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How Muslim Countries View America

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Originally posted by karch

Everyone thinks the US is helping the whole world, that's not true. The help is going to the wrong places and not to the people that are really in need. Such as Africa.

One Word: Mogadishu.

If you start arguing, first stop, go read the book Black Hawk Down (the movie doesn't count - the book is less biased).

When you start understanding how politics (or the lack thereof) work in Africa, then come back and say how we should help them.

How about this. Anybody who needs help can ask for it.

If they don't ask, they won't recieve. Instead of us charging over somewhere and throwing rice at people, they can come to us and say "hey, mind spotting us a little?"

Then it's not too easy for them to forget that they asked for our help once and we gave it to them, instead of us barging in and making everyone think we're the rompin' stompin bastard infidel materialist imperialists come to ruin their culture and society with hollywood movies, youth violence and sex.

Ugh. makes you wonder if there is space on other planets available...

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bla bla bla..all i hear is bla..all of u r wasting words and energy..u can talk all u want but the US is going to stay oppressive and the musleez r gona hate the US as long as it supports Israel..and since it created ISrael its not gona stop supporting it.....so keep yappin..it gives me somethin to read before sleep

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ok so im an ass and i pull shit out my ass? why are you talking shit about me for expressing and oppinion, great example of patriotic people showing their oppinions about freedom of speech. what you dont know is that most of the people in iraq hate saddam hussein and have tried to fight him. most of the civilians are being oppressed and killed by saddam hussein, so yes they are innocent people. educate yourself before attacking me. oh and by the way yes one american reporter was kidnapped and killed but hundreds of muslim students and others are being held illegall by the government without charging them or releasing their names. thats a violation of constitutional rights. if you wanna talk shit bout me say what you want but if you wanna say something that makes sense id like to read it.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

ok so im an ass and i pull shit out my ass? why are you talking shit about me for expressing and oppinion, great example of patriotic people showing their oppinions about freedom of speech. what you dont know is that most of the people in iraq hate saddam hussein and have tried to fight him. most of the civilians are being oppressed and killed by saddam hussein, so yes they are innocent people. educate yourself before attacking me. oh and by the way yes one american reporter was kidnapped and killed but hundreds of muslim students and others are being held illegall by the government without charging them or releasing their names. thats a violation of constitutional rights. if you wanna talk shit bout me say what you want but if you wanna say something that makes sense id like to read it.

I never attacked you or talked shit about you. Stop being so defensive. I actually agreed with the point you made about not seeing the diff. between the gov't and the people. And as far as me needing to educate myself about Iraq.What do you think Saddam did to those people in the examples I listed? And as wrong as it might be to be holding all these people, it in no way compares to Danny Pearl. None of them are being killed just because they are Muslims.....

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

bla bla bla..all i hear is bla..all of u r wasting words and energy..u can talk all u want but the US is going to stay oppressive and the musleez r gona hate the US as long as it supports Israel..and since it created ISrael its not gona stop supporting it.....so keep yappin..it gives me somethin to read before sleep

Actually it wasnt just the United States...It was the UN that passed the plan for the creation of Isreal....

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we dont know if there being killed because bush repealed the order that us agents cant assassinate and they are not releasing the names of the people they are holding. they could be killing people everyday for all we know. israel was created by the balfour declaration in 1947 i believe. lord balfour was a british guy. big surprise the british mess things up.

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If all these countries hate us so much then why do all their people try to move here. I don't see too many oppressed Americans leaving this country to go live in the Mid East or anywhere else for that matter. Yea there are some problems with our gov't here and how they treat us. But would you rather live somewhere else? Go ahead and leave and try to find a better place to live. I'll be here with my TV and fancy clothes drinking a $4.00 cup of coffee from Starbucks, while driving in my fancy car talking on my cell phone on my way to the nearest strip club!

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Is there perhaps some ignorance here?

If Arabs didn't hijack the planes, then who did??

Ok, so not all Arabs are hijackers, but there's pretty good evidence that most of the hijackers were Arabs.

The Saudi government already confirmed that 15 of the hijackers were indeed Saudi nationals!

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Originally posted by pumavisor808

If all these countries hate us so much then why do all their people try to move here. I don't see too many oppressed Americans leaving this country to go live in the Mid East or anywhere else for that matter. Yea there are some problems with our gov't here and how they treat us. But would you rather live somewhere else? Go ahead and leave and try to find a better place to live. I'll be here with my TV and fancy clothes drinking a $4.00 cup of coffee from Starbucks, while driving in my fancy car talking on my cell phone on my way to the nearest strip club!

its people like this that are really responsible for 9/11.

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I'm responsible because I like where I live. Because I think the U.S is the greatest country in the world??? Oh well... If you're so oppressed here, then leave... at least you have that option. All these muslims that hate us so much can't wait to get over here and enjoy what we take for granted. I'm responsible because I choose to live as Free as I possibly can be in this World. Yeah there are restraints here, but the bonuses to living here far outweigh the negatives. All I know is I have the ability to furnish anything for myself and my family here. While most of the world is out starving. Thak god for everything that the U.S. gov't does, no matter how oppressive it seems to keep my life as easy as it can be. We have a way of life that only a select few other nations are priviliged to have.

I'll have to finish this later it's lunch time and I'm going to McDonald's to get a super sized value meal! Later

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Originally posted by pumavisor808

I'm responsible because I like where I live. Because I think the U.S is the greatest country in the world??? Oh well... If you're so oppressed here, then leave... at least you have that option. All these muslims that hate us so much can't wait to get over here and enjoy what we take for granted. I'm responsible because I choose to live as Free as I possibly can be in this World. Yeah there are restraints here, but the bonuses to living here far outweigh the negatives. All I know is I have the ability to furnish anything for myself and my family here. While most of the world is out starving. Thak god for everything that the U.S. gov't does, no matter how oppressive it seems to keep my life as easy as it can be. We have a way of life that only a select few other nations are priviliged to have.

I'll have to finish this later it's lunch time and I'm going to McDonald's to get a super sized value meal! Later

this is exactly what i mean. your life is so fucking cozy but do you know the cost? other people are starving and in poverty BECAUSE THE US AND OTHER WESTERN NATIONS HAVE ROBBED OTHER LANDS AND PEOPLES FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS if things were so perfect do you think people would be protesting shit like the world economic forum. first of its not the muslims that hate us so much, its the fundamentalist extremist factions of muslims that hate us. its like saying every american is a clansman. secondly you have the ability to furnish urself and your family with ne thing because we rape the earth of its resources and steal from other people, or we just pay them but screw them (thats how the us got louisianna, alaska, newyork, and all the land it took from mexico.) THE BONUSES OUTWEIGH THE NEGATIVES FOR YOU and thats probably all that matters to you. all im asking is that you try to understand what the us is doing. the us government institutes racist and imperialistic domestic and foreign policy which pisses off both americans and foreigners. but you dont see that americans are pissed off because the news doesnt show that shit. yo i fucking watched the police fuck up firemen for protesting that they couldnt work at the 9/11 site when there friends were still in there. why, because giulliani wanted to save money. maybe ur supersized meal will taste better when your friends or loved ones die and the govt says "here maybe this burger will make you feel better". oh and by the way the whole "if you dont like the us you should leave" is an anti-american statement. the founding fathers made it a point that criticism of govt and balance of power keep the people in charge, and thats not whats going on. so maybe you should leave the country my friend. that or pick up a gun and start fighting for what you have.

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Yeah, I guess I'm just a slave to American capitalism. I give up. I guess if I was in charge of the strongest country in the world, I wouldn't try to use my influence to better things for the people under my control. Thus making things better for me. I wouldn't try to expand my sphere of influence or try to change people to my way of life. I'd be sorry if I oppressed anyone in the process of trying to make my country the richest and most powerful. I wouldn't flex my muscles no matter how big they were to scare little tyrannical countries. I wouldn't try to gain resources from other countries for as little as possible. I would much rather pay full price. And when someone disagrees with me I will still be nice to them even though it is costing me money. I won't care if these other countries are extremely poor yet still have money to build chemical weapons. I would keep track of every company in this country and what they do. I would make sure that athletes and musicians only get paid $!0.00 an hour even if they create $60 million in revenue for the company they work for. I would legalize all drugs (except crack and heroin because they are the really bad ones) but I will regulate cigarette use to only your own homes. I would make sure that all the homeless would get fed and that anyone that doesn't have a job would get as much welfare as they need. And I would regulate the cost of coffee at Starbucks to $.50 a cup even for a grande. This is what I would do if I was in charge of this country. But I'm not so FUCK IT!

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people just look at the current events, not the past or historical events... countries like lebanon, israel, iran, saudi arabia, iraq, etc. have been fighting these wars for a very, very, very long time over land territory, religion, political oppression, government dictorship, corruption, oil, complete power over all the countries in the middle east, etc., and the list can go on and on. this isn't something that started over the supposed bullying of the united states. when saddam hussein was put into power in iraq he starved his people, killed practically everyone in the government cabinent, and was plotting to turn iraq into a major military power so he can use the military to take over land that supposedly belonged to iraq, which was an excuse for him to have control over the oil in the middle east. this man killed more people in iraq than you can even imagine. didn't anybody see the documentary on him on A&E. he's a psyco and his sons are worse. everyone is shitin' bricks because they're afraid one of his sons will one day take over, then if that happens we're all in the shithole, because these guys aren't afraid of creating global war. bin laden and other taliban tribal militia groups have been doing the same to the people of afganistan, they murdered a shit load of people for their false perception of the qua'ran, which they use as an excuse to maintain power. plus look at all the people who died world wide due to drug use especially heroin, did u all forget that the majority of opium comes from afganistan and its used to make heroin. it not just terroist acts that they use to kill innocent people. the same in africa and other nations in the world, innocent people are dying, and i think its fucking ignorant to blame the US for all these problems when it was these asshole extremeists that have been the real cause for the problems. these people are brainwashed to believe that its the westerners that are the cause for corruption, when in fact its these dictators and their fucked up, made up, and reinterpreted beliefs that are the cause of their nations problems.

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arguing on here isnt going to get anything resolved....there are no problems....people have and always will have different views and opinions and you cant change it

If you were born in the US and stayed in the US all your life you wont know what is going on outside of this country and what is being done to the people. The news chanells such as cnn,nbc and abc arent going to air something that incriminate the US, they only show good stuff about the US and same thing goes about the Arab nation and PLO...they never had any stories about any good things they have done or any good new on them at all...thanks to the media now when ever anyone says/thinks Arab/muslim they think terrorist

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Originally posted by dreamdrops

arguing on here isnt going to get anything resolved....there are no problems....people have and always will have different views and opinions and you cant change it

If you were born in the US and stayed in the US all your life you wont know what is going on outside of this country and what is being done to the people. The news chanells such as cnn,nbc and abc arent going to air something that incriminate the US, they only show good stuff about the US and same thing goes about the Arab nation and PLO...they never had any stories about any good things they have done or any good new on them at all...thanks to the media now when ever anyone says/thinks Arab/muslim they think terrorist

I agree with dreamdrops 100%

The media causes all the hate on both sides

why is it when ever a muslim commits a crime, the media starts off the persons name with muslim this muslim that.

How about when Mcvey blew up the fedral buliding in OKL?

Why did they not start his name off with christian Tim Mcvey or all the other christians that have commited a crime?

To bad these arab countries did not know that are govt and and media do not reflect the american people.

i also find it funny how our counrty bomb the shit out of Japan and yes i know we had to do it because of Pearl Harbor, but we directly went out after all those civilians.

Did that make us one of the most terriost countries ever?

One last thing i find funny is how all these people just started to watch the news after sept 11 and now think they know it all.

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i hate the way people watch tv and think there experts in history all of a sudden. yo the week after 9/11 we talked about it at school and i said the us did alot of shit to provoke beef in the middle east and no one believed me. i told them about the iran contra scandal and no one believed me except the teacher. there all like "ur making that up, america wouldnt sell weapons to the middle east" can u believe that.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

i hate the way people watch tv and think there experts in history all of a sudden. yo the week after 9/11 we talked about it at school and i said the us did alot of shit to provoke beef in the middle east and no one believed me. i told them about the iran contra scandal and no one believed me except the teacher. there all like "ur making that up, america wouldnt sell weapons to the middle east" can u believe that.

It's funny how Bush said "we will get all countries that harbor terriost". What took so long? I mean did we or did we not build and support Iraqu and Saddam? Yes we did, but it was all good at the time being because we used them to fight Iran.

How about the Taliban? I mean come on now, did we or did we not know how terrible they were when the cia helped train then to fight Russia for us, then of course we left the country to rot under there control. I wonder why all these countries hate us.

I bet you guys did not know that all of euroupe and asia is laughing at our president calling him a little kid! I was with him 100% untill he had to do something and mention those three words "axis of evil". He might have just got us in to some shit.

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