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Everything posted by rackham

  1. I used to get them, until I got some good running shoes. Foot Locker I think will analyze your walking/running mechanics to find the right kind of shoe for you.
  2. Kudos, phatman. People -- not just women -- will do some crazy things when they're lonely. Hopefully she'll realize that you were responding to her desperation and not just outright rejecting her. Who knows, maybe she'll even take that situation as an incentive for change...
  3. The concern is for people who think the bars are suitable for low-carb diets. Studies have shown that's not always the case. True, but bars are very convenient. I keep a box of Zone bars in my drawer at work. It's much easier than having a blender at my desk and all the ingredients to make a shake.
  4. Some fats are good -- the fat in peanuts, for example. I've found the best way to consistently gain or lose weight is to count the calories you're eating. 10-15x your bodyweight to lose weight, 15-20x your bodyweight to gain weight. http://www.trygve.com/mfw_faq.html#whattoeat
  5. It's not lactic acid. The lactic acid in your muscles has cleared out generally about an hour following exercise. Nobody actually knows the exact cause of DOMS -- some people don't get it at all and others always get it even if they've been lifting for years. You get muscle size/strength/endurance from lifting weights, and definition from having low bodyfat. Unless you're intentionally lifting weights as aerobic activity, you'd be much better off doing lower reps to gain a bit more muscle, which will in turn burn more fat. I doubt you'll wake up one morning looking like a wrestler. Most women just don't get that big. In fact, a bit of muscle can make women look very shapely! Unfortunately, there are many people out there with big muscles (and even with training certificates) who don't really know as much as you'd think. You might want to check out these links; I think you'll find them very informative: http://www.stumptuous.com/weights.html http://www.trygve.com/mfw_faq.html
  6. Cottage cheese rocks! This is a cool site that happens to have a section devoted to cottage cheese... http://www.stumptuous.com/cottage.html
  7. That's only true about the pain you feel *during* a workout. I think we're talking about the soreness you feel 24-48 hours after. Why is decreasing weights preferable? Why do you think that high reps will lead to more "definition"?
  8. Never played "telephone" as a kid, huh?
  9. People unclear on the concept...
  10. It depends on the neighbors. Two guys invite two girls over and say, "Don't tell the wife" -- then yeah, I hate to say it, but you pretty much should have expected it. As much as I hate guys being assholes like that, I think women often just don't see the writing on the wall. I dated a girl who would hang out with a guy we worked with. She said he was just friendly and that was it. She didn't believe me that he was hitting on her. The moment we broke up -- BAM! -- he's trying to sleep with her.
  11. I actually think any interpretation of the situation depends on the answer to that question. If there were at least a few other people there, then I can definitely see how she might have been misled... is it really so naive to think that your neighbor might have a party but not want his wife to know about it because he wouldn't want her to overreact? But... if it was just them... then yeah, it seems a little naive.
  12. Guys like you give the rest of us a bad name. Every time I meet a girl, whether I'm interested in her or not, I have to overcome the stereotypes that guys like you planted in her head. How the hell is it okay that women should have to *expect* men to be lying, cheating scumbags?
  13. You're right, they do count glycerine in the calories -- I was wrong about that. But the real question is whether they should be counting it as a carb. Glycerine can be metabolized to glucose in the liver, especially in the absence of other carbs, such as... on a low-carb diet! Also, some diabetics have reported blood-sugar spikes from these bars. That's why so many people think it should be considered a carb. Basically, if you're low-carbing, there's a good chance that glycerine will convert to glucose in your liver... which means that these bars aren't so low-carb after all.
  14. Yeah! I mean... hey!
  15. A little more info about glycerine... Glycerine is an alcohol derivative. Alcohol is the reason Michelob Ultra Lite only has 2.6 grams of carbohydrates, but actually has 95 calories. This fun fact was brought to you by the letter G.
  16. rackham


    Were there any rainbows?
  17. I haven't tried Atkins, but I know people who have and it was basically like a crash diet. Cutting out an entire food group causes a HUGE calorie deficit -- so they lost a lot of weight... and then gained it right back (and then some) when they went off Atkins! I'm pretty good at losing weight just by counting calories. I lose about 2lbs a week by eating around 12x my bodyweight every day. I don't starve myself, no headaches or fatigue, and the pounds are much more likely to stay off...
  18. Auditioning for the Blair Witch Project...
  19. I also posted this in the OneWay Bar thread: http://www.detourbar.com Glycerine = UNLABELED CALORIES
  20. http://www.onewaybar.com Glycerine has about the same caloric value as carbs, but they don't have to label it as such. Always read the ingredients on "diet" bars -- you may be getting FAR more calories than you think!!!
  21. http://groups.google.com/groups?q=doms+group:misc.fitness.weights+group:misc.fitness.weights&start=10&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&group=misc.fitness.weights&selm=393755CD.23AEFB12%40onr.com&rnum=13
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