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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    how tall are u?

    i wear women's 11, men's 9 1/2 . i have hardly any shoes 'cause almost all stores stop at 10, and the ones that don't only have terribly ugly shoes for the tall girls: usually just plain flats (they figure we don't want to be taller than we already are), nothing that was designed after 1990 or with any interest whatsoever. but, as i said in another recent thread, i do have success at overpriced european shoe stores (i guess the french have big feet) and drag queen stores, but i don't go to the latter 'cause i don't much care for 6" lucite stilettos with red feather accents .
  2. 3 things: 1. the most amazing man i've ever met is 34 and single. i love him more fervently than anyone i've ever loved, but have no romantic feelings for him whatsoever. he is everything i want in a mate: open, witty, intelligent, honest, funny, fun, sensitive, down-to-earth, educated, affectionate, and more, but there is absolutely no attraction between us. and it kills me to love him as much as i do and not have sexual feelings for him, because i've thought to myself over and over that, if i did, i'd have found "the one." some say i should just be glad to have such a great person in my life, but it just seems so unfair . anyway, i suppose that's not the relevant part of the story. he's starting to feel that he should be married by now. he even said something a little while back about taking out an ad in the personals. that just made me so sad. i suppose being 34 and single can be scary to some, and i'll admit that it would be to me, but i will never settle, and he deserves someone who loves him as much as i do yet also loves him in bed . 2. a co-worker of mine has been divorced twice and is in his mid-30s. he met a woman who fell for him and became very manipulative and possessive. he moved to l.a., partly to escape her (in chicago), but she keeps calling and calling. he visits chicago every now and then and sees her while there, because, hey, she's good in bed. but when he gets back to l.a., the phone doesn't stop ringing. he told my co-workers and me that, if she ever calls, we should say he's in a meeting. we all work in a job that doesn't have "meetings," so i don't know what he told her he does for a living... one night, on the phone, the woman asked him if he would ever marry her. he said, "maybe," so she'd leave him alone, but didn't know that she had her mom listening in. now my co-worker says he has to marry her because he can't break a promise, especially since her mom heard it on the phone . about every day, my co-worker asks us (including some teenage kids!) if he should marry her. we all say no, then he tells us that all his friends say no as well and that he still wonders if he should, as though we hadn't just answered him. then he says that he doesn't like being married... the only reasons he has for marrying her are the promise one and that he thinks he's too old to be single. we tell him all the reasons why he shouldn't marry her on a daily basis, but it seems like he'll be going through with it anyway. i feel terrible for them both. 3. i am more than a continent, and not just literally, away from tastey. and sorry for such a long post!
  3. never let yourself feel trapped in a relationship. if there's a way to change the relationship so that it doesn't feel that way, then do so - otherwise, remember that you can always, and should, break free from anyone who makes you feel that you have to be in a place where you're not happy. tune in tomorrow.
  4. weyes

    *Attn: Weyes

    promises, promises ...
  5. weyes

    Guest List Love

    do you guys have a website?
  6. that last pic is definitely not my favorite look of hers. she tries a lot of looks and wears a lot of them well, and versatility like that is really not something everyone can pull off. but the "club trash 'ho" look is not one i like.
  7. you could chase her around the gym! i'm sorry. that was rude. and i know that, when i was 13, peeps were having sex. but i thought that was too early, even back then. but i am getting really creeped out by having a 13-year-old on this board . i don't think this is the one on which to post; i'm sure there must be one that's more appropriate, even for questions like your "how do you get a girl to give it up and/or give you a bj?" and the one above, from someone your age. i'm not sure if cp has a minimum age requirement or anything, but this kinda feels like accessory to statutory rape or something .
  8. weyes

    Picture Porn

    when he said in another thread, "i'm 13 i wear 11 1/2" (referring to show size) i assumed that the "13" had to relate to something other than age. i thought that this had to be some slang (i just can't keep up these days - color me square ) referring to something else, because there really isn't a reason why a thirteen-year-old would be on CLUBplanet .
  9. there's a guy on the board named prue who designed the website for the film, and he was posting about the site/film on the l.a. board a bit back. i haven't seen the flick, but prue'd be tickled to know you guys liked it .
  10. i get to see him tomorrow night, here in l.a. .
  11. eeeeeeeeeeewwww!!! besides agreeing with lostin310 on the "issues" thing, i just think that's gross. aside from that, this thread is funny !!!
  12. and on the cool - check in center stage on the mic and we be puttin' it on wax it's the new style.
  13. weyes

    *Attn: Weyes

    easier to do than clean this room .
  14. weyes

    *Attn: Weyes

    oops - was my box full? i deleted some just now .
  15. weyes

    how tall are u?

    back when all i liked were short guys, they all seemed to have the napolean complex going on and i couldn't find any without those issues. now that i'm not so much into the short thing, the freakishly short ones hit on me. hey, by the way, where do you tall girls find shoes - that is, if you wear above size 10?
  16. weyes

    how tall are u?

    o. sorry - she looks much more like a regular, more attractive person than she does milla jovovich. do you know what i mean? - not that kind of prefab, untouchable, shellac-ed celebrity kind of thing. that's why i thought she was you.
  17. having oral sex without a condom period could still constitute "aids catchin behavior." and do people on this board still not know what pre-cum is? and hey, if she's good enough to suck your dick on the first date, why is she all of a sudden no good if she swallows? you certainly had no objections when she first opened her mouth near your nether regions. and one more thing - people still get aids from people they know, even after say, i dunno, five dates, a year, being in what one of them thought was a committed relationship... once you decide to exchange bodily fluids, you're taking a risk, unless you and your partner have both been tested and have received negative results.
  18. you would have a point, joey, but there isn't anyone from l.a. on that board, so they don't know what i look like, either !!! well, i have met four people, but two have forever sworn off cp for some reason (snobs) and the other two have too much sense to talk to themselves on a messageboard the way i do . but they're very nice anyway . everyone give some love to: msbobois and dlish !!!
  19. they don't do it for me - kinda like satin sheets: sort of too slick, and i don't mean just literally. i just see ridiculously rich middle-aged guys who smoke cigars and have bleached, implanted trophy wives. but i do acknowledge that that's just the sterotypical image in my head.
  20. i can't wait to eat dessert tonight either or tomorrow morning or tomorrow noon or tomorrow afternoon or tomorrow snack or all day tomorrow or at sunset tomorrow or i'll pretend i didn't know that the sun already set and i'll have it for sunset again and then as an appetizer before dinner which will be dessert and then for dessert - i'll have dessert and then for a midnight snack i think i'll have dessert and while i'm sleepwalking - it'll have to be dessert
  21. found everything in my desktop folder - thanks . and i have everything download to my desktop so that, when i'm downloading lots of versions of the same song, i can quickly toss out the ones i don't want as they come in and compare ones that sound alomst the same without too many windows... lots of stuff happening at once. so yeah, it sucks when i'm still downloading and i leave my comp, but when i'm at it, it's the best.
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