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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes


    my brother, sensitive guy that he is, has his girlfriend's period schedule on his calendar. that way, there's no uncertainty.
  2. seriously. who are these people?
  3. ok, all, here we go. every year, people ask, "what should i be for halloween?" now, i take halloween very seriously, and i understand that other people aren't as die-hard as i am, but there are some costumes that are simply overplayed and therefore must STOP. NOW. another thing that's terribly boring and done is the mindset that halloween is just an excuse to dress slutty. if you need a certain day of the year to make it "ok" for you to dress that way - you've got issues . don't dress slutty and act like you're an uber-vixen when you needed halloween to let it out . so, without further ado, here are the halloween costumes that are played-out and unacceptable: *slutty catholic school girl *pimp *slutty cat *slutty french maid *angel *devil *slutty fairy *hippie *slutty bunny witches and vampires and the like are a dime a dozen on halloween, but they're in the true spirit of halloween, so gore it up !
  4. ha - another great reason to try another meetup! sinrider and i will be there, for sure! now we just need everyone else !!! keep us posted!
  5. thanks for the compliment, shorty ! you MUST get dressed up on halloween; it is NOT an option ! i'd think that you'd be all over that ! well, i can put on my thinking cap...
  6. thanks, all . i just got those words from my roommate, too. i can relate to the tooth drama, too, what with 2 root canals this month, plus a filling and a crown! i can empathize with pvd and all the eating-on-one-side he must be doing, as well as avoiding crunchy things, maybe cold things, too ...
  7. everyone has to believe in something. tune in tomorrow.
  8. i never came from penetration, but i would never fake an orgasm, either. that's not to anyone's advantage. i told my last ex that it was frustrating that he always got me so close but never all the way, and i think he both took it as constructive and more as a compliment than an insult.
  9. my roommate says he heard on some other message board that pvd may not be coming to monster massive, do to some injury or illness or something. has anyone else heard anything about this, one way or the other?
  10. i went 2 years ago and it was a blast. there were djs of all types - progressive trance, house, hardcore (ick), booty house, some funky house, other stuff - so there was always a choice of music, and the lineup was incredible. it's an all ages crowd, but it's not the usual all ages crowd; it's not the "we're only here to get fucked up out of our minds because we finally got out of our parents' house for a night" crowd. these people are here because they are actually fans of particular djs (what with there being so many there) and because they want to be at a fun halloween party. everyone has a great costume. it's a great vibe all around. my roommate and i are slated to go, but my roommate heard some rumor that pvd won't be there after all due to some injury/illness --- something like that. i'm gonna start a thread asking if anyone has heard this ... my roommate says he doesn't wanna go if pvd isn't there. it's true, there's one less stage than there was last time we went, and fewer djs, but i wanna see judge jules anyway. my roommate wants to go vip, though, which is open bar all night, and he says he won't bother if pvd won't show.
  11. thank-you-notes are always appreciated, especially when given for things that most people take for granted. i.e.: i'm going to send my endodontist a thank-you-note for my last two root canals, 'cause i can finally eat and drink cold things without being in pain (it's been a looooooooooooong time)!!! many would say that it's just his job, but the result has such a major impact on my life that it deserves some extra thanks . tune in tomorrow.
  12. weyes

    The Rebound

    i don't know you, dee, but as people have said, you do seem to go from relationship to relationship. my mom was like that - always had to be with a man - this led her to settle with the wrong people (my father, my stepfather, for two examples). as cheesy as it sounds, it's true: you've gotta get a great relationship with yourSELF first - a better understanding of who you are and what you need - then what you want will become perfectly clear to you. and when you've got your act together, other people know it and feel at ease with you; it's something that you just project.
  13. i've found that, when i have to bite my tounge about a particular situation in order not to lose my temper or if there are just secrets i can't tell (even if it would benefit the person i would be telling), venting that frustration by taking some time for myself somehow can be very therapeutic. spending some quality alone time in a pretty place, taking the time to eat a nice meal, communicating positively with other people, etc., all make me feel just a little more in control of myself and my life. tune in tomorrow.
  14. a person shouldn't ever feel so low as to wonder why people are friends with him/her. this feeling can come over one every once in a while, especially when one is particularly struck by how much a certain friend means to him/her. but one should always remember that a friend is a friend to someone else because s/he wants to be, and often because s/he loves that someone. tune in tomorrow. sorry for the oddly worded wisdom today; i couldn't write it any other way!
  15. you don't know what you're gonna be??!?!?!?!? i always know what i'm gonna be at least 5 months in advance; i don't fuck around on halloween !!! i've even grown out my hair for months in preparation for particular halloween costumes, and don't ask how many times i've dyed my hair JUST for the holiday. the only times i've dyed my hair, actually, were for halloween.but i can't give you any ideas if i don't know what you look like or who you are as a person. i do always have good group ideas, though. here are some pictures of my friends and me as the scooby doo gang, years ago. they're really dark and pretty bad scans, but our colors were bright and true. it's hard to tell, but our shaggy (who shouldn't be wearing glasses, i know) is holding a stuffed scooby .
  16. hmmm - i haven't heard anything about tiesto, but i'll ask around tomorrow... i steer clear of giant events, though, no matter who's there. last year was BEYOND disastrous, and i don't need that kind of headache on new year's eve. giant is usually disorganized - to say the least - which can be overlooked if it's a one-dj affair, but i'll leave the nye thing to something more reliable (even if it's just kickin' back and spinning records with some friends ).
  17. making plans in advance means no empty evenings .
  18. thanks for some input, amyscottsdale and nomembername. if anyone else has anything constructive to say about this subject, i'd appreciate it .
  19. weyes

    lets play

    caption: boy, did i marry white trash! (that could come from either party .)
  20. there really is so much good stuff coming!!! i'm bummed now, though, shorty, 'cause trancekyd's saying he doesn't wanna go to monster massive if pvd isn't gonna be there, and he heard a RUMOR that he won't, due to some medical issue or something. i didn't get to dress up last year 'cause of trancekyd and pvd; i'm not gonna let that happen twice !!! my costume is ready and dope, and i wanna go to a great party. monster massive is fun, and i love judge jules . vip is drinks free all night for $75, which is really a good deal for trancekyd and his many-drinks-a-night-routine, but he's complaining that he won't go if pvd and matt hardwick (there was talk that he'd be there and then he turned out not to be, even though it was never on the official site) aren't there.what to do, shorty? are you going to monster massive? what are you doing, deepfunk?
  21. on one's last day of work at a job, there is no need to "go out with a bang" by arguing with or saying nasty things to co-workers. burning bridges and making enemies is never to anyone's advantage, even if one believes s/he will never see the parties in question again. tune in tomorrow.
  22. it's all a little mixed up, but i think i'm getting a handle on some of all of this. i say i'd like a boyfriend, but what i mean by that is someone who'd be a lot of things to me, not just a sex toy. i think that's true for most people (even the ones on this board - seriously, guys ... i'm getting to something.). when i go out with my friends, they point out people they think are cute and we start to talk about them, but i never point out people first, 'cause i'm not really looking. i'm busy listening to the music, dancing, or doing other things with my friends. and i've been wondering why i don't notice cute guys, when i agree that some are, after my friends point them out. it occurs to me now that i really don't have much of a sex drive anymore. and i don't know if that's because my priorities are different, because that's just something that's happened to me as i've gotten older, or because of my past experiences with men... but i think that could be why i don't even look around for or at guys at clubs anymore. i dunno ... guys still hit on me, but they're always really creepy guys . i'd just like to think that, even though i don't spot guys due to this, they'd still be drawn to me. i just want more. any thoughts?
  23. weyes


    yesterday was too hot, though, somebitch, 'cause i went to the angels game (go, angels!), and the lots were full, so we had to park at the pond, meaning that we had a mile-long trek from and to our car. our seats were in the sun for a good part of the game, too, so it was hotter than the actual temp of 82. it's my fault too, though, for wearing a hat; they really do keep that heat in. but ya gotta represent, ya know?still, i love our winter weather; you won't catch me complaining in january !
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