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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    post your stats.

    yay for the 5' 9" - 5' 10" boys !
  2. ah, shorty, i knew i could count on you to be there ! trancekyd and i were talking about this earlier tonight and i said i thought you'd be there; he and a lot of our gang will most likely be off to vegas that weekend. i've missed the scumfrog the last FEW times he's been here, and that's not cool !!! i'll definitely be there . shorty's blonde ass and my tall ass'll be there; come on, l.a. peeps !
  3. let's make it a SUNDAY; my work schedule is irregular in both day and time, but i never work sunday nights .and lbell: we'll post pics of ourselves before the meetup!
  4. this one is from my best friend: you can't go shopping if you don't push the cart. interpret that as you wish. tune in tomorrow.
  5. i didn't kiss a decent kisser till i was 18 (he was 25 and divorced). i had thought that kissing just sucked and i was wondering what all the fuss was about. i was scared that sex would suck BIGTIME (it just sucks littletime ; still waiting for really good sex). it took me 18 years to get the kissing i deserved. anyway, sickwitit, there's my early kissing history. but i can tell you what was - and still is - so sucky about a lot of kissers: * when they start with an open mouth - must be closed-mouth first * when they move their tongues everywhere and all at once * slobbering the first thing is really important. just starting in with sucking on her face is gross. and for a last note: lip-biting drives me crazy ...
  6. i agree; my last bf was too big for that, though. i think he was hitting my cervix (owowow)...
  7. i think it's about time we try another meetup. i'll start a new thread lbell; just tell me first what day is good for you (at least 2 weeks in advance) and i'll start us a thread !!!
  8. weyes


    my friends and i are all still debating, but leaning towards nothing, really. tiesto is too expensive even for my tiesto-worshipping best friend, i refuse to go to giant's event, and staying home is sounding nicer and nicer to my wallet... god, i need a new job --- pronto...
  9. the phrase "it could be worse" is quite possibly one of the most annoying in the english language. people have the right to be upset, angry, and sad, and telling them that their feelings aren't valid just because they aren't homeless and/or addicted to crack is ridiculous, irrelevant, and insulting. one should respect others' right to feel, and if one does not want to listen to someone's troubles, one should just have the honesty and decency to express that instead. tune in tomorrow.
  10. trop d'espagnol! ou sont mes gens francais?
  11. a practical one for today, all: wash those bathroom rugs! while it may seem as though they're clean, because we step on them after coming out of the shower, one should consider the bad things associated with any fabric that stays moist for any period of time. and don't make me explain why one should wash the rug around the toilet frequently ... tune in tomorrow.
  12. i can vouch for shorty; she's good peeps .
  13. talking in movie theaters in just plain obnoxious . if one's friend turns out to be an offender, it is one's duty to let him/her know! tune in tomorrow.
  14. away for the weekend; no column again . here i am, back on monday ! one should be careful of what one says in e-mails. not only can they be misinterpreted, but not allowing the receiver a chance to respond and participate in a conversation when the topic is serious is often unfair. tune in tomorrow.
  15. getting a head start on christmas shopping can be beneficial for many reasons: * don't go broke all at once * have a good chance to think of things for everyone * MOST IMPORTANTLY, beat the crowds as it gets closer and closer to christmas, shoppers' moods get nastier and nastier. one should try one's best to save one's sanity! tune in tomorrow.
  16. weyes

    I'm here

    i haven't had that experience ...i don't know of any good clubs in orange county, though - sorry. i live in the city of orange, but i always go up to l.a. to go out.
  17. yeah, lalate, my friends said that the vodka was lower, lower shelf, but i wouldn't've expected anything else. absolut don't come for free at the l.a. sports arena, unfortunately ! that was another reason why they opted to buy their drinks; bad booze causes headaches in the morning. my friends did, however, express interest in together as one for new year's, depending on the lineup, etc. i refuse to go to giant's event, so we'll see...
  18. one should be careful of how loud one is speaking when other people are on the phone; one never knows who may be on the line and if they may be hearing things that one would want kept secret ... (i.e. when a co-worker is talking to the boss on the phone at work, one should express one's hatred for the boss quietly --- that is, if it's necessary at all...) tune in tomorrow.
  19. on the reals! i'm chilly right now, here in orange! [seriously. you should feel my hands.]
  20. sorry i've been gone so long and haven't been putting up the column! just like in 2000, the day following election day, i got physically sick. it's truly amazing; i do NOT chalk it up to coincidence. i predicted it, too. by thursday (2 days after), i had a fever of 101.7 and i felt miserable. i went to the doctor on friday. fortunately, i didn't have strep; a friend of mine just had it and i thought i might have gotten it from her. anyway, i couldn't do anything but sit my ass in the living room la-z-boy or sleep. i'm back though, and will be reporting for duty as i should . here's the column: one shouldn't let one's bad day destroy one's fun for the evening. cancelling on friends passes on bad times and, if plans were made to go out and have fun, those will most likely be the ticket to turning one's mood around. tune in tomorrow.
  21. monster massive was crapass, in my opinion, though its start really spoiled the whole thing for me --- even though i tried not to let it. my costume for halloween was flavor flav. i was going to be him last year, but i ended up not going anywhere, 'cause i was too tired from the night before. i just kept the costume in my closet for this year. as one can imagine, i'd been psyched all year to wear it. i had the whole thing down, all the way to gold teeth and a top hat. but i got to the party, where the security assholes were frisking and such, and the head security lady says, "you can't bring that in," pointing at the clock around my neck. "you're kidding," i say. "no." she barks. "why?" i ask, in a tone indicating that she's being ridiculous. "because..." and she pauses while she searches for a reason, "you could be dancing and it could hit somebody." "this is my whole costume," i say. "without this, i'm nobody." "you have to throw it out," she says. and that was it. i had a great costume for all of 20 minutes. i was BEYOND upset. halloween is my favorite day of the year - not just my favorite holiday. i like it more than my birthday. and this lady stripped it from me. my friends had paid the extra $35 for VIP, 'cause they wanted the open vodka bar. i don't drink, so it didn't matter to me. it turned out, though, that they were only allowed to drink their drinks IN the VIP area, and had to stand 3 feet from the rest of the main room, which meant that i couldn't talk to them (it also meant that they could only be in the main room). there was a huge line for drinks in there, too, so my friends didn't even bother, and just paid for drinks all night. most of the girls' bathroom stalls didn't have doors, and 2/3s of the working stalls were overflowing by 10pm. bullshit. the party was bullshit. and, as i predicted, they cheated us out of the hour for the time change. i so enjoyed the one 2 years ago, too . i won't be going again.
  22. it's true; shorty does talk about her ass a lot. shorty's so cute, though, that she can get away with anything ! ok, i think it's time we have another try at a meetup. so far, we've got 3 reliable peeps (shortystar, sinrider, weyes); let's get some of you big talkers to show! the first thing we need to do, though, is to pick a place where everyone can be seen, so that even latecomers can identify the group. the places we've picked in the past were too dark and crowded. there are some well-lit places that are still hip ! o, sinrider - i still owe you a trip to your site; MY ass has not been doing what it should ...
  23. i had that very repeat . i'll make a thread about that.
  24. funny you should say that; i visited this thread again just so that i could say that i forgot about the slutty cop !!! i saw loads of those .
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