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Everything posted by weyes

  1. me, too!!!!!!! but frozen yogurt, though; ice cream is too rich for me.
  2. i don't know if she's from elsewhere in california, but, assuming she's not... you have to take her for dinner at el cholo !!! l.a. has great mexican food, and that place has the best. i can't even eat mexican when i go back home to new york now after living in l.a., and el cholo was a factor in that strict policy . they have 2 locations: one in pasadena (haven't been there) and another on western (i think) just a bit off the 10.
  3. rock on, notallthere, good thread . i've got way too many memories of people kicking around, and they often just come to me without specific triggers; suddenly i have thoughts in my head of people or incidents in my past just from my mind racing on its own. it's all the worst at night, though; i've been trying to get to bed earlier. it's hard, though, 'cause i usually work the night shift .
  4. watch out for blue; she will hump your leg . tequiza: don't worry - i don't drink, so i should be lucid all night (or at least as lucid as i usually am ). what's up with nacional? what's the vibe like over there? is it more of a club or a lounge? can people carry on conversations there? do people dance? is the music something to which people pay attention or is it just background? how much is the cover? info, please !!!
  5. hey, crack ,yep, alex is the one to ask about lounges and whatnot. i'm strictly a clubber .
  6. there's plenty of room for cookies in a balanced diet . tune in tomorrow.
  7. i know this is a music/tech question, but i'm hoping to get an answer tonight. is soulseek still working? does it need a new upgrade? what's up with that? do you guys think it's still ok to download off soulseek (if it's still possible), or have you stopped? please enlighten me .
  8. i may be a wee bit late on sunday; i'm scheduled to work till 6:30, but we usually are out the door by 6:10. i work in santa monica and will be there soon after. try not to be entirely smashed by the time i get there, guys, 'k ? i really wanna meet you guys, not just peeps who will have left their real selves at the place next door, in the bottoms of beer bottles ! save some drinky room for the cheap margaritas alex got us ! well, i don't know what i'll be wearing, but blue knows me. i'll post what i'll be wearing as soon as i figure it out .
  9. it should come as no surprise that mental midgets are small-minded. tune in tomorrow.
  10. y'all are gonna hafta wait for the pix .
  11. crossing picket lines hurts the everyman and only benefits "the man." tune in tomorrow.
  12. it's cute, but it's not as funny out here as it is for the rest of the country, know what i mean ?
  13. i make it up and rush to my pc before the midnight deadline every day .
  14. me too.it's not 'cause i think people who get them are insecure; that never really crossed my mind (iamme said that at the beginning of this thread). but, in general, i'm all about natural beauty. i think hair without dye or chemical higlights is prettier just 'cause it's what it is on its own; why destroy what's uniquely yours by wearing hair-, or, in this case, eye-color from a box? also, i think people's natural coloring generally looks best. there was a guy i used to see around from time to time who had purple ones with a white x in the middle; those were just way too creepy . and the ones that that loser guy in that shitty band wears, you know - the dude who wears ones that make his irises look black and much bigger - those are just a crime against humanity. i don't remember his name or the band's name, but i'm sure someone here does. and the woman on ricki lake who wore american flag ones freaked me out . as tastyt said, i really would like to see you when i look in your eyes.
  15. i think your mirror is off; i've seen many pics of you, and you're one hot tomato : !!!
  16. i see what you're talking about .
  17. i had a couple of friends (the friends were a couple ) who never had sex because the guy was too big for the biggest condoms on the market. my female friend was considering going on the pill (they were monogomous for a long time), but she eventually just got too scared of his penis to have sex with him at all. i would pass this info on to him, but he's passed away . sucks - think of all he missed!
  18. bloomingdale's has a great selection and some really nice stuff. my favorite brand is wacoal. i always advise against victoria's secret 'cause their stuff is cheaply made and their bras offer no support.
  19. when i first met my roommate, he told me he could speak 7 different languages. i was impressed. then he showed me a korean rap music video (my roommate said he spoke korean) and i asked what the rapper was saying. "um, i dunno," he said. "i think it's about this girls in the video."once when we were at a thai restaurant, he said, "they're speakings thai." he had claimed, earlier, that he spoke thai, as well. "what are they saying?" i asked. "i dunno," he said. "what language would you say you speak the best?" i asked, skirting the issue that he seemed not to know any of the languages he had claimed to know (although he was born in china and at least does know mandarin). "i speaks english the best," he said.
  20. one can learn something from everybody, and i mean everybody . tune in tomorrow.
  21. my roommate has LOADS of issues. i have a friend that wants to live with me and with whom i want to live, but he insists on staying in the housing development he occupies now, which is in the city of orange and has really noise-sensitive neighbors (ya gotta whisper after 10 pm, and i'm not kidding. you can't talk at normal tones 'cause the walls are that thin.). i'm really not cool with the orange thing... and a night owl living with an early bird probably isn't a good idea, either, i'm thinking. i had great roommates all through college; why are things so much harder now ?
  22. tix were only refunded to people who didn't use theirs, you mean, yes? and who got vips?
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