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Stay Away From Vinyl!!!!


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Originally posted by tastyt

That's the thing, Kissa- I don't think anyone, at least not me, really gives a shit about the way people are dressed (yes, it is bad to stereotype based on that alone)- it's the ATTITUDE that is the problem. Unlike you, I and many others have gotten attitude from SF types who look at me like "omg, I can't believe this girl is in a club wearing jeans and a tank top!" And been hit on by muscle heads who refuse to respect your space and grab you everytime you walk past them.

As far as I'm concerned, everyone could be dressed in their pyjamas, or in Armani suits and gowns; I don't care! Just leave the *Imhotasshitandeveryonecankissmyass* attitude at the door.

i have yet to witness something like this at sound. almost everyone is unbelievably nice to me for some reason and i've been going every week for 6 months. have i just been lucky?

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Originally posted by tyco

typical Vinylhead post.......

I agree with you in that I wish Vinyl doesn't get cramped with a bad crowd but let's face it, it's not your club no matter how many times you go there.......you talk about people with attitudes coming in yet the only attitudes I see are on the "REAL DT FANS" who, for some odd reason, have always had this chip on their shoulder........and how can you tell people not to come to a club to socialize........a club is a social atmosphere in any club, no matter how good the music is........are you kidding me?

Well put Mikey....


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Originally posted by cazz926

Sadly, Vinyl's time is over. The highest points in Vinyl's life were when barely anyone knew about it.

You see, It all started when Danny played Twilo...

that's what I'm sayin....sincerest apologies for the bitchiness everyone...just mad frustrated!!!

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Originally posted by cazz926

Sadly, Vinyl's time is over. The highest points in Vinyl's life were when barely anyone knew about it.

You see, It all started when Danny played Twilo...

why do all the Vinyl peeps think that Danny, or Vinyl was some sort of secret?

Danny has been killing shit way before Vinyl opened and it's not that a lot of people didn't know this.......they would just rather go to Twilo and hear someone different........it wasn't until Twilo closed that the choice was no more.......and anyhow, this thread is more directed toward attitudes and meatheads which, you may very well weren't much of a force in Twilo.........in relation to what we're talking about in this thread, the downfall was more likely after he played SF a few times.......

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Well, I haven't been going to Vinyl long maybe a couple months now. I do see that the crowd has changed over those months, which I don't mind as much. But it is more crowded and there is way too much attitude. That is the reason I don't go to factory. Anyway, we can't stop people from coming, but they just can't be all attitude. Actually I really don't like those meathead types. They are so disgusting with their shirts off and sweaty slimeballs. Sorry to make it general but I have had one too many encounters with their groping asses. Yet another reason I don't go to SF much. But all in all, I see some of the points everyone made and they are valid. But we can't get to huffy about them coming, I mean it is a public place and everyone can come and enjoy. I mean come on DT is pretty good and Vinyl gets a lot of good dj's. You can't expect the club to be lowkey forever...

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I hate to jump into the middle of all the drama on this thread, but as an avid Vinyl fan I feel compelled to speak of my own feelings on this subject.

I have been going to Vinyl on and off for over a year.

Has the crowd changed in this time...hell yeah.

Has the music changed...more variety now...but still amazing.

Has the vibe changed...it has, but it is innevitable.

Like most of the people on this thread, I go to Vinyl because of a deep appreciation for the music that can only be found there.

Of course, I am no fan of the juiceheads who run around with their shirts off or show up with an attitude that brings down the vibe that places like Vinyl and Twilo are/were known for.

However, I wouldn't go as far as to tell people not to go there as some of the ppl on this thread have suggested. I think that ppl on this thread must come to the understanding, as I have, that not everyone can have the same level of appreciation for the music as we do.

It would great if a club with the best DJs and the best music could be filled with only ppl who are deeply passionate about it, but lets face it people, this could never happen. When the music and the vibe is that good people will come, whether they are as into it as you are or not.

I think that rather than telling people not to come, we should be telling them how to come correct. Check the attitude at the door, don't treat the place like Exit or Sound Factory by running around naked hopped up on roid rage, and respect all those around you. I think that if we spread a message like that at Vinyl, people will respect it and the place will be as fun as it ever was.

Sorry for the novel...just had to get in my two cents.

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Originally posted by tyco

why do all the Vinyl peeps think that Danny, or Vinyl was some sort of secret?

Danny has been killing shit way before Vinyl opened and it's not that a lot of people didn't know this.......they would just rather go to Twilo and hear someone different........it wasn't until Twilo closed that the choice was no more.......and anyhow, this thread is more directed toward attitudes and meatheads which, you may very well weren't much of a force in Twilo.........in relation to what we're talking about in this thread, the downfall was more likely after he played SF a few times.......

that's right.....and remember that danny spun at tunnel, twilo, limelight, etc. before he started at vinyl......and i remember when twilo was open a lot of people i know wouldn't go to vinyl because it was small, dirty, the crowd was different, etc....but after twilo closed all of a sudden they liked going to vinyl for the same reasons....so once a new club or new party is opened and you have some big-name djs spinning(pvd, s&d, etc.) i'm pretty sure that the masses will flock again to the new party.

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all i know is that last friday for DT I was getting bounced around like a pinball on the dancefloor by shirtless dudes and their hoochies, like literally stiff-arming their way through the crowd, no "i'm sorry"s or anything. Never used to happen back in the day, but I guess that's the price you pay for a club gaining in popularity :(

Maybe they should shut that AC off again like last summer :D

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Originally posted by klohe

ummm...and who r u???? I'm there every week and the other ppl on the board who also r...feel the same way as

I do...maybe ur just bitchy bc ur the stupid ppl were talkin about?

Look who is calling the kettle black.

Yeah, it sucks that it is getting over crowded, but there is really nothing anyone can do about it. Maybe people are realizing that there is better music out there, or they are just looking for something new. All you can do is to try to keep the Vinyl vibe going and eventually those "bitchy" people will be pushed out. Vinyl is not a flashy venue for pretty people, and I am sure that they are bound to figure this out and go back to Exit and Factory.

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~~~ i only read the first page so im sorry if im repaeting wha someone else had said BUT

its so tru what a lot of these ppl are saying.....the first time i went to vinyl was 3 years ago.and i have a lot of memories from that place..........i saw it crowded and i saw it with like 15 ppl on the dance floor..but all in all i have to say i hate when its crowded.its a small club so they only ppl that should be there are the ppl who love the music and their friends who love the music too.......so pls don't come there just b/c u heard somewhere that its the place to be.......:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

god i hate people! so joeg * brooklyn kid * i guess me and kristy can't come with u to vinyl anymore since we are SF people ::cough, cough:: SARCASM!!!!!!... some people are sooooo stupid!

why was i singled out? I never even mentioned people from SF. I only mentioned people pushing and shoving...

where's the love?:confused:

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

why was i singled out? I never even mentioned people from SF. I only mentioned people pushing and shoving...

where's the love?:confused:

its all about love hun.. maybe some other people here forgot about that... i am so sick of people that go to sf or exit being labelled.... that isn't fair.. i go to sf... why can't i go to vinyl. know what i mean

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I told my story prior in my thread the Sat after DT about how I was hating every minute I was in MY normal spot on the dancefloor and I got nothing put pushes and shoves.

I got so frustrated at one point when I was dancing with snoozie8, tribal, siceone, and cintron some roid-head fuck up was shoving everyone out of the way to clear his path. So like a good representative of the people I shoved that motherfucker right into the stage. He turned right around and stared down this little kid dancing and having a good time like a good bully and continued. Anyone that has seen me knows I am not the biggest kid but that shit does stand at vinyl and I don't give two shits......I can hold my own and I will give these little dicked wannabes there own dose.

Funny how there is pushing and shoving bullshit at vinyl but not at sf......go figure. Probably because there is less meat so they think they have more reason to.

Not to mention no matter where I stood seemed to be like standing in the middle of the sidewalk in the heart of Times Square.....just people always bumping into you trying to get by.

I am one for diversity at vinyl but these assholes need to stay out. Fuck Them........

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Been going to Vinyl intermittently for a couple of years now, been there maybe 20 times total. It's my favorite club in the city for two reasons: MUSIC & VIBE.

Those two things go hand-in-hand, because those who come for the music create the vibe.

Lately, over the course of the last few months, the vibe has been decreasing, because there are less people that are there to groove to the music, and more roidrage-types who go there to socialize, etc.. As "be yourself" is the theme, I don't want to banish anyone, but I will definitely agree: the Vinyl vibe ain't what it used to be. I definitely think that DT spinning at World and SF has consequently brought that crowd to Vinyl.

I still love DT, but the vibe (which is the reason I go to Vinyl) these days is better on Saturdays when Pappa, Howells et al are there.

My $.02.

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Be Yourself is still the best party around. I never post, but things need to be said. The pushing is out of control and there are some other problems, but its still an amazing time everytime I go. Dec 21 was maybe the best night ive ever had at a club, Vinyl or otherwise. When DT dropped "Always", oh man... Think about it, what makes NYC so great: huge diversity of people, tons of energy, distinct vibe. Thats what makes Be Yourself great, its the last real melting pot around. sure there are some varieties of people you wish weren't there (juicers) but its the diversity that makes the party. At the very least you can just laugh at (insert group you dislike here) Thats why Fri is still better than the post-Twilo fest of Saturdays (though those can be great too). On Saturday, everyone looks the same. Its sorts bland and homogeneous. Friday kicks its ass. As for those who wish the crowds would go away, remember a few things 1-clubs are supposed to be inclusive, I've taken rookies to Vinyl because i like spreading the word, not keeping things private. Thats what gives the party life, otherwise it would be like some (unnamed ) parties with the same exact people every week for years until half the crowd is to old to dance. 2-soon enough the Howells, Pappa, etc Twilo DJs will move on somewhere with more cash, a liquor license etc. With them will go the crowds. 3- Tribal wont be in fashion forever, soon enough some other musical trend will be in and people wont be sucking off DT and those who are his loyal fans will be left with more room to dance. People love to bitch on messageboards, but the truth is we're all here b/c we love the scene and have great times at our chosen venues, be that Vinyl, Roxy, Exit, Filter, or whatever. Enjoy things and relax, the music is too good not to. Music is the Answer!

p.s. who are you Vinyl regulars? we should meet up (don't worry, I'm not overly muscular)

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Originally posted by bsb2002

Be Yourself is still the best party around. I never post, but things need to be said. The pushing is out of control and there are some other problems, but its still an amazing time everytime I go. Dec 21 was maybe the best night ive ever had at a club, Vinyl or otherwise. When DT dropped "Always", oh man... Think about it, what makes NYC so great: huge diversity of people, tons of energy, distinct vibe. Thats what makes Be Yourself great, its the last real melting pot around. sure there are some varieties of people you wish weren't there (juicers) but its the diversity that makes the party. At the very least you can just laugh at (insert group you dislike here) Thats why Fri is still better than the post-Twilo fest of Saturdays (though those can be great too). On Saturday, everyone looks the same. Its sorts bland and homogeneous. Friday kicks its ass. As for those who wish the crowds would go away, remember a few things 1-clubs are supposed to be inclusive, I've taken rookies to Vinyl because i like spreading the word, not keeping things private. Thats what gives the party life, otherwise it would be like some (unnamed ) parties with the same exact people every week for years until half the crowd is to old to dance. 2-soon enough the Howells, Pappa, etc Twilo DJs will move on somewhere with more cash, a liquor license etc. With them will go the crowds. 3- Tribal wont be in fashion forever, soon enough some other musical trend will be in and people wont be sucking off DT and those who are his loyal fans will be left with more room to dance. People love to bitch on messageboards, but the truth is we're all here b/c we love the scene and have great times at our chosen venues, be that Vinyl, Roxy, Exit, Filter, or whatever. Enjoy things and relax, the music is too good not to. Music is the Answer!

p.s. who are you Vinyl regulars? we should meet up (don't worry, I'm not overly muscular)

Nicely put......

Like I have said before I have only been there once but want to go all the time......I don't drink (much or usually) and just love music and dancing.....I was on such a natural high there and didn't have a care in the world.....oh man craziness......I haven't stopped talking about it since!!! I am still excited about it!!

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~~~ NATURAL HIGH!!!!!!!! EXACTLY!!!!!

i remember one of many times of me leaving vinyl at around 9 am and i go to my friend: OMG!! i feel like i just had the greatest sex of my life without having sex!" i like other clubs but for some reason no other cub has ever left me with that same sensation:(

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