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Everything posted by maximman

  1. i also went through the cold, rain and security... but once i got inside... there was only one thing i could say "IT WAS SO WORTH IT". I had one too many Vodka-Red Bulls though and i don't remember what Hawtin sounded like at all... haha... Cox was incredible, the vibe was sweet... and i can say honestly, I haven't had that much fun since the days of Twilo. If I hadn't pre-paid for my tickets, i would've left... it was BEARABLE outside until SOME genious decided to make an announcement like, "If you have pre-paid tickets come to the front", and then it was over..... the crowd turned into a mob and they all made a dash for the front. The security guard in charge of the line was actually rather pleasant... Few line cutters and stuff which was annoying... but hey, that's to be expected. Nice mixed crowd.... I can't even put into words how enjoyable last nite was. In my mind, one of the GREATEST nites I've ever had. Boo6, here i come.... bring it....
  2. The Rock Says: BRING IT... i'll be there... gray tank top, and white long sleeve... also, a blue Twilo Visor... find me if u can...
  3. you sure have watched that movie a plethora of times... I just wanna hear you use the word plethora as Gump...
  4. Hey, what's the stop that everyone recommends that you go to instead of Miami b/c it's cheaper? Like you fly there and then cab it to Miami for cheaper Air Fare... Was it South Beach? and which airline is the cheapest? thanx!
  5. you missed one... Z. Kavarichi omg, i don't even know if that's how you spell that... That's a GREAT list though... god... i feel old...
  6. aw man... could've picked a better part of the song to sample... heard the intro and JUST as it was getting started it gets cut off... thanx though...
  7. The CP site says that it starts @ 9, but the Stuck on Earth sites says 10... ??? Just curious... wanna have an idea of when to get there...
  8. Biggest upset in olympic hockey history... Wouldn't that be the US defeating the Soviets @ Lake Placid? I don't know, I don't watch hockey... But the story about it that was on HBO was a great documentary
  9. At first i was laughing, and then I started crying b/c of got scared, and then laughed again, and then cried again...
  10. FUCK THAT!!!! BAH-RUM CHING (Sorry, i had to)
  11. Can't Sleep...Clowns Will Eat Me...
  13. haha... nice nice... that Matrix effect is awesome!
  14. last time was better... smaller crowd, actually the crowd itself was better overall... Tiesto's set was also better last time... You didn't miss much... Sorry to hear i missed you while u were @ Rutgers... tell Ron to let me know when you'll be coming down again and we'll all hang out...
  15. Commence Ranting.... I'm walking through a crowd of people, and two of em decide that they're going to have a conversation with each other, except that there are like 12 people in between them.... do they care? no, not at all... lets just SCREAM AT THE TOP OF OUR LUNGS TO EACH OTHER IN CHINESE ACROSS THE HALLWAY AND INTO THIS GUYS EAR. Oh, and not to discriminate... there's the huge topless guido guy who apparently doesn't realize that there are people in front of him and decides that he's just going to walk straight. He stomps on my foot, looks at me... and continues on his way... No sorry, not even an acknowledgement. One more. Do people not dance anymore? Has that art been lost? Everywhere I look, people are waving sticks and lights. Sticks connected to lights connected to another stick attached to a string. SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN, but feet keep still. WHEW... lets out a breath of air... End Rant.
  16. I'm still stuck on that part.... :laugh:
  17. Alcohol's bad for you. Greasy food's bad for you. Drugs are bad for you. Cars are bad for the environment. The computer keyboard causes carpal tunnel syndrome. The monitor gives off radiation. Blow pops give you cancer. Now excuse me, I have to drive my car to the doctors office to have my testicals removed because of the radiation from my monitor. It's hard to type with this wrist brace on. I think i'll pick up a Big Mac and wash it down with a beer because the weed made me hungry. Where's my blue blow pop? blah blah blah blah...
  18. hahaha... i was sitting in my chair and I started doing #2, and I actually had to stand up and leave the room to stop laughing... omg... i'm gonna do that the next time i'm out....
  19. Does NE1 know of a place where I can go to hear some breakbeats, scaratching, and or down tempo type of music? Thanx a lot!
  20. :laugh::laugh::laugh: VERY good observation....
  21. god... did some of your guys get up on the wrong side of the bed or something? What's with the anger? Have your opinions but don't insult the guy. If that's what he wants to do, that's what he wants to do. I'm sure that everyone does something or has done something that someone else could give you shit for... give the guy a break... geez...
  22. Memories... in the corners of me mind.... :laugh: A whole little pong universe and i always thought it was just a stupid game...
  23. Did you guys hear the ad for this party being held by KTU @ Exit? One of the last things you hear the announcer say is "More people get laid at Party Gras than at any other event!" Hey, whatever sells your party... I bet it's going to be a wonderful party.... :laugh: :laugh:
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