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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by nickijay

  1. That cracketh this chick up!!! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  2. At this point I'd take ANY time sex!!! But good for you. I'm glad someone's getting some!! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  3. I've done it a couple of times and have to say it was really good, but this one time in college was just too funny! We were both wearing work boots and just couldn't get them off so he just kept his jeans around his ankles which really messed things up. (I had been wearing a skirt so that came right off!!) Gives a whole new meaning to "knocking boots", or no, wait, maybe not....All I know is it was awesome and I'll never forget the "sex with boots on" as we referred to it from that point on. ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  4. Meaning ID, money, gum, lipstick, whatever...During the summer, clothes are so small and my outfits ususally don't have pockets. Winter they may, but I hate having stuff in my pockets. I once tried to put my money and ID in my boot, but I ended up losing my $$$ and it was a pain in the ass. Was just wondering.. ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  5. I'm right behind you on that one, especially the honesty part. Yep, I second you all da way!! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  6. I can't dance with a purse!!! My clubbing friend, known to all here as Divalicious, made these ID size black satin drawstring pouches with an elastic drawstring and I usually hold it in my hand or put it up high on my arm. It's all torn up from stuffing it this summer, so my girl's going to have to whip out her sewing needle!! Hee hee I lose so much stuff when I go out. The insanity has to stop!! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  7. Napster rules!!!! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  8. OMG, don't lie? I've dated some of the biggest liars ever, especially the last peckerhead I went out with. He told so many lies that he had to lie to cover up his lies!!! The thing is when you catch a guy lying to you, they still keep lying. Girls are way more truthful, or at least I am. I'm sorry some of you guys are having probs. w/the chicks, but there will never be complete understanding between the two sexes! I don't think I'll ever understand men! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  9. Being bored at work sucks. I'm really busy, but I can't get away from this board b/c I had lost my internet access for about a month and now that I finally have it back, I can't seem to get back to doing what I'm supposed to be doing. On top of everything, my co-workers and my boss keep interrupting me. The nerve!!!! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  10. I used to get headaches like the one you're describing and they'd last for days and no amount of advil in the world would make them go away. Anyway, I got into a car accident and had to see a chiropractor for my neck and he told me he could remedy my headaches. I went to him for about a year and I rarely get one now. I don't know, maybe it's all in my head, ha ha! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  11. What I want to know is where are the fellas who know how to make me laugh? Funny men are hard to come by, and a good sense of humor is an awesome quality... I once met a guy who, initially, was so not my type but he had me in stitches by the end of the night and we ended up in a five year relationship. I haven't found anyone quite that funny since! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  12. ok, divalicious my friend, was this directed towards me b/c i burned you this weekend? Let me just say that reformed smokers are the worst when it comes to this soapbox!!! Pot smoking is just as harmful to one's health but you're all for that, right? If everyone who smoked cigarettes lit up a joint in a club instead of a cigarette, I guarantee you'd come home just as stinky!!! I take offense to this and I don't smoke all of the time as it is. Sorry about the burn, or burns... but when you go to a crowded club you have to realize that some things just come with the territory, like having your foot stepped on or having a drink spilled all over you. I've been burned on many occasions myself. I think you need to think back to when you were a smoker, b/c like I said, I've been on both sides of the fence on this issue,but I never went off on my friends about it! Peace dude! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  13. omg, i can still do Rubik's cube!! (Without removing the stickers!) ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  14. I have a typewriter, hee hee, and I totally relate to your dilemma b/c I needed one to fill out applications for teaching certification a few years ago. If you have no luck finding one you are welcome to use mine, but you'd have to come and get it... ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  15. OOOHHHH, I've seen that look that you shoot those horny guys!!! Hee hee!!! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  16. There're 14 lbs to a stone so that would be 21 lbs!!!! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  17. 69 is fine doggy any time!!! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  18. I share you birthday....but if I'm older, maybe you share mine!!! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  19. Wow! Wow! Wow!! I bow down to you!! I'm 32 and was with a 22 year old....you are my hero!! I love to read posts from people who are over 24, 25 b/c when I go out I sometimes feel like these young 'uns wonder what the hell I'm doing, but I just can't help myself. I don't ever see myself growing out of this phase. I just keep getting worse as I get older. Whatever...it's all good! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  20. Divalicious and and this here geriatric have decided to head out to the Hamptons on Sat. instead of Fri. so we will be at Vinyl on Fri. I'll leave the walker at home!! Yay, can't wait....where do you guys usually meet up?? PS - there's no age discrimination with me. I love everyone... ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  21. Leather pants are great, but not for a night of dancing. I made that mistake once. Too sweaty. Anyone see that episode of Friends when Ross's leather pants were stuck at his knees? Hee hee! ------------------ I LEAD A DOUBLE LIFE
  22. yay! i'm 32 going on 12 and i'd love to hang!!! i'm going to be in the hamptons this weekend and next but would definitely like to meet some new people to party with.... the more the merrier!!! i was beginning to think that the club crowd retired after 25, but since finding this board i realize that it's just not true!! i made a really good friend (for life) from one of these sites and we have a blast together. i'm hoping to meet more friends like her since all of my old friends have taken the "traditional" route and married themselves off and had kids (eeekkkk, scary to me...) we usually go to exit on a sat. pm, and tried vinyl for the first time this past friday, but everyone knows what happened there. hope to hear from you all!!!
  23. I'm from England, so that explains the uk part. I live in NJ and my initials are NJ so that explains the NJ x 2! I have to say that people are very creative with their names!!!
  24. To play with: Dark hair (Italians are good!),not too tall but not too short either, hat, no shirt, nice body, knows how to dance, couple of tatoos thrown in for good measure...... To get serious with: all of the above with the ability to hold an intelligent conversation.
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