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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. definitely thinking about it. job market here really sucks for me right now. might have already done it 'cept for 100 year old grannie and awesome GF.... could happen in next couple years though
  2. hey, what's up kitty? i'm shallow, so my girly needs to have body...but body only goes so far. without brains and kicking personality all we're having is a convo at the bar... actually, i'm not shallow...i'm just hardwired like every other guy...there's a reason why men and women look different! so i guess what i'm saying is body is just a prerequisit...like if u'r looking for a 2BR apt., the place has to have 2BR's or u don't look at it. But how do you choose between all that apartments? or keep looking cause none of them click with you?
  3. I never used to look at asian girls paricularly. but met my gf (who is chinese) at vinyl last fall. she's mad cool and pretty. until i started going with her i had trouble telling chinese from japanese, etc., but its starting to make sense to me now. as for places to meet asians - exit blows. most of the asian folks i know wouldn't go there...without trying to be offensive, they refer to the huge crew that is there as FOB (fresh off the boat). since i mostly know asian girls they are saying that these are clicky, groping, ugly guys who don't really speak english and stuff and don't know the first thing about the music. in fact, they won't even go to exit anymore cause they get felt up and groped everytime they walk by these guys. Of course, that's not ALL the folks there... is FUN still open? that place (right under the manhattan bridge at 139 madison street i think) was always at least half asian and pretty cool with a nice relaxed vibe and stuff...
  4. damn! live and love what u got. single is cool. 2gether is cool i had a LOT of fun when i was single last year. now i'm with a cool girl. and still have FUN. if u find the right person, you can still balance your firiends and stuff. hopefully she likes to party the same amount you do AND is cool enough to hang with your friends (gosh i'm in a good spot right now). shit, only reason i'm not out all the time now is cause i'm broke ass being single is great...and when you meet the right person and the time feels right...BANG...relationship. some last some don't. live and learn u know. one thing is for sure: if u are looking for a relationship you're not likely to find it. start off with low expectations and be surprised at what you find. remember: what doesn't kill us makes us stronger
  5. Pangea is VERY tough...even with girls, even when its empty. i saw a bunch of high rollers from germany pull up in a really nice limo and then cool their heels on the curb for 25 minutes. and there was NO line and no one inside. fucked up. tough door is fine, but right now that place is just stupid.
  6. i think it would be great for the club if there was a dj rotation. very few big parties survive with the same dj every night, and the ones that do have been established for years. look at vinyl saturday, old twilo friday, centrofly, etc. they all rotate dj's. not everyone can be a DT, Junior or JP. i thought that part of the reason they closed down friday nights is that it wasn't packed anymore. if they get a good rotation of dj's coming through, that would be great. and JV would probably be better if he had a monthly to get hyped about. even a lot of his big fans were saying that he got repetitive week after week. that's all. no diss.
  7. i'm with you...get me a friggin J O B!!! besides Lav - i've never heard of a PC without a CD drive these days. bring some friggin discs to work!
  8. hey, have a great time sorry i missed u last night damn...making me jealous. i wanna go to Italy!!!
  9. Bob - thanks for all the info. any news on who will be spinning? is there gonna be a resident? (and who)...or are they gonna try a rotating lineup. thx. pete
  10. yo, u all don't know how funny this is. i'm the pete that posted the movie thing. thread was "JuiCe" (his SF name). inside i said something like: yo george where you getting dough from these days..u still aint worken right? and did u see any movies i should catch that are rambo (his favorite movie) quality? i saw panic room and it kinda sucked...blah blah well, we chat about movies all the time on there, but they were pissed cause i titled a thread with his name. now, what's funny is that george posts alot about how he doesn't like fat people and he wouldn't let them into clubs...well who cares...he never calls anyone fat. but there are some heavy sets on the SF board and they get all pissed off and attack him. george never attacks anyone personally unless they do it to him first. in fact, i never seen anyone put himself down more than george does. hey george - were u and rollin kidding around or serious the other day?
  11. you got banned for responding to my movie post? wtf that doesn't make any sense u'r a good kid, just speak your mind is all.
  12. that last post was me...damn cookies!!! what's up with "shook"?
  13. i'm sorry...u are saying that hundreds were killed at Jenin? that is certainly not what i have read from humanitarian groups or what they reported (for example in last weeks New York Magazine). hundreds in total...yes i'm aware of that.
  14. lol...what up george...SF board is a little lame these days. its funny cause that board was never full of the typical SF heads anyways. the discussions on there just getting boring unless u follow it everyday (so you know all about everyone's life) and then its REALLY boring!!! hehe. i will say this about the door policy...don't know about beautiful peeps and all that cause my opinion that's always been pretty mixed there, BUT i've been hearing alot more about guys being overly aggressive with chicks and stuff and people getting all worked up about dumb shit. SF used to be u could walk around and talk to anyone, people respect your space, etc. less of that now. oh well, clubs and parties change. SF used to be different when it was in the old twilo space too.
  15. its interesting that you feel that the media is so pro israeli. israel doesn't think so. neither do most american jews. the news tends to cover israeli troup movements and how many people the army has killed complete with pictures. there is very little coverage of the bombings and snipping of israeli soldiers on the other hand. the newsweek article that equated the palestinian girl and the isreali girl as equals is interesting too. u may recall that the palestinian suicide bomber killed this israeli civilian. the article makes them both equal victims, arguing that the palestinian girl was a victim of brainwashing, etc. which led to her death. i'm sorry, but one of these girls killed the other, for no particular reason, and as a random act. in many ways this is similar to serial killing, where victims are chosen at random. the bottom line continues to be that one side targets civilians and the other doesn't. regardless of your politics, that should be wrong. personally, i want the palestinians to have their own state, but not by blowing up israeli's.
  16. stondcl - u'r remarks are truly ignorant. there are many ways to get your point across. the intentional murder of civilians (and suicide bombs are exactly that) is unconscionable. why don't u try reading some of the excellent articles, like the one in the recent New York Magazine. This is not a pro-israeli article. in fact, it is critical of many isreali policies. the reason why the israeli's don't want the UN in there is that their stated purpose is to look for signs of a massacre. the facts are that 29 suicide bombers came out of that refugee camp. the UN was not going to look for evidence of bomb manufacturing, arms, etc., but only evidence that israel did something wrong. unless the aims are changed to be a unilateral investigation no mission will ever set foot there. furthermore, reliable humanarian sources on the scene state that approximately 15 palestinian civilians and 30 militants were killed. only 5 other people are claimed as missing. therefore, what massacre do you refer to? the US supports israel in this (note the resolutions passed by congress today which are even stronger in support of israel then bush has been) because they are fighting against terrorists. the israeli's go to great lengths to avoid killing civilians. the palestinians make a policy of attacking civilians. when arafat refused the treaty that granted him 97% of what the palestinians had asked for, he caused this state of affairs. my opinion is that arafat doesn't want peace. it is in turmoil that he has power. there is growing evidence that he has financially supported suicide bombings. how can the world recognize him as a legitimate political leader? furthermore, the rest of the arab world doesn't seem to care about the palestinians in general. there is no outpouring of relief aid for the masses, there is no welcoming of refugees. instead, there are rewards for killing israeli civilians. israel is not going to dissappear. my opinion is that the arab nations need to recognize israel as a state. that will force the palestinians to negotiate with israel in good faith. israel is fully willing to grant lands to the palestinians if the stop the violence. however, if this violence continues what is likely to happen is that the israeli's will build a big ass wall with buffer zones. in most of the media coverage, the israeli's are held to a higher stnadard of conduct. if they were to use civilians to shield their soldiers there would be a great amount of anger. however, the palestinians use civilians to hide behind and among every day. the israeli's had to go house to house, incurring their own casualties, in an effort to separate out the militants. as someone else pointed out, they could have simply flattened the whole place. and in terms of this country being run by jews, you should note that the strongest support for israel right now is in the conservative right republicans, almost universally christian.
  17. um...Deb, does this mean that we finally get to meet?
  18. hey, u know i met tiffy on line. after a few months i just had to meet her. i'd say that you can fall in love with the idea of someone on-line. but its not real until you meet them. i suppose if you write someone for years and years you could, but i think that sort of love could just as easily be love for a brother / sister or great friend. to know if there will be romantic love you need to figure out if you have the phsyical spark in their presence. you can hope for it and guess, but.....you never know until you know.
  19. she ALMOST had to call in cause she couldn't remember the address of her new office...hehe.
  20. "life moves pretty quick. if you don't open your eyes and look around it'll pass you by..." (or something to that effect) Ferris Beuler. "sleep is for the weak" Peter Goldey
  21. yes, my roomie has mad sleeping skills. she can hit 12 - 15 hours a day if she gets the chance. um...i job is more than just work. job = income (unless you're dumb enough to work for free) i would be happy to continue to do nothing if someone can arrange and inheritance, trust fund or lottery winning for me. i'm quite good at doing nothing in fact.
  22. ahhh...that's cool gotta get me a jobby job not going out this weekend i don't think
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