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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. instead of asking this and simply saying negative things about everyone else that posted (they did about you, but at least expressed reasons why whether you liked them or not), why don't you explain your view in relation to what these people are saying? Oh, and your right of course, the vast majority does think like you do - just like they thought the black people were apes and jews had horns. of course, this isn't really thinking at all but just convincing yourself that the views of really conservative institutions, like the church for example, are right all the time. not saying they you are blindly religious (maybe you are a spiritual free thinker that came up with this on your own), but think of all the things the church was against that turned out to be true and not blasphemy. Two examples: the earth is the center of the universe and the world is flat. People who truly think for themselves don't need organizations and other people to tell the what to believe or how to think. Times change. Just not fast enough. So, since many of us never saw the first post, why do you think the way you do? some bad personal experience? lots of reading? Times change. Just not fast enough.
  2. barvybe

    Born or become

    i've talked to a whole bunch of gay folks about this over the years - the concensus was: -people who are totally gay are born that way. -guys who are bi are either real experimental and open or haven't admitted that they are totally gay. that sort of makes sense to me since to be "totally gay" you need to not be sexually attracted to women on a regular basis. i think that while attraction is somewhat dependant on your surroundings and environment its pretty much hard-wired for must of us. I mean think about how tough it is for people to be openly gay -even in NYC sometimes- and lots of people are and were 30 and 40 years ago. my parents have a really good gay friend who's about 60 who told me just this and my best gal pal's dad lives with her boyfriend. he used to be married, but feels now that it was all a struggle against who he was. anyway, not the hugest sampling, but....
  3. ask her what happened. 1. we want to know 2. you want to know 3. you don't want it hanging out there and being awkward. just tell her you were having a great time hanging with her and wondered why she didn't say goodbye, etc. what's the worst that could happen? and i don't think a question like that would seem desparate at all given the other circumstances. then you can either put it behind you or run with it
  4. Need some opinions - I dated this girl for 5 years. We've been really good friends since then (last 5 years), and she lives 200 miles from here. She's married now. Has two kids. Her husband has been her husband for 3 years. So, I'm up in boston last week and she comes to hang out with me and a few buddies (we all know each other from school) for like an hour at this big party. The husband doesn't come. He didn't want to and i don't blame him, but encouraged her to go. But then he gave her shit about it when she got home. Now, i know her family real well, i know they talk about me, the ex still has some old sweats of mine and stuff, but WHAT THE FUCK!!! Shouldn't he be over this by now! They've had two kids together. I'm very not the jealous type and i definitely trust people i'm with (i'd imagine i do the same with someone i'd be married to). I've had g/f's go out for lunch or whatever with their ex's and i don't care at all 'cause i don't date people i can't trust (or i'm a naive dumb mother fucker!) Was she outta line? Or is he just being dumb? Evidently he's a really nice stand-up guy so i think he must just be insecure 'cause he's not a dickhead or anything. Obviously i think he's being dumb, but maybe i'm missing something? thanks!
  5. ...hanging out near the bitches and having a really good time while paying them no mind. that seems to piss them off. they frown at that oh yeah, they were frowning anyway...
  6. will be coming in from the Radiohead show at Liberty Park. Talk about a change in music style :) missed him at tunnel too and won't this time.
  7. Well, here's what i sent off to the crew that was supposed to be going - you can tell i was a little upset before: _____ Someone bring me some drugs asap! I'm gonna fly to england and kick creamy boy's ass. This is fucking ridiculous. I'm right on the edge of a major depressed funk. Someone please respond with one of the following - something to cheer me up - someone's ass so i can kick it - proof that this is all a bad joke why does the US suck so much for this stuff? Paula - when are we moving to Amsterdam? who has tissues? -ack 3Petey <curled in a ball and twitching in the corner> _____ but now i'm all better! decided to go to Agentina for Creamfields in November :) 11/10 in Buenos Aires. Who's coming
  8. 'cause if you only knew!!! gonna drown my creamfield's blues in some suds downtown - Street on the lower east side then...? what's going on?
  9. you should talk to the girlfriend about it first and let her know that it was a big mistake, you're sorry and you're going to tell your friend. then call up your friend. you sound so upset and sorry about it in your posts that you must be genuine about this and it should come through. don't use the alcohol as an excuse and just fall on the sword for it. he may be really pissed for a little bit, but if he's really a good friend and you really mean the appology, he'll come around. BTW, IMO you can date a friend's ex, but only if its going to be serious because to keep your friend he has to realize that you take his friendship seriously so there must be a really good reason for dating his ex.
  10. i think you should be afraid of commitment. commitment means giving up some of yourself for someone else. that should be a little scary. if its not, then it doesn't really mean that much and its probably not a real commitment. my ex's tell me that i'm a great b/f, but also kind a difficult - i'm totally trustworthy, but also need alot of alone time w/ myself. i'm pretty creative and have a very introspective half to go along with my very social half. so far, i haven't found someone that i really wanted to share all of that with.... i think i will though
  11. ...as long as it isn't a surprise, i'm cool with it. its not necessarily my fave thing, but i think its cool if a girl's comfortable and turned on enough with me to want to.
  12. you also have to turn off the water with a towel. i mean, you go right from touching yourself and stuff to the sink and turn it on - that's sort of ok. everyone else did the same thing (eww!), but you're about to wash. the problem is when you're done you need to touch the faucet again... all bathrooms should have doors that push open from the inside.
  13. ..an old friend of mine. he said that he has mental images for everything. even though he was blind from birth, he said that his brain was still visual. he knew that the "blue" he pictured for the sky and the way rain looked and stuff weren't the same as what we see, but they were real images to him. he said that his dreams had A LOT of sounds and textures but images too, and that his dreams were just as fucked up as a sighted person's. Of course, all of his dreams would look freakish to us, but that's just perspective. only a sample of one i know....
  14. This looks like something we all like to share.... What's up girl?
  15. come on kids, no one is really FOR abortion - the question is against or pro-Choice. That's it. I've been through the whole thing as a real life ordeal about five years ago with someone who's still very special to me. At the time, neither of us were ready to have kids, but it was definitely her choice - i don't think guys (like myself) are capable of understanding the physical / psychological trauma of this decision for women. Its not our body, our hormones, our maternal drive, etc. She told me right after that if she ever got pregnant again she would have the kid. Period. Now she has two and is happily married. The reason i'm pro-choice is i feel people should be happy and kids should only be raised in the best possible situations. Growing up is tough enough. If someone doesn't want to or isn't ready to have kids, that's their choice. Who am i to tell someone they have to spend the rest of their life doing something they don't want? IMO people who don't respect other people's right to a choice, even if they disagree with it, are simply blinded by what the biggest business in the world (religion) is telling you to think and do. What's right for you may not be right for me....
  16. not because you shouldn't have broken up, but it sucks after a long relationship for a while. i don't agree with the getting over it thing. instead, for me, eventually i just look back on my old relationships fondly. i've definitely grown from all of them and don't regret any of it. i don't think i ever want to forget people that have meant so much to me. the question is how long does that take - i think its different every time. ok, that sounds retarded / corny / etc., but its true. it just takes some time. i won't lie to myself and pretend someone is a bad person just because we broke up. enough of that! what are we doing this weekend? how about drinks in greenpoint tomorrow? on me.
  17. Me too!!! Birthday that is - i somehow know a whole crowd of early october babies sounds like a sick time!
  18. \ Hey thanks! Was so bumming to be outta town - but needed to decompress and had a chance to hit some northern mountains Sounds like the ROXY is back in style! See you all in the weeks to come...
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