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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. 16 out of 20, not too shabby hehe "I'm a natural... I win the world cups" hahhaha
  2. Okay for a minute there I thought you were talking about a new club here in DC and I was about to shit myself. Oh well. Damn!
  3. Hey everyone, sorry I couldn't make the pre or post parties, I was in pain beforehand and ridiculously tired afterward. It was nice to see you all again though! Hope your b'day was great, A1wave!!
  4. LMAO ahhhhh the few, the perceptive
  5. Hmmmm does that mean you will be visiting me at my very own venue de employment in DC???
  6. LMAO that is toooo funny, my friend's kittens were just too hilarious with that. We didn't do it too much though 'cause we were afraid it would hurt their eyes. Her dog also ran into the wall. That was bad. The cats would run kinda up the wall instead. I want to hear that remix of the siamese cats song!!!!
  7. Word, sugar... "Danny Tenaglia makes me bitter when I know I can't see him.. especially when I know I'm going to a trance club instead" I think we're seeing each other prior correct? I'm pretty sure you have a Hoya game you're not supposed to miss and I have some kind of obligation to Hawks as well. Go New York! Oh wait...
  8. ...and if so, was he Greek? sorry that was totally uncalled for Did he have a ticket?
  9. Do you have one of those special radios that plays only mexican stations??
  10. Shiiit, your high horse gets higher? Jeeeeez
  11. And to not *realize* it until the xray? Jeeeeeeeeez this dude is clearly a regular at the anal sex buffet not to feel THAT!
  12. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA (I should probably refrain from further comment)
  13. LMAO you guys are toooooooo funny! :laugh2: Guess I'll have to go hunt down someone who is an expert in ass massage bwahahahahahaha maybe I'll just stick to an ice pack
  14. Glowdancer, I think the answer lies in your question...hmmmm....
  15. Hroark that's the most fawkin awesome avatar... Beavis and Butthead rule I *know* of girls who were rather promiscuous but I don't like the slut label... I'm sure you can find a few somewhere if you look hard enough. dgmodel would make a good slut... maybe you could dress him in drag?
  16. Hahaha the Hillary and Monica thing is hilarious! I usually just use the classic "xyz" or *ahem*" your uhm... you might want to check your... yeah. "
  17. Hey lookie here, Kuro's a wussie Waaaaaa snow help! hehehehhehehe
  18. So in the process of dancing at the Georgetown game today, I somehow pulled a muscle I didn't know existed underneath my tailbone. I don't even know what the hell I was doing 'cause it was after we'd already done the halftime show... But you and PhuturePhunk might have some info on this area of expertise, so what should I do? It hurts like a bitch!!
  19. I went to the ho emporium down here in DC, Trancend you should come next Friday I think I'm going to Vinyl, another lil roadtrip. Oh and if it is of importance to anyone, I went with the skirt outfit Thanks! lol Highmay, I think you got ho emporium confused with strip club I should really not badmouth the clubs I promote for so much heheheheh Funkadelic u really gonna take me shopping?
  20. LAUGHING my FAWKING ASS OFF!!! Synderella and PhuturePhunk are the best!! :laugh2:
  21. Highmay sweetie didn't I tell you not to ride your high horse around here? For shame, for shame... stable is that way --->
  22. D7 this has to win the SuperCorny Post Award You got a problem with cocksuckers? Cause we can get all kinds of Jenny Jones up in here if you do *snicker snicker*
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