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Everything posted by rackham

  1. There are two ways to gain "definition": lose fat to make the muscles more visible, or gain muscle to make it stand out. There is no other way. I don't care who you're being trained by. Unfortunately, there are THOUSANDS of trainers and athletes who don't really know anything about exercise science -- they just know the lore that's been handed down to them by *their* trainers, and it doesn't have any scientific basis. I suggest you do some research on the topic, and get back to me when you can actually EXPLAIN how low weight and high reps builds cuts. Until then, you're just blowing steam.
  2. No it doesn't. You lost fat by burning calories. That's what gave you definition. Maybe your new workout burned more calories. http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22low+weight%22+%22high+reps%22+definition&meta=group%3Dmisc.fitness.weights
  3. Ummmm... what are you talking about???? Lifting light weights doesn't give you cuts!
  4. Clearly I'm not posing my questions well, because you're not answering them. What physiological benefit do these 5-10 pound weights give you? If you're already "toned" from being athletic, why do you bother lifting them at all?
  5. rackham


    Hey, I'm not trying to bring you down. I just think that your tight-looking stomach probably has a lot more to do with your low bodyfat. What I'm trying to find out is why you think doing abs so frequently is best for you. Muscle tissue typically takes longer than two days to heal...
  6. How exactly do your 5-10 pound weights improve your appearance and definition?
  7. rackham


    Now you know. So... why do you work abs so frequently?
  8. Good, then you also know that those 5-10 pound weights aren't doing anything for your muscles or appearance, except perhaps to burn calories.
  9. rackham


    It's a simple question: why do you think abs need to be worked so frequently?
  10. Toning = the desireable amount of muscle + low enough bodyfat to see it.
  11. rackham


    You haven't explained WHY they should be worked out so frequently.
  12. Steroids are illegal. Though I probably would have left this thread on that board myself, I can see the reasoning for bringing it over here, too...
  13. rackham


    That's true -- abs should be exercised with the same frequency as any other muscle group.
  14. Read siceone's post... this was originally on the Health & Fitness board...
  15. rackham


    Just a heads up -- I'm sure you know this already, but in case some people don't: you don't get definition by training abs. You can make your abs larger so they stand out more, but real definition comes from low bodyfat. If you're training abs once a week and it seems to be working well, stick with it!
  16. Why do you need help? Are you not losing weight? Have you tried counting calories?
  17. You're more likely to make enough money to pay the ticket...
  18. You're right, and I definitely prefer to discuss ways of getting fit cleanly. I just think it's better to send this guy off informed than give him the boot without any info. It's kind of like sex ed... abstinence is the only safe sex, but kids gotta know about condoms... Great advice. See how far you can go naturally, and if you decide that's not enough, *THEN* consider steroids. I feel the same way about all supplements actually, expect protein. No creatine for me until I feel I "need" it. As long as I'm making good gains naturally, I'm happy.
  19. Okay, fine, it's obvious that you think we're all ignorant for not recognizing the designer's artistic genius... I have to ask you, though: when did femininity become associated with lack of fat and muscle? A little more fat and muscle would give Gisele great shape... she wouldn't look at all beefy. Right now she looks like she couldn't even open a peanut butter jar on her own! Do you really think that's how women are "supposed" to look?
  20. Yeah, what the hell is wrong with us???
  21. Oops... sorry... here ya go: http://www.charlespoliquin.net/articles/german-volume-training.html Charles Poliquin is a very successful olympic coach. He knows his shit.
  22. It's not healthy to be that thin. Eh, whatever... like wideskies said, it sure sounded like you were calling sassa ignorant for not seeing the art in the clothing. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that is especially true when designers go out of their way to make clothing look unique... some people will love it, and others will hate it and say "What the fuck is that?" They may be expressing themselves crudely, but that doesn't make them ignorant.
  23. High-volume workouts can actually be really great for muscle mass... ever heard of GVT (German Volume Training)?
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