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Everything posted by rackham

  1. That image shows absolutely nothing of her muscles! Look at the rest of the images of her on that site... pretty damn skinny, if you ask me! http://www.chez.com/ciol2003/gisele_bundchen/gisele_bundchen.htm Oh, so what you're really saying is that people who use the word "fuck" to express their opinions are unintelligent? Why didn't you say so in the first place?
  2. Fact: despite the current media trend, not all people find skinny weak women cute. It's allowed. Fact: clothing that looks good to you might not look good to others, regardless of who designed it. They're not ignorant, their tastes just differ from yours. It's allowed.
  3. IMO many people who seek appetite suppressants have too large a calorie deficit. Aim for approx. 2lbs a week... that's the general guideline for getting it off and keeping it off.
  4. Why does it even matter? It's not like she's cheating on you... you're not even together anymore! If she gets along better with your friend, good for them!
  5. "Boared in bed": (Dear god, what is this man doing to the poor boar????)
  6. At the risk of getting flamed, steroids can be used intelligently with minimal risk. I don't use them myself, but I know that many people do without significant side effects. Gotta be careful not to fall victim to the stereotypes... at least this guy wants to be informed about the risks... http://www.meso-rx.com/
  7. There's a cereal that I've only ever seen in one store called "Hi Protein" that actually doesn't taste half bad.
  8. Are you saying that it will help, or that it won't? In the beginning there, it sounds like you're saying that it will, but the rest sounds pretty much like what I said. It *is* possible to refeed on smaller schedules -- it's just not extremely practical. Every week or so is much more reasonable.
  9. You want your bong to be flesh-colored? Hmmmm....
  10. Depends on whether it's shaped like a "realistic" penis or not... I think a green penis would be kind of disturbing...
  11. Yup, you answered it. I figured there must have been a lot more to that story -- you don't strike me as the type to have double standards in the sex department. Thanks for clearing it up. I hope I didn't offend you.
  12. Oh okay... so basically you feel that fantasies are okay as long as they're not expressed to your partner? I think you said something once about an overly expressive ex-boyfriend, that's why I was curious...
  13. There are good games and there are bad games. If you can't tell whether he's seriously dissing you, that's a bad game.
  14. Mind games are stupid. Go find yourself an honest man.
  15. In either scenario he's an asshole, so why even bother trying to figure him out?
  16. Just out of curiousity... what would you say if your boyfriend expressed a desire to pound some hot woman? Does it make a difference if he includes you in his fantasy?
  17. P.S. I agree with everything you said about dumbbells. Extra stabilizer work, better and more natural range of motion, safer... they're great!
  18. I drink some fruit juice with protein powder right after waking up... the glycogen boost helps a lot with my A.M. workouts.
  19. You must be thinking of the smith machine, which I would NEVER advise using... I'm talking about the power rack, a.k.a. the power cage, a.k.a. the metal frame that you sometimes see people doing squats in. You're still lifting the weights all by yourself, but you have the adjustable cross-bars to catch the weight if you fail.
  20. That's what the power rack is for... you can do squats, bench... just about anything in there, perfectly safely. There are no excuses for not using free weights!!!! P.S. Nearly every exercise you can do with a barbell, you can do with dumbbells, too!
  21. rackham

    Hot Guys

    "I have to pee... are we done yet?"
  22. Careful... the smith machine places huge shearing forces on your knees, greatly increasing your risk of injury. Full squats with a bar are the best and safest leg exercise.
  23. Yeah, but some people never even CONSIDER adoption, like those bible-thumpers who pump up the wife with more hormones than a dairy cow and then call it "God's will" when she has septuplets... as if adoption is somehow un-Christian.
  24. Rule of thumb: large compound movements first, smaller movements second, unless you're specializing to fix an imbalance. If I were combining back and shoulders, it would probably look something like this: - 2-3 sets chin-ups (palms wide and facing away) - 2-3 sets pull-ups (high school style) - 2-3 sets some kind of row - 2-3 sets seated DB military press or other shoulder exercise Done. I like to keep workouts short and focus on the basics. I think you're right that back and biceps might go better together. Push/pull/legs seems to be a good split that many people do.
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