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Everything posted by weyes

  1. my feelings on the speech: and that crass, tasteless, disturbing statement was made even creepier by that lean he did on the podium. and i'd just like to end by adding that he is one of the worst speakers around; too bad i have to listen to his bullshit so much in order to keep up .
  2. i literally fell asleep in the middle; i think i was getting dizzy from all the ridiculously unnecessary standing ovations .
  3. my o my, what nerve did i hit ?
  4. weyes


    not like one i've ever seen, thank you .
  5. dammit !!! i never know when this show is on !!! does it keep changing days, or what?
  6. aaaaaaaagggghhhhh !!! in both directions, between my house in downtown l.a. and my work in santa monica, i jump in the fast lane when i'm in a hurry. but the pavement has some uneven parts every so often that pick up my tires and steer them in another direction, making me almost go into the right lane or into the divider, which is really close. this scares the shit outta me , so i don't take the fast lane much, but this strikes me as very dangerous, and something that should be fixed. does anyone else have this problem, or is it just my car, freaking out ?
  7. ick. first of all, i think she does a really good job of making herself look hideous. i saw a picture of her when she was in high school, and she was a pretty girl. now she puts her strawlike hair in ridiculous dos, overaccessorizes, and that bindi thing? forget it . and i can't stand her baby talk . her image screams of being something she's not, just for a show - 'cause she's afraid she otherwise wouldn't get much attention. and i think it's true. the one thing i give gwen props for is that she kept her little boobies . i give all little-boobied girls props, 'cause it shows they've got class enough to not cave in to all the plastic surgery pressure these days .
  8. and city bus drivers should not be allowed to talk on cell phones!!! that's gotta be outlawed - sooooo dangerous .
  9. couldn't tune in in time , but it's cool to watch the dj working live . it's mesmerizing, even though the picture quality's really bad .
  10. while taking a multivitamin daily is a good idea, it's no substitute for healthy, well-balanced meals . tune in tomorrow.
  11. it's worse at guys' houses; i'm guessing it may have something to do with shaving (cream and hair )...
  12. i only go to one chain anyway, so i only have one on my keychain, and that doesn't bother me - but most supermarkets out here'll look up your card by your phone number or just swipe a blank one for you if you forgot yours.
  13. cameras in the bathrooms ??? that's fucked up!!!
  14. i have friends that i love, right now i love a friend very, very dearly, but there are still some things that i don't feel comfortable telling him. i'm almost there, though. i told him something i'd been afraid to tell him ever since i met him (which was in early 2001) last weekend, and he shrugged it off in one sentence - it was absolutely no big deal to him; i had been worrying over nothing. i really underestimated him, i guess :D . i had been so afraid that telling him too much about me might scare him away, but he showed that nothing changes in a real, caring friendship, just because someone tells a story or tells some secrets. we're both still the same people we always were: two people who have fun partying, watching tv, playing board games, just talking, hell - i even have fun when i'm asleep at his house ! he's brightened up my world in more ways than he knows . the trust issue is really all mine; i've shut down a little bit as i've grown older - just a little bit, though. as time goes by, i'm sure i'll get back on track and have a little more faith and better judgment.
  15. i got this from my brother, he's enjoyed using it on people he really doesn't like at work, though he says it probably would be more effective coming from a girl. "girls really don't know just how often guys jerk off," he says. "seriously. just about every guy has done it at least once in the bathroom at work. all you've gotta do is go up to any guy and say, 'look, i know all about you and the masturbating, and it's gotta stop ,' with a really stern look on your face. the guy will undoubtedly be embarrassed and freaked out, even if you haven't heard a thing ."
  16. weyes

    who would u fuck

    you didn't leave a slot for a write-in (other) vote .
  17. weyes


    yeah - in case you don't know about the three secret ways of ordering their burgers, i'll let ya in on it here : animal style: by far the most popular, and my fave . the meat is cooked in the sauce, so it's extra juicy (i believe that's how they do it), and the onions are grilled, not raw. jungle style: twice all the vegetable matter - lettuce, tomatoes, onions. i'm not sure if they double the pickles or not. protein style: the burger is bunless, wrapped in lettuce instead. it gets incredibly messy. really, really messy. besides, i figure, if you're gonna eat at a fast food place anyway, are you really gonna count your carbs for that meal?
  18. me likey the hot chocolate . coffee gives me tummyaches, as much as i like drinking it. and it's hard to get rid of the after-coffee bad breath.
  19. back to the subject at hand, i like the chicks' version as well .
  20. weyes


    the best !!! too bad you're on the east coast . if you ever come out west, make sure you order your burger "animal style"; that's the tastiest way to get 'em, and not on the menu .
  21. all right, they're all really, really annoying . but who do you wanna smack upside the head, repeatedly, the most?
  22. people - wash out your bathroom sinks every once in a while; i don't wanna know what that funk is . tune in tomorrow.
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