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Everything posted by weyes

  1. disregard what mama told you; sometimes talking to strangers can be a great thing . tune in tomorrow.
  2. man, i'm gonna be in l.a. when scumfrog's in new york and new york when he's in l.a. !!!!!!!!!
  3. what are some names of the biggest clubs, worldwide? i'm trying to get a hat for my friend from one, 'cause he likes representing. i already tried gatecrasher, arc, buzz, and space ibiza (he has space miami), and no dice . p.s. if you know their urls, please include them .
  4. what are some names of the biggest clubs, worldwide? i'm trying to get a hat for my friend from one, 'cause he likes representing. i already tried gatecrasher, arc, and space ibiza (he has space miami), and no dice . p.s. if you know their urls, please include them .
  5. what are some names of the biggest clubs, worldwide? i'm trying to get a hat for my friend from one, 'cause he likes representing. i already tried gatecrasher, arc, buzz, and space ibiza, and no dice . p.s. if you know their urls, please include them .
  6. be kind to employees in retail, especially during the holiday season; believe it or not, they are more frazzled than you are . tune in tomorrow.
  7. sheesh! what's up with you people ?! First Level of Hell - Limbo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charon ushers you across the river Acheron, and you find yourself upon the brink of grief's abysmal valley. You are in Limbo, a place of sorrow without torment. You encounter a seven-walled castle, and within those walls you find rolling fresh meadows illuminated by the light of reason, whereabout many shades dwell. These are the virtuous pagans, the great philosophers and authors, unbaptised children, and others unfit to enter the kingdom of heaven. You share company with Caesar, Homer, Virgil, Socrates, and Aristotle. There is no punishment here, and the atmosphere is peaceful, yet sad.
  8. weyes

    cp x mas list

    there are other things i want in addition to the following, but i thought i'd list the things on cintron's list that i want, too: but i've got plenty-a soul . that's one thing i do have .
  9. ah - you know what it is? my best friend seeks out vents on the dancefloor and we stand under them . i guess i've gotten used to that . but that technique has been more effective at spundae then anywhere else we've been. most places are hopeless (*cough* park plaza *cough* everywhere in nyc *cough*).
  10. paul johnson !!!!!! omigod, i LOVE paul johnson !!!!!!!!!!!! the last time i had the opportunity to see him was the night that twilo celebrated its 5th anniversary. paul johnson was to be at the roxy, and i was stoked as all hell. but i doubt anyone reading this has ever seen the roxy as empty as it was that night. paul johnson didn't show, and i had to listen to some asshats spin madonna's "music" over and over. i should've gotten my money back .
  11. i am. i'm considering the sony v-1 'cause of its nightshot and nightframing features (taking pics in the dark) but it has some serious design flaws, if you ask me; where a normal person would put his/her left hand covers the pop-up flash and the red-eye beam . but it's the only camera with the nightframing/shot features AND a hotshoe. i'm not a big fan of sony otherwise, though. what do you like about your cam? what has sony done for you? what do you like about the memory stick?
  12. when cutting things one should cut away from oneself. i know too many people who have cut their hands when cutting a bagel in half while holding bagels in the palms of their hands . tune in tomorrow.
  13. weyes

    nicole kidman

    i find both entirely revolting .
  14. one of the many things i love about spundae is that it's usually so well-ventilated! it's not hot in there, blue, it's just you !
  15. with what camera did you take the pic of techna as a puppy (your wallpaper), glow?
  16. so, majinbuu, are you a marco v fan, a joshua ryan fan, a paul johnson fan, or an arc fan (or any combination of any of the above)?
  17. when's your birthday, and why are you giving francis the finger?by the way, my birthday is december 27th, and i will gladly accept any early birthday presents !
  18. it was such a beautiful day today - high of 68. high should be 71 tomorrow .
  19. actually, there are 11 major motion picture releases called crossroads.
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