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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i wear more alcohol than i drink . man, am i sick of that. i drink about thrice a year. new year's was bad; i had a glass of champagne and some freak on the dancefloor spilled half of it on my friend and me . i never go out to eat, and when i do, it's to the same places. one place i haven't been to since i moved back but that i always loved during college is the california chicken cafe; there are a few of them, but the one i always went to is on melrose somewhere. the yummiest wraps - really tasty. they weren't boring, like wraps can be. i don't know why i don't just go on back there... if i went down to melrose, though, i'd probably be too tempted to go clothes shopping ...
  2. i'll try and come out and play for a night, too, as long as my forever-broke ass can afford it . and i'm with blue, what is this "namm"?
  3. i always used to say that i wanted to take my mom to red if she visited me, but that was back when it was at arena, and it was really more kickback. my mom worries about me, and i know she has a really warped idea of what my "scene" is, so i wanted to show her that it's just a room of people dancing, with a nice patio for chatting and smoking purposes. but red @ arena is no more . in fact, red's taking a break altogether, for the time being.
  4. i'm pretty brokeass these days, but i would totally be down for at least meeting up for drinks or something .
  5. when mama told you to wash your hands before eating, it was for a reason . i will not go into detail here, people . tune in tomorrow.
  6. hmmm - that didn't really seem like a positive review; the things you mentioned were pretty crappy. i think the only reason you had a good time was because you really set your mind to it; it was just a case of mind over matter, and, good for you .* *my opinion, of course.
  7. weyes

    pop the question

    the night i met my woof-woof of an ex, he said, "can i take you out sometime?" i honestly wasn't attracted to him at the time, but he seemed so nice and asked so politely that i was almost shocked; i never really come across that. i figured i'd give him a chance and, if things didn't work out romantically, at least i could maybe make friends with someone who knew how to treat others respectfully. (i discovered later that he knew almost nothing about respect, but the first impression is not always an accurate or complete one.)
  8. smileys can help with that, though they're unprofessional and look kind of stupid sometimes.
  9. depends if i'm getting myself there or if a guy is *ahem* trying !!!
  10. weyes

    Young Vasectomy?

    thanks, lml, you know what i mean. coupling all the bad parenting i see these days with my feelings about having children has really made me feel that not everyone has the right to be a parent.
  11. sensitivity must be used in instant messenger; things can sound very harsh in print when poorly phrased. tune in tomorrow.
  12. o - you found a job, blue; i didn't know !!! you weren't unemployed long at all !!! where'd you find it? and deepfunk, what do you do at your company? as far as my day, i've got it off and i've just been procrastinating, avoiding the many things i should be doing around the house . i really need to do laundry, 'cause all of my appropriate "work clothes" are dirty and i'm running out of underwear ...
  13. weyes

    1:50 am

    my friend just really hurt my feelings on aim ; i feel like i'm gonna be up for a loooooooooong time. sometimes i wish i were good at forgetting things; he is. i didn't know you were on the west coast, too (i never knew what "kizzy" stood for)! where are you?
  14. weyes

    Young Vasectomy?

    i know that, being female, this is a little different, but it does tie in a bit. i had an ovarian cyst that needed to be removed. the doctors had to figure out whether they could remove just the cyst or if they needed to remove the entire ovary. removing the ovary would reduce my chances of having children. i told the docs that i intended on never having children, and they mostly said i was too young (24) to be able to make that decision. this pissed me off, 'cause i'm in charge of my own body and i WAS fit to make that decision; their assuming that i'll change my mind really insulted and angered me. because early tests had shown the cyst to be benign, only the cyst was removed. after post-op analysis, the cyst turned out to be borderline cancerous, meaning that it and the area around it contained cells that could become cancerous in the future. taking out the whole ovary would've been the option they would've chosen, had they known that beforehand, or gone on the side of caution, which meant listening to me. as for knowing that i never want kids at such a young age, there are many reasons. i don't think it's fair to bring a person into the world who didn't ask to be here. i think that's a selfish thing to do - to force someone into an existence 'cause YOU need to fill some need. i've got other reasons, but i'll end with saying that i will never not resent my parents for having me.
  15. setting an alarm on one's day off can ensure that more things get done. tune in tomorrow.
  16. one is not obligated to go to one's company's parties . tune in tomorrow.
  17. naw, blue; i must've forgotten you didn't like spundae, if you told me that story . how is this possible ???????
  18. thanks, tequiza . all the best to everyone in all their endeavors in 2004!
  19. always - both when i am the cashier and when i am not. get me out of this damned job!!!
  20. there have been guys who've gotten me off by working my clit, but i've never had a vaginal orgasm with a guy.i am capable of vaginal orgasms, though, and have brought myself there without ever using devices of any sort. and i HAVE brought myself to both vaginal and clitoral orgasm at the same time - amazing...
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