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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes and vanilla ice be like that .
  2. meat's good too; protein ! (weyes should take this advice; her diet of cereal and starchy soups w/ bread is far from balanced .) v8 rocks !!!
  3. those people are pretty sketchy-looking ...
  4. how do saeed & palash and grant plant suit you ? (click on los angeles/circus) http://www.spundae.com/fls/yourule.html
  5. that karma system thing is just a popularity contest. bad idea.
  6. i had the BIGGEST crush on a co-worker a few years back but never pursued it 'cause of the whole "don't dip your pen in the company ink" rule. if things had gone well it would've been inappropriate, and, if they hadn't, i would've had to see him everyday, which would've hurt me too much.
  7. what do you do best in bed? or what is your special talent, if you have one ?
  8. not at all. if you can't do it, i think you need to get to know yourself a little better .
  9. i like what you've done to the pic in your sig, funluvin .
  10. don't for get your veggies - vitamins and fiber abound . tune in tomorrow.
  11. weyes

    Kewl Names

    daphne, charlotte, and james are my top three names. but my advice is to not name kids unisex names or names that are easily mistaken for others - i.e. caroline/carolyn. it just makes for a lot of annoying confusion with which the poor person will be stuck forever.
  12. weyes


    i'm sorry to hear that . keep your chin up, girl!
  13. seriously, though, i was agreeing .
  14. i think jessica simpson looks like a horse.
  15. i guess i've got a few things in general, but when i'm out, there's a certain smile that hijacks me when i'm on the dancefloor and the music's right that seems to get me noticed .
  16. weyes

    what do girls prefer

    the longer the better .
  17. weyes

    Tits and BIG dicks

    this thread rules!!!
  18. weyes

    Bush or Beard?

    14/16. i did much better with this one than with the asses & elbows one. i wonder what that means...
  19. grrr - this took me so long 'cause i have a lot of trouble figuring out how to post pics still. i'm getting there, though. i'm trying really hard not to post all my pics; my friends, for some strange reason, don't want their faces plastered all over the 'net. weird, huh? i tell them i'm only putting them up there 'cause they're so cute, but they ignore the compliment and only focus on the fact that they're all wanted in the state of georgia ( j/k.). here's armin van buuren. trancekyd was wowed by how tall he is, as he never seemed that tall in pictures or when we last saw him; he was onstage back in sept., so we couldn't tell. but he must be about 6' 3". here i am w/ two friends; i'll keep them anonymous. they were happy, i was annoyed, but it makes for a good picture somehow. and this is a bizarre, very obscured group shot. friend "r" is on the far left, in the white shirt, then there's me, trancekyd is in the angels hat, and friend "b" is in the light blue.
  20. where is this "stock exchange"? what's it's deal?
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