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Fuck you post...


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Fuck work, school, my friends, a big fuck you to all these assholes I have to encounter that paw and grope,and annoy me everytime I fucking go out, and fuck not being able to lay in bed with a j chilling to some awesome drum and bass, reggae, or progressive trance...

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a big fuck you to the internet... all this drama on this msg board... to distance.... to my Tampa Bay Buccaneers for losing again this past weekend... to me for never goin to Twilo or Tunnel... I'll think of more im sure.:mad: :mad: :blown:

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fuck you to sicktracks for being down the past couple of days

fuck you to the haters on this board

fuck you to people who dumb broads dont like "this techno shit" and want to hear some "good music" (hiphop)

fuck you to myself for buying cd decks instead of turntables

and my big FUCK YOU goes to:

Judge Stanzione who gave me a $350 fine + $30 court fees for a fucking noise violation because the old bitch who lives upstairs from me called the cops one night when i was spinning late in the morning (i was wacked out of my brain and didnt realize how loud it was)....fuckin bitch cunt:mad2:


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I got more... A biiiiiiiiiiig fuck you to the fucking scum bag that broke the mirror off my car Friday night/sat morning costing me $120 that I dont really have to spend on it... and a big fuck you to the cop who gave me a ticket for my expired inspection while I am inside my job... come out to the car and had the ticket... and a big fuck u to myself once again for forgetting about the overdue inspection, thus causing myself to get it.. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


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Wasn't sure whether to move this to drama or not but....nahhhhhh


Fuck you to everyone who has their ego and head so big.....they think they're allllways right.

::Gonna buy them a smaller dildo....cuz that fat one seems to be making them a tight ass::

Fuck you to them PHONY ASS FRIENDS!!!!

Those whom you once considered a friendship with, valuable; but then totally give you a 180 in time of need. ::and you thought they were at the best that they could be....guess it aint the army anymore:: Fuck you, Fuck off.

And Kats final fuck you goes to: 2 faces.

::nuff said::


Keep the Drama here ;)

Fuck on.........

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fuck u to the bottle of wine i drank last night!!!!!:finger:

fuck u to fake ass friends!!!!!!:bigfinger

fuck u to work!!!((just cause i wanna sleep)):finger:

fuck u to asshole immature guys!!!!!!!!:bigfinger :bigfinger

yea....this could go on for a really long time! lol....i will stop now....

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fuck u to work.

fuck u to friends who never want to do anything interesting.

fuck u to people posting about personal bullshit that really doesnt make shit of a difference to the rest of the world.

fuck u to my fuck buddies who are being pricks.

fuck u to my fuck buddies gf, who is a psycho bitch & keeps calling me.

fuck u to my coffee cuz the bottom is cold AGAIN.

fuck u to this bitch who keeps telling me to do work when theres nothing to do.

fuck u to my horniness that isnt satisfied.


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OK, my turn...

Fuck you to Hewlett Packard who only provides automated tech support on this fucking scanner.

Fuck You to Roxy haters

Fuck you to Key Bank who almost prevented me from getting my car

Fuck You Ryan Mcloughlin, My upstate arch enemy. It is like a fucking comic book with us.

Eh, i think that is it.

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Here's my big FUCK YOU of the day:

To the "time of the month" that doensn't want to stop!

To phony friends.

To friends that back out on you at the last minute then wonder why I dont' call them anymore!

AND big FUCK YOU to ex boyfriends that think by complimenting you and raving how you were his best fuck would get him some action!!

oh and anyone that doensn't like "KISS MY BIG FAT COLOMBIAN ASS!" 'malparidos!

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Originally posted by roninmess

List your Fuck you's here for this mid week thread...

Mine is basically a big fuck you to my life :bigfinger

Nothing ever goes right, ever.:bigfinger

Same here!!! if shit went right... it wouldnt be my life then...


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Okay here's a BIG FUCK YOU to the idiots at RPI who think house music is a primitive waste of time for lower forms of intellectuals. Fuck you and your prissy assed Mexican Revolution Manifesto Political Statements and your god damn drum & Bass.

Here's a BIG FUCK YOU to this asshole who's mistreating the girl i'm really attracted to and who even likes me back, yet she's stuck with him because he's not a "complete asshole lately" and she can't seem to dump him because he's "trying really hard". FUCK YOU BUDDY.

And one more FUCK YOU to the Shit weather up here in the Shit Town of Troy, NY. My car is under a blanket of snow dammit.

When the fuck is fucking spring going to fucking arrive.

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