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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

I want each and every CP member to read this *QUOTH IN DEEP THOUGHT* -CP IS LIFE


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alright, so i was talkin to a certain someone last night bout clubplanet and something that they said just triggered off in my brain just exactly how much, CLUBPLANET IS LIFE!!!!!! You know, sometimes i'll be at work and i work very unusual hours like 11pm to 8am and sometimes its hard to keep my sanity cause of lack of sleep and/or energy, but i think to myself bout the little things in life such as maybe another silly thread that MUGWUMP started or maybe something kinky that CLUBKAT said or even if i want to see what now is happening in the lives of LinaFUCKINNNNNBina and XTCGpot, all i simply do is sit in front of this box and away all this stress, these thoughts and feelings of restlessness go away. When im at work, all that keeps me goin is do get my job done just to go home and hear that annoying NEW EMAIL alert from Hotmail that in fact, someone has responded to a thread that i posted on. The description of that feeling is beyond words especially when u either know that CP member or Know them in real life, its just a great sense of self sense of friendlyness feeling. I've only been on this board since July of this year and day by day you just get sucked in more and more of what is going on in some people's lives or thoughts. I mean me posting this thread is proof number 1 that clubplanet is life because if it wasnt, then i wouldnt have had the conversation on the phone that i did last night that got my mind going to write this. I mean think bout the times lets say maybe u had a problem and no one was there for you...well shit..all u gotta do is post a thread about it and hope people will hear u and respond, which is most likely the case cause this messageboard, though only artifical in its existance, is actually not artifical at all cause behind each and every user name, exists a personailty, a soul, a businessman, a geek, and just bout every and every different type of person u can think of. I mean for me personally...look at just how Clubplanet is Life. I had a rut with gettin a date for this wedding i had to go to cause i slacked from work and sleep and shit like that..but damn, if i didnt know bout clubplanet nor was a member, then as fate would have it, i would not have had LavenderMenace as my date to this wedding. Im very sure that everyone has their own story on how Clubplanet is Life to them and in each way there is only more positive that can be gotten out of it than negative. it is really erie how much u could take a messageboard for granted then when u have a moment to think to yerself yer like "WOW!!" this shit really is a part of my life. I mean damn how do u think Trancend feels?? that poor kid has to fuckin listen daily to that KMX ad as do the rest of CP's junkies, but all in all, the basic point of this, is that, whoever u may be on here and whatever problems or questions or info u would like to share with the world, there will always be someone either watching or listening and knowing that, it really proves that CLUBPLANET IS LIFE!!! peace...-Quoth

*btw i was extremely bored and am extremely sorry for the senseless ramble but i figured i'd share my thoughts with those who know on here and also who know me as the person behind the name, QUOTH*

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yeah i agree with you, clubplanet isnt just "a stupid messageboard" its more than that i think. i mean how many people from here have met and have begun friendships and stuff liek that. this in a way brings people together. i mean look at all the meetups, everyone gets together for a few hours, meet eachoterh, talk, laugh ya know?

and even if im in a bad mood or depressed ill come on here and just forget about it for a little while, or get a few laughs from the comedians on the board haha, or get turned on by the sex freaks hehe

so yes i love my clubplanet also

:D :D

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When i started to use cp, i wasnt' to much into it, but now i'm so addicted to this message board. It gets me threw my day at work, posting and reading on this board. I haven't been to any meet up yet, so i haven't met anyone here yet. But i'm hoping i will get a chance to go to a meet up sooner or later.

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nicely worded, Quoth (or Mike, for real ?/? ;)

And hey, now we got something in common w/ May 26th!

Sweet stuff, l love CP and the way it involves so many people and issues, and makes one feel that you're not alone in this crazy world.

I hope DaVe is reading...


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CP started as a way to just keep me busy during work. i think for the first few months before i registered, i dint even know there was a messageboard. i just came on here to look at the club info. then i found these boards. and found peopls (or sn's) to talk to about music, and whats goin on at what club, and comments and questions about drugs...and then it escalated into goin on the sex board and gettin a little freaky :tongue:and giving and asking for relationship advice...and all in all just being able to ramble on about random shit when i have nothing else to do.

then i got into goin to the meetups...and now some of the people that i have met at these cp meetups, i talk to more than my regular friends. it's like a whole new group of people i know..and i can count on seein them wehn i go clubbin in the city.

CP is not life....but its a part of my life. and i love goin on these boards....and im anxious to get on and see what mugz has posted, or what's the last one word reply that trancend has posted...or who's fighting about which dj really is the best today, or is SF or exit better (this one never dies). then i gotta check out the music board to see what songs sadleb and clubhead have added to their citysoundz list, or to see the latest top 10 list.

this board is so much fun for me. i gotta thank dave for runnin this site...and making it such a part of LIFE ;)

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Wow Quoth getting all sentimental and whatnot.. yeah I seriously love CP to death.. without it, at work, I would commit suicide. All I do is just my "CP thing" and sometimes I try and tell some of my friends about something funny that came up on the boards, and they just look at me like I'm wack..

Some people just don't understand.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

BTW.. I'm not gonna run into you again am I now Quoth.. God forbid.. j/k ;) ;) ;)

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Originally posted by codica3

Wow Quoth getting all sentimental and whatnot.. yeah I seriously love CP to death.. without it, at work, I would commit suicide. All I do is just my "CP thing" and sometimes I try and tell some of my friends about something funny that came up on the boards, and they just look at me like I'm wack..

Some people just don't understand.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

BTW.. I'm not gonna run into you again am I now Quoth.. God forbid.. j/k ;) ;) ;)

i know exactly what u mean about friends not understanding. my friends think im a dork or wierd when i talk about meetin up with cp heads in a club, and how excited i am about it.

obviously though, they're just jealous cuz they cant walk into the place and see like 30 people they know :rolleyes:

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I haven't been on as much since I've been at school, but last summer...good god...the only thing that saved my brain from total goo-ification was the boards. It's amazing how quickly screennames turn into people and personalities - the *lack* of anonymity is what's striking, not the other way around. I wouldn't go so far as CP is *life*, but such a thriving community (both on the computer and in the clubs) definitely makes life richer! :)

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Very thoughtfully written. I guess CP is like a family. Everyone is welcome and everyone is entitled to their opinions. Its easy to share problems/happyness with everyone. It feels like a community of friends with who people can socialize and have fun. Trully CP is a great family...... Party at Float, America etc... just few examples of the great closeness of the CP community......

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I have been using cp for a couple of years now, but only to get on guestlist and to see what was the 'hottest' place to be. Plus I have been going away to school for the past 6 damn years, and need to keep abreast on the club scene, b/c I am soo addicted to dancing and going out.

However, all my friends are now with bf's/gf's, married, and don't go out....I have been reading a lot of threads lately and your all right, it has been giving me something to do and is like an escape from everyday life......

I do have one problem though, I actually been insulted b/c nobody ever answers my threads or replys to my thoughts.....

which is fine, it is still good to vent and writing is the best way for that!! Also some little punk on the Jersey board made a comment on 'new comers' being dorks.....but I took it from where it was coming from.

I guess I am just jealous (maybe lonely) and miss having friends to go out dancing with b/c it is something I love and can never get enough of......and reading how so many people know each other and go out and meet up, is exactly why I started reading/writing on the messageboard......hopefully things will start to change??

Thanks for letting me vent......


When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.

- Helen Keller

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Originally posted by synderella420

Quoth You definitely said more than a mouthful!!! ;)

I def agree CP is like one big family!!

There is definitely always someone here to help with a problem or just make you feel better!!

I love all CP mwazzz!!!!! :D

Especially you quoth you silly bastid lol!!!:laugh:

mouthful huh? :half:

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damn thats deep. it took me a few months b4 i checked out the message board but now i cant go a day without posting. it so fucking addictive. i think its that everyone has something to say but not always someone to listen and we all provide that for each other. i started clubbing cuz i was lonely and i would go out and get fucked up. thats how i got into clubplanet and i started writing and its always cool that people care. i remember a few days after september 11th the board was back up and running and everyone was asking if everyone else was ok. i just thought that was amazing and that people actually cared rather than just treating this like empty words on a screen. i only went to one meetup but i had a fucking great time (thats where i met quoth) and ever since clubplanet has been a big part of my day. i always run to the computer whenever i can to see who wrote what. i think this message board does allow people to show their innerselves without fear of rejection or humiliation. at clubs were all able to just let go of it all and be ourselves and clubplanet is an extension of all that. i hope to meet everyone again real soon.

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I definitely agree man. This board has definitely helped me keep my sanity. I dont post as often as everybody else but Im definitely on just as much as everyone else. As of late ive been posting a lot more too and that just helps me get shit off my chest. When i do come home for the break i have full intentions of finally meeting some of you cp headz and just making some more friends (oh how fucking gay am i).

Thank you cp headz for keeping the board an interesting place that just makes me want to come back again and again.


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