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Everything posted by blazinhot

  1. hehehe, sometimes I wish I had a cock, then I'd spank everyone in the face with it!! I'd tea bag 'em too!
  2. blazinhot

    personal hygeine

    No offense to anyone if they have dreads but I think they look kinda dirty, to think that they don't wash their hair makes me cringe too. I don't know how anybody could wash someones hair that is greasy, I'd be doubling up on the gloves!! It's kinda like being a dentist, there's no way I'd be able to pry around in strangers mouths,, ewwww
  3. My god, how depressing, you only live life once, live it up a bit and put a smile on!
  4. man, get off your bloody high horse. Guess what? Just because you don't want to have a kid but you still knock her up, she can still take you to court and make you give her a cheque every month! Don't think that your invincible just because you choose to run away with your tail between your legs, she can still take you down.
  5. "there's no place like home,, there's no place like home,,,"
  6. Ya I would, as long as the person was blindfolded, wouldn't want the chap to come face to ass with the 'ole one red eye! ewww
  7. About 90% of the guys I have been friends with or together with are respectable and moral people. Everyone does stupid shit in their life that they regret but if your willing to let someone in to your life that holds no respect for you or anyone else than be aware of the consequences. I hate it when a girl (or guy) goes out with someone that they know has no morals and then they complain that they cheated or lied to them, GET A GRIP!! Then they complain that they thought they had changed the person for the better, my god!! If someone is willing to let another treat them like that then its no ones fault but they're own, they set themselves up for it. I just wish some people would take responsibility for their actions and stupidity. This is just me venting though, it's not pointed to anyone in particular. :mad:
  8. Like it, as long as it ends in a little more than that. This is from a gals perspective though, guys might not like it as much cuz it makes them more sore.
  9. Come out Come out where ever you are
  10. hmmm, see, I've pictured having sex with people that I don't really like, so thats a tough one.
  11. ,,thats about all I can muster right now.
  12. If anyone is the queen of blurting stuff out its me, always the wrongs stuff and always at bad times too. Oh well, like Seinfeld says,, "Serenity Now!!"
  13. true true. I guess it all just depends on the person. I don't think I've ever been single for more than a month so I guess I'm just used to being in a realtionship. I know when I was single I seemed to be missing out on something (or someone) and I love having someone to 'oogle' over. As for creativeness, I guess so, but I didn't go as far as watching the Martha Stewart show or anything,
  14. blazinhot

    I Need Your Advice :(

    From the sounds of it I think there are some trust issues. Everyone gets paranoid and jealous but there is a limit to how much a person can take. I don't want to sound mean but maybe he isn't taking the relationship as seriously as you. Maybe he is having second thoughts as well, or maybe he is intentionally trying to push your buttons to see how far he can go. If this is the case then I think you should talk to him and tell him how you feel about the problems. You can't expect him to know whats wrong if you don't tell him. If he tries to beat around the bush then move on. You can't treat an old dog new tricks. Find someone that you can trust and be open with. Thats the only way a relationship can move forward.
  15. heehee, I don't think I'm cocky, I'm just not someone to fall for statistics. Everyone has good attributes and bad ones, thats a given. By saying that 1% of the population is good-looking sounds prejudiced. How can anyone know what everyone in the world looks like and acts like? It's impossible.
  16. Good God I'm Gorgeous!! I don't need any stupid statistics to try to bring me down. I don't care what the hell these stupid magazines are trying to say, its all about making the $$. If you think you're ugly than your gonna want plastic surgery or buy make-up. Don't fall for it!! Its all a big scam! Nothing anyone could say could make me feel ashamed of myself. Its not conceitedness (sp?), its self assurance.
  17. I think I get more energetic when I'm single. I have recently been in a situation where my "boyfriend" and I "broke" up and I've been partying more in the past 2 weeks than I have in the past year!! It's great to have some fun, but don't confuse it with filling an empty void. Go out, have some fun, and meet new people. I've met tons of new people from clubbing and such that it makes me wonder why I would ever want to get back into a relationship. But, single = loneliness, be prepared. Have back-up,, hehehehe. Just kidding.
  18. Sex isn't something that needs to be learned, it's natural, at least the basics are. From a girls perpective I was like a deer caught in the head lights the first time, I'm assuming the guys have a lot more to deal with than the girls, what with timing, foreplay, and insertion. When you're gettig past the basics (like head, missionary, etc.) its all about experimenting. Masturbation is the key to a great sex life!! :D :D
  19. I think the longest I've gone is 7 months, or somewhere around there, it was a dry period Id rather forget about.
  20. Hi! I'm somewhat of a newbie, still masturbating, and still have the odd sick fantasy MUAH!
  21. Oh damn, this is kinda nasty, but from a gals perspective I don't think I would be able to do it if it smelt funky, sometimes guys have a smell to them too that isn't that appealing. Especially after a hard days work and he wants to come home, walk through the door, grab a beer, and get some noggin,, "Go Shower First!!!"
  22. blazinhot

    I Gotta pee..

    We have to let the swimmers free!!! "GO FISHIES GO!!" *flush*
  23. I think the woman has the advantage, just think: Out of all the body parts on men and woman, the only one that is made strictly for pleasure is the clitoris! MUHAHAHA
  24. I heard that a woman (or maybe a man) can have on orgasm by just massaging behind the knees. I know there are pressure points that can make a gal or guy cum but I can't remember where,, anybody know?? I feel like ginving myself a massage,,teeheehee
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