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Wish me luck in my fight tommorrow

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Stick the crutch so far up his ass so he gets a feeling of what its like to be handicapped ....

Sad to say but i have been confronted with people as mean as that... I remember a few years ago during my senior trip to disney world some skewl started a line fight and and a group of the kids were flipping over kids on wheelchairs just to try to cut in front of them... It was so sad... there were people everywhere waiting for security trying to control this huge group of kids ... horrible situation to be put in just seeing all these handicapped kids on the ground helpless... it was just so sad i wanted to break down in tears...

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Originally posted by wildkitty

I don't know what you think is so strange about that cmb1975.

This kid is going to help someone in need. we need more people like that. :tongue:

are you kidding me? Hows a parapalegic going to use crutches, if he cant use his legs????

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ok maybe parapalegic is the wrong word, im not a doctor dammit. he had crutches that are not normal cruthces but their attached to his biceps like that pizza guy from something about mary. ne way the goddamn kid didnt show up but i found out who he is and hes gonna get an asswhooping next time i see him. it may sound weird but some assholes need to pick on the defenseless to make themselves feel good.

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I know that in a severe case you are paralized from the waist down, but dependin on the level, they are able to use crutches. they are not ordinary crutches. Not all paraplegics are confined to a wheelchair. Depending on their wieght and how severe their case they use crutches. :finger: But none of that is the point. The point is that tonythelover is helping somone in need.;)

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good luck dude...you da man! kick his ass and make him paralised as well. then make him buy the clutch he stole from your friend without charging it to his health care plan, and Then stick it in his....then make him buy a wheelchair and push him down the stairs in it! Violence Rules!


should it really be that way? :confused:

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

Some bitch ass from laguardia highschool stole a crutch from a parapalegic i know and i just happened to be there. now he wants beef with me so im gonna bust his ass tommorrow. maybe he should see what its like to be handicapped. i fuckin hate bullies! oh well wish me lluck guys.

Make sure he knows not to do that shit ever again, i dont wanna sound like a macho... But i would make some permanent damage, if you know what i mean. Im a peaceful guy and like to settle conflicts by talking. Its just nothing makes me more irritated than some fucks like the one u mentioned... Who do all kinds of fuckedup shit, and always to ppl who cant defend themselves. Make sure fuckin 5-0s dont get u while u sliding hes fuckin face across the concrete.

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homeboy didnt show up, but i know the part of the route he takes home. problem is he takes the bus in front of his school to the train at 68th and lex, theres 5-0 at both places. i can follow him home but then ill be on his turf. hes seen me twice from far away and bounced as soon as he saw me so i have to stalk his as like the crocodile hunter. ill get him.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

why didn't u just fight him when the shit started?

and why fight a guy that obviously doesn't want to fight?

you only throw down if the other guy is willing to throw down as well. those are the rules where i come from

i didnt throw down cuz i knew the handicapped guy would get his asskicked too if a fight broke out and i didnt want that to happen. and he obviously did want to fight cuz he got up in my face and told me to hit him.

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