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Everything posted by rackham

  1. I think your definition of "taking care of herself" differs significantly from mine. To me, "taking care of herself" has more to do with whether she takes care of her mind and body. If a girl wants to spend time with me one-on-one, I assume she finds me at least remotely interesting. I judge the rest on appearance and personality. By appearance, I mean, do I find her attractive? She doesn't have to be made up for me to find her attractive. In fact, it's much better if she's NOT covered in makeup, so I can see what she looks like naturally! By personality, I mean, are we intellectually and emotionally compatible? I'll never get to know that if I reject her outright based on how "done up" she is. Like tastyt said, you might want to consider that some of us are in very stable and fulfilling relationships... we didn't get there by misjudging people... we got there by making the *right* judgement calls!
  2. Is it not possible for a woman to look good for a date without getting all done up in expensive clothing and makeup? I for one want to be with somebody who I think is beautiful whether or not she's wearing makeup! Again, maybe your difficulties have something to do with the criteria by which you're judging women... give the dressed down ones a chance -- I GUARANTEE you that you'll find many of them to be quite genuine and worth knowing!
  3. I think you need to reconsider what sort of "class" you're looking for. Just because a girl gets $100 haircuts doesn't make her classy... it just makes her willing to spend $100 on a haircut. I'd rather that a girl dress cleanly, not overdone, and wow me with her PERSONALITY, rather than the amount of money she spends on herself... She doesn't have to spend hundreds of dollars to show me she's interested in me... just being friendly is a good start!
  4. Sumo wrestlers do that. The muscles are there on everybody -- they bring the testicles in and out depending on the temperature (spermies are delicate creatures!) -- it's just a question of doing it intentionally!
  5. What. The. Fuck. You are DEFINITELY dating the wrong women. That's hideous.
  6. Let's see... Hair brush (reusable): $1.00 Non-ripped jeans (reusable): $50 Makeup: Maybe $2.00 for the amount needed for a single night? Razor: $2.00 Seems to me a woman could put on a VERY presentable face for minimal investment... now, if you expect her to dress like a queen and wear a pound of makeup, good luck finding someone who will treat you as anything other than an income source...
  7. It definitely seemed like you were saying your less-than-stellar benching ability was "gay", but it's cool, apology accepted. Never seen this acronym before, but it seems like a good guideline. I would elaborate: Frequency: every 3-5 days per muscle, giving them time to heal and overcompensate. Intensity: train hard, but smart. Going to failure isn't necessary to make gains and increases your risk of injury/overtraining. Time: About an hour is a safe guideline. Around that time your body starts generating catabolic hormones. Type: Goal-specific, of course! Also, never EVER forget diet! What you eat is JUST as important as what/when you lift!
  8. Umm... Jon... I'm not trying to start shit with you, so there's no need to get personal like that... I read what you wrote -- you wrote that you have a problem with people whose last name is Patel. If a person has the last name Patel, it means they come from the Patel caste. That's why I asked the question, for clarification. I must be missing something, so why don't you just explain it to me? It would be much more useful than giving me shit for no reason.
  9. If you're looking for a new girlfriend every 3 days, then you're looking for a certain type of girl -- the type you can fuck and leave by the curb, who's just looking for money and cheap thrills. If you want something more than that, like a lasting relationship... like I said... you're hanging out with the wrong women. I've known plenty of women who would take heart over money.
  10. Patel is a caste name... you have a problem with everybody from that caste?
  11. Maybe you're hanging out with the wrong women...
  12. Right... so if they don't admit it, they're liars?
  13. Dude... please don't tell me you're trying to argue with a woman about what women want.
  14. No offense, but it sounds to me like your workouts and diet sucked while you were in school. Eating only two meals a day would be plenty of reason alone for your bench not to improve. BTW, being weak isn't "gay". Anyway, I'm glad you found a program that works for you...
  15. Tone = muscle + low bodyfat. If lack "tone", it's because either (a) you're too fat or ( you don't have enough muscle. Probably ( by the sound of it. Make sure you actually BUILD that muscle to the point where you have the "tone" you want!
  16. rackham


    Great advice.
  17. Exactly. Your muscles might have gotten a little bigger from the new workout as well, enhancing the effect.
  18. Okay, I see your point about muscular endurance. Like siceone suggested, that's because your workout is probably targeting more slow-twitch than fast-twitch muscle fibers. You could do the same with weights, by targeting a higher rep range (and you may want to some day, when your body workouts no longer offer enough resistance). I haven't seen anything specifically about slow-twitch fibers being "denser", but that's definitely possible since people who train for endurance don't get big... I do think your definition is coming from low bodyfat, though. You could have big muscles and just as much definition if you wanted.
  19. What do you mean by dense vs. bulky muscles? Sounds to me like you just have lower bodyfat than you've had in the past.
  20. Stupid to let it get *how* far? He admitted to having an affair with her... that's pretty damn far!
  21. If you start lifting weights you'll be burning more calories anyway... you might not need to do more cardio.
  22. Damned if she does go public, damned if she doesn't. Rape is NOT just about sexual scarcity, it's also about power. Just imagine for one second: "Hey, I'm Kobe Bryant! I get what I want! How can you say no to me?!?" Not saying that's what happened, but the fact is, WE DON'T KNOW and ANYTHING is possible. So women should expect to get raped if they change their minds, and have no ground to stand on. Common sense or not, that's just disgusting.
  23. Misc.fitness.weights is a Usenet group. It doesn't have anything to do with Google. Google just makes it easier to read and search for posts.
  24. The reason I'm stuck on science is because that's how the body works! There are facts about the human body that you can't avoid: - There is no such thing as spot reduction. - It is impossible to change the shape of your muscle -- only make it bigger or smaller. - Definition/cuts/tone comes from low bodyfat and muscularity. I do practice what I preach -- not as much these days, but in college I trained religiously, and helped some of my friends make really impressive gains. Every piece of advice that I give, I've done myself and I know it works. If you want to know my current workouts, I'll post them too, but it really doesn't matter -- you don't have to be an accomplished bodybuilder to know these things. Like I said, they're scientific fact. The most successful olympic strength coaches aren't olympic athletes themselves, you know... If I seem like an elitist, it's because there's a lot of garbage advice out there. People do things and get results, but they don't know WHY it worked. I guarantee you that low weight and high reps does not build cuts, EXCEPT if the workout burned more bodyfat than your usual workout. You talk about "what works for me" and "what works for you" as if people's bodies are significantly different. It's true that people will get different results from different workouts, but there are some things that are common to ALL people (like the things I listed above)! So, I don't think I'm bringing down the quality of the board. If anything, I'm trying to keep the advice HIGH quality, by disagreeing when I see blatantly false information being perpetuated. I realize why people buy it, because it's very common advice, but it's quite simply false, just like the myth that 500 crunches will give you a slim waistline. I'm sorry you're taking it badly, but maybe you should take it as an opportunity to learn something, instead of attacking me personally.
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