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Everything posted by bobadrinker

  1. you think this is excellent? wait till you see the summer nights. Nthing like skinny dipping at 1 am
  2. sounds like everyone's getting along just dandy. Could it be that Rodny King's message finally got through to people? Blue: break ups are never easy, especially when you're living with the S.O. Expect some kinda drama in the next month or so Deep: sound like you have every man's dream job - check out talent, sign them, promote them to super stardome and rack in the bucks. Dont forget us little people when you become a record exec one day. Boy do I need a career change... Weyes: the story of my holidays & weekends thus far has been sickness. Really doesn't help that I breathe the same air with other sickies Glad you've recovered and out and about. LALate: congrats on the addition to the Late family. Although the latest member has a hint of soft porn to it But hey, sex sells. More power to ya I need to get a new job and a steady gf and recover so I can start heading out again and save up money for a house and car all the other goodies to get through life. I'm depressed as hell thinking about the bleak future ahead. The unknown is screwing me up the ying yang, big time. I'm hitting the height of my mid 20s crisis. yeah, my b-day is coming up. boo hoo
  3. Red, Spundae, Century Club aint bad if you get there early to avoid the lines. Club Sugar has a nice chill vibe (not sure if they're still open) The Mayan's setup allow you up close and personal access to the DJs. The best club/ event overall still has to be: Spundae @ Circus Disco
  4. oh I wish its OCLate.com *crossing fingers*
  5. I rather you buy me a drink, Blue. A couple drinks will take me further into the night than a tank of Unleaded Plus I'd love to come out and watch you do your thang tonight...but I do have a prior engagement But you get out there and shake it and I'll catch you next time
  6. I can totally understand your situation...I'm currently in a similar dilemma - except the stripper part. The thing is, she's great in a lot of ways but I don't see her as the one. Plus I kinda still want to date around a bit. But she's totally into and I like her and care about her. Its getting to the point where she has built up expectations of me that I can't always (willing or not) meet. I'll just reiterate what most have said on this post. If the only reason you stick around is because of the sex - as in you don't dig her as a person, its better to end it now than drag it out. It'll only make things harder. Good luck with things...
  7. Boo! Working in OC sucks donkey nuts. Parties on a week night suck donkey arssss. Ok no it doesn't really - just sucks that I dont live in LA, close to the action
  8. I rated myself as I can hold my own. But it really varies - depending on the amount of booz I consume and the music/ crowd, I can be either Looking damn good or trying to figure out my left from right. Whatever the case might be, I'll look decent to the beer goggled under dimely lit light Thank the lord for alcohol and black light :D
  9. I went to a friend's co-worker's crib. The guy has a studio apt, complete with freight elevators and rooftop and a view looking at downtown LA. We drank and passed time to the freelance DJ spinning tunes I can't recall. We went to the rooftop for the countdown/hug/singing/ fireworks watching/bullet dodging and the gracious hosts even brought us champagne!It was definitely a departure from my usual NYE club plarties. I even got home before sun rise. But what made it worth while was the company of my close buddies. this has got to be, by far, the most chill NYE in memory since I became of age. But also one of the more memorable ones.
  10. well done Weyes. Couldn't have envisioned a more encapsulating wisdome than this to wrap up the year.
  11. It looks like everyone has seperate agendas for NYE. So I just want to wish everyone a safe, happy, and orgasmic New year:D Giving out some virtual hugs and kisses for the midnight countdown See you all in 2004.....werrrrrrrd
  12. thats what you get for procrastinating:tongue: But try proof positive: http://www.proofpositivela.com they have "appetizers" Your guess is as good as mine as to what they are... Or Century Club: http://centuryclub.com If all else fails, there's always countdown balooza with Dick
  13. hehe...Weyes Weyes Weyes (man your name is hard to type...) Can you really blame guys for trying to hit on you? I personally find that when girls drown themselves in the music, is when they're the truest, and most attractive. That being said, I also feel reluctant to interupt them when they're into the music. So I just watch from the side lines all night looong. Probably explaines why I never hook up at a club But really I think if you just keep getting your groove on and ignore the "tresspassers", they'll eventually get the point. If not, the finger usually gets the point across
  14. hehe...Weyes Weyes Weyes (man your name is hard to type...) Can you really blame guys for trying to hit on you? I personally find that when girls drown themselves in the music, is when they're the truest, and most attractive. That being said, I also feel reluctant to interupt them when they're into the music. So I just watch from the side lines all night looong. Probably explaines why I never hook up at a club But really I think if you just keep getting your groove on and ignore the "tresspassers", they'll eventually get the point. If not, the finger usually gets the point across
  15. ARGGHHH!!!@#$@#$#@% I just found out that 103.1fm is no longer KDL. There goes the only non mainstream/ somewhat trancy radio station in town. I'll bet Clear Channel was behind it. Everytime a station show sign of audience following they buy out the competition (case in point: Groove Radio) Damn them corporate media giants!!! :mad:
  16. happy be-lated weyes! hope you're feeling better. Or atleast well enough to party like its 19...umm, 2004?! Holy molly!
  17. meaning what? You'll sleep in until the buzz wears off?
  18. the VIP tickets for past events are a joke. As the night progresses, the "VIP" areaa became free for all. And I doubt the complementary champagne justify the hefty fee. This year though, Giant has reserved the spining restaurant as the VIP area. This probably allow for tigher security check. Then again there is plenty of music and dance floor for regular ticket admission. So read the fine prints then decide. Either way, by going with Giant I don't think you'll go wrong. Werrrrd
  19. take your time Wey...looking forward to it
  20. woo...Weyes back in Cali for her B-day. Does this mean I get to buy you a blowjob? no, not that kind - the drink. Well if you want the real thing that might be arranged...haha
  21. I'm not quite a humbug, but don't feel myself getting into the holiday spirits. I don't know what it is about this year...I'm just not feeling it. Maybe its my nagging allergy that just won't go away. Maybe its the absence of attractive parties/ DJs. Or maybe its the fact I'm single ....nah, I've been single and its never dampered my holiday cheer. Maybe I just haven't had enough alchy...that must be it! Cheers!
  22. As the year comes to an end, one couldn't help but wonder if good ol' Weyes will have a Wisedom of the Year 2k3 to send off 2003, and kick off 2004 with a bang ?
  23. Sugar has re-opened? how was it? Like LALate mentioned, it is a big venue, crowd the dance floor, pyromaniac spectacular place. But it is a cozy, chill place that offer its patrons an intimate setting to listen to music and dance. I'd want to check it out. Can anyone confirm if its re-open?
  24. dont know if these places actually exist...try one of the movie studios? hehe..
  25. good to know you're also promoting responsible, safe partying...
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