitting her wrists...she called 911 herself as a cry for help.

It's sad when you hear stories of this nature, people we need to be there for eachother, lend an ear and don't think someone is joking.

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Here is a story for you all and make you think twice(good ol' moms told me this one)

My mother went to a school with a rather "heavy" woman... and she was a junior in highschool and was constantly picked on by her classmates, and the "pretty" girls.

well one day the "heavy" girl bought a beautiful outfit, and it just so happened that ms.captain-of-the-cheerleaders.gorgeous.makefnu-of-"heavy girl" wore the SAME outfit the SAME day!

So both had on the same gorgeous outfit.. well of course, the cheerleader girl(not dissin' cheerleaders) picked on this girl so bad, along with the jocks and other guys.

That same day, she was found hanging from her room, she hung herself.

For months, the boys and the people who picked on that girl, had a look of grey to their face.. and they deserve it.

im not here to preach, but making fun of people is just fucked up.

just my 2cents. cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif


"a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again"

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It is always tough to deal with! One of my good friends shot himself when we were in high school. He was dating my best friend. It was devistating. Then a week later, a guy a knew very little also shot himself. He was gay and knew his parents wouldn't accept that. It was really tough!

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Originally posted by sguid266:

I agree...

Sticks and stones may break bones...but words can still hurt!

Very true...

I have a friend, she is the bestest friend of mine ever... Her mother refused her when she was a little and her father is an alcoholic.. She was always fat so guys at school were making fun of her all the time. Then she's got surgery and she lost one of her legs... Her b/f started to cheat on her and now he is having baby with another girl...So her life was and still is more than tough. But she still doesn't give up. I think I would never stay such a strong person as she is if I was her. She started to study medicine and tries to get back on her feet again. She is very nice, friendly, caring person even if life was cruel to her... Since I know this girl I would never ever make fun of somebody just because of how that person looks like.

So guys be always nice to each other..

Luv Amalka


AIM amallkavila

I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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My uncle committed suicide a few years ago. he had gotten some disease from the war he served in and he was going through a divorce and just really depressed. so he shot himself in the head.

A girl i knew went away to school and was doing bad and really didnt have any friends up at school. she was leaving to come home from school one weekend and took a detour to her families lake house and hung herself.

I know another girl who took a whole bottle of sleeping pills but thankfully her mother found her.

people who try to kill themselves or succeed at doing it obviously feel that there is no other way out. and its sad. hopefully people who feel that there is no other way out will think of someone who truely cares about them and think twice about doing it.


~As long as you live and high you fly the smiles you give and tears you cry is all your life will ever be~

~Dream as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow~ ~

* Life isn't measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.

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Everyone keeps saying that the suicidal people should think about who cares about them - and that is exactly the problem, no matter what, due to an chemical imbalance within the brain, those people feel that *no one* care about them and that they are alone in the world.

i have way too much to say on this subject, but i'm going to be quiet now.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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Originally posted by brandie:

Everyone keeps saying that the suicidal people should think about who cares about them - and that is exactly the problem, no matter what, due to an chemical imbalance within the brain, those people feel that *no one* care about them and that they are alone in the world.

i have way too much to say on this subject, but i'm going to be quiet now.



In my case...I knew people cared about me. But that wasn't enough. There was a much deeper pain that needed to be resolved that no amount of love from family or friends could heal.

As someone I knew once said, "No one can take pain away, only give happy memories to weigh in the balance."

When I was in as much pain as I was, I couldn't see those moments of joy and happiness, and when I could, I couldn't see them outweighing the pain and fear I felt. So...I thought death was a much better option. Once again, I'm very fortunate that someone was there to save me.

Thank you, Ellen. Wherever ya are, girl.

Anyway, point is...its not as cut and dry or as simple as it may seem. That level of pain and hopelessness is beyond imagining unless you've been through it. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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