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  1. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from djmikey77 in I'm a Princess   
    An airline's passenger cabin was being served by an
    obviously gay flight attendant, who seemed to put everyone in a
    good mood as he served them food and drinks.
    As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing
    down the aisle and announced to the passengers, "Captain Marvey has
    asked me to announce that he'll be landing the big scary plane
    shortly, so lovely people, if you could just put your trays up,
    that would be super."
    On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed a well-dressed rather exotic
    looking woman hadn't moved a muscle. "Perhaps you
    didn't hear me over those big brute engines. I asked you to raise your
    trazy-poo, so the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground."
    She calmly turned her head and said, "In my country, I am called a
    Princess. I take orders from no one."
    To which the flight attendant replied, without missing a beat, "Well,
    sweet-cheeks, in my country I'm called a Queen, so I out rank you.
    "Tray-up, Bitch."
  2. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from djoner in Hurt by Gabo?   
    why do ppl need a phone call to be like it's over? If you call and they ignore you, it should be like, fuck it, why am i wasting my time on it when they obviously aren't.. or maybe i just don't really care about shit... to call a few times a week for a couple of weeks to find out what the deal is.. i dunno, that shit's not me...
  3. Downvote
    funks0ul got a reaction from tristan22 in Darkvixen: post ur tits or be banned!   
    this chic is like promotor for drais on these boards.. almost all her posts mention drais...
  4. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from nutcase34 in How Many Rep POINTS do you have?   
    3798 points total
  5. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from fkornre in How Many Rep POINTS do you have?   
    3798 points total
  6. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from Candy in How Many Rep POINTS do you have?   
    3798 points total
  7. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from pookie23 in The Lunch Thread   
    my bread bowl was yummy
  8. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from dgmodel in lyrics for jada kiss' new song...   
    i've never not had a computer at my house.. and now we have more computers than ppl at my house.. crazy dad...
  9. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from raincry in Everyone Read This Now Ahahahah   
    everytime i see the title of this thread.. the song that pops into my head is "everybody dance now..."
  10. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from deepspell in New mix for download!!   
    i is listening now
  11. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from Orisha in For all you Christina freaks   
    she reminds me of janet from three's company in the video.. *shrug*
  12. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from tanyalover in For all you Christina freaks   
    she reminds me of janet from three's company in the video.. *shrug*
  13. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from nomembername in Good idea or Bad idea?   
    how will french help your career out, opposed to some of the other languages.. why french? b/c you already know it?
  14. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from dgmodel in pursuit of happiness...   
    Something I read once...
    Life isn't going to go the way you want all by itself.
    Life isn't going to get a whole lot better if you sit around doing nothing to change it.
    Life isn't going to be full of amazing miracles and miraculous improvements.
    Life is going to fuck you in the end in some way or another.
    Life is going to get worse.
    Life is going to disappoint you.
    Why is it that no one realizes things aren’t perfect? Things don't get better on their own. Things don't go the way you expected them to and they never will.
    If I walked up to you right now and offered you a chance at pure happiness for the rest of your life, would you take it?
    Think about it before you give me an answer.
    What is pure happiness? Would it equal no more pain? No more suffering? No more wondering how tomorrow is going to be, because you would already know?
    With pure happiness what would you fight for? What would you dream of? What would you be living for if you knew that everything will go perfectly? What lessons will you have learned?
    If happiness was handed out on a silver platter and you accepted it, you would be giving up. There's no survival rate for those who know what tomorrow brings. People need to realize life may not go the way you want it to, but that's what makes it exciting. Being able to go out and do something with your life, work hard for what you get, work hard to make yourself as happy as possible and then be able to say " I DID IT".... "I FUCKING SURVIVED".
    You live to wake up in the mornings not knowing how your day is going to go, but hoping and praying that it is better than the day before.
    You know how that song goes, “Step by Step...Day by day"? Make that your personal theme song.
    Don’t focus on tomorrow, worry about today. Do you know when you are going to die? NO. So your life can end at anytime, and if you don't start to change things now, who says you will have a chance to later?
    Life isn't perfect. Why would you want it to be?
    Think about it.
  15. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from iamme in Biggest Bump and ... SCUMbag   
  16. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from nomembername in what happens to a forum....   
    basically, people leave, new ppl join, the same shit gets recycled...
  17. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from nomembername in SPRINT to buy NEXTEL   
    same, most of my friends either have sprint or verizon, that'd be a nice merge for me..
  18. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from nomembername in yo hotbarbiedoll   
  19. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from fkornre in Things that make you go Hmmmmmmmmmmm.....   
    elementx.. you must be pretty damn bored...
  20. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from elementx in a december to remember...   
    blah, don't really care for it, just hope the month goes by fast, even though i'm pretty sure it'll drag on by for me...
  21. Downvote
    funks0ul reacted to kahn in Please give me negative rep points..........   
    having all greens, and knowing we have hit the limitations regarding how many green boxes you can accumulate, I am requesting anyone on this thread to give me a negative rep point....
    I would like to see how many red boxes you can achieve.
    Thank You....
  22. Downvote
    funks0ul got a reaction from barstar in dgmodel is the man and i sweat him...   
    i heard they were lovers...
  23. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from marcid21 in Chipotles   
    i always get the chicken fajita burrito..
    chicken, green peppers, onions, tomatos (extra), cheese and lettuce!
    it's gooooooooooddddd
    but yeah if you go during lunch, definitely fax in your order
  24. Like
    funks0ul reacted to Felix_Leiter in attn fkornre   
    if yur gonna give me rep points...at least write something..
    i dont care to just see your username..
    fuckin lamer
  25. Like
    funks0ul got a reaction from emjay in Scott Peterson   
    i thought he was gonna get off for some reason...
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