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Everything posted by computerjockey

  1. hey at least your people didn't kill him like the jews did KIDDING!!! kinda
  2. ok that's fine - i'm not discussing this now - all i have to say is what Christ said: do not judge other people and have some compassion for other peeps. thing is if you look at the big bang theory it's EXACTLY the same as the story of creation. obviously you can sit there and debate all the mute points but first there was darkenss, then there was light, then the planets were formed, etc etc - both stories are too similar IMO
  3. u do realize you're on the clubplanet board where it appears almost everyone's goal is to tell everyone else to piss off
  4. huh??? did i say "God hates hates fags" or something when quoting you... the point is your way of thinking is going so far out the window that the only ones who think like you do live in the bible belt and are on retirement
  5. you're close dude - the problem is the word of God has been rewrtitten so many times by man with each one putting his spin, or his views, on what he thinks it should say. it's just like the camping excersize where one person at one end of the campfire will whisper soemthing to the person next to them and then by the time the last person says it outloud it's something entirley different from the orignal statement. do you believe in creation, perhaps? funny thing is the "big bang" and the sotry of creation are pretty much the same thing..... anyways, my own opinion is who cares if you officially believe as long as you show some compassion for your fellow man the catholic religion is bullshite when it comes to what the vatican tells you. Christ was killed because He too thought the organized religion of His day was a bunch of crock
  6. at least what i say is entertaining - nothing of which can be said for your plastic bag remarks. hmm... i wonder if i could fine the recipe for turning water into grey goose.....
  7. i can NOT wait for the day when i get to have a debate with somone like you, or john phillips, who are on their 3rd wife telling me i'm going to hell. if you read the damn bible and follow verse for verse anyone who has committed adultery would be killed and sent to hell way before anything that could be used to condemn gays.... if you like to cite leviticus to say homos are evil flip a page before and read the shite about adultery - it gets the SAME exact punishment....
  8. ok that's another sign of you just being so fuckin stupid and not even worth the effort. yeah - since i'm gay little boys around me are what??? going to grow up gay, going to be molested?? what??? you're almost amusing if you weren't so fucking stupid
  9. actually the only reason why i want to become a priest is to find out how to turn water into wine....
  10. well maybe this mental handicap you've been showing is letting you live your life in peace by not letting you realize, or care, about how much of a doofus you are.
  11. oh you're one of those people he also hates adulterers (about 100x's more than fags if you count how many times it's referred to) - he hates anyone at walmart who works on a sunday, anyone who goes to red lobster and eats shellfish, etc etc you're gonna lose this "God" fight if you even try loser. i almost became a priest (went twice to the catholic church to find out what it says), fully plan on having a ministry when i get a bit older, know my bible probably a hell of a lot better then you (i can recite the Gospel of John verse-for-verse if you'd like) so i would LOVE to have this arguemet with you cause you're gonna lose fucker but this isn't a religion discussion board. at least i know what mentality i'm dealing with cause anyone, at least in NYC, knows those who say "God hates fags" belong in the cornfields of iowa because even the fuckin scarcrows has more intellect then you do btw, i'm not a fag you fool. i'm a bisexual so you can call me fag all you want but i'm just as straight as you are when it comes to liking girls...
  12. another thing - you're posting "stop posting" to my posting in a thread that i started that is just basically about bullshite???? if you want me to explain how lame that makes you i'll be more than happy to start a thread discussing the endless reasons that could verify this
  13. dude - u are soooo sad and i kinda have a feeling you know it
  14. oh and i take it you're the entertainer of the year - i highly doubt that's the case seein i have yet to read one line that was at least filled with .01% of wit coming from you
  15. the world actually does revolve around me. me & God had a discussion just last night to settle the matter for good....
  16. um yeah i do. i'm one of those bi gemini's (as in bipolar) - many sides, many conflicts and many different opinions of myself - some days i like me other days i wish i could hit the 'delete' button
  17. my favorite table: Cain Wed. Nites
  18. watcha talkin about willis? if you're referring to me you should know i'm miserable and hating myself everyday
  19. Lyrics r Poetry. Just wonderin if you have a favorite... Mine is: "Music was my 1st love and it will be my last. Music of the future and music of the past." Music of the Phewtcha - Chog and the Fresh Fruits of Funk (Hooj Choons '91/2)
  20. who's paul??? actually that was kinda classic - the tape i have from paul's very 1st USA set is named "who's paul?" cause that's exatly what i asked my best friend when he asked if we should just stay home and chill or go see this dj from berlin who noone had ever heard of before.... here's that 1st tape (Simon's '93): who's paul pt 1 who's paul pt 2 *dear club planet: i got the "OK" from paul last time i saw him to post this set... i also have parts 3, 4 & 5 from the 2nd tape if any1 wants 'em... dear club planet trollers: be educated - notice paul was NOT playing TRANCE - he spun progressive house at about twice the speed it was normally played at..... paul didn't really go all trance until 95ish - that's simon introducing paul and it's me and my friends screaming in the back if u turn it up enuf 2 hear it... also - that night we were wondering if a german DJ meant to play a sample that sounds like "just just hi to paul" in the begining of his set... this is by far the best set i've ever heard - imagine thinking you're gonna be watching some lifetime movie of the week and it's fuckin 'gone with the wind' you're shown. for a set that's almost 15 years old it still kicks it up. paul kept mixing in and out of songs so quickly and kept doin shite to it while he was mixing that from the 1st moment i knew he was unlike any other dj i've ever heard.... and i was right. if you recognize any of these songs i can 99.9999% assure u it was the 1st time it was played in the USA.... the cool thing about paul is he would play a song in his set, i would then hear the song later in a different set and realize he somehow added about 20,000 extra samples into the song that were NOT in the original LP pressing....
  21. 4u: any1 know of a good watch repair shop? i could care less if it actually works but i wore it out so bad that it needs a new strip on the back of the band... i'd kill to have it fixed cause then i'd be wearin that and some red puma's from larry tee (which, btw, is just as good, if not better, then paul's watch seein i met larry when i was 14)
  22. i, myself, wouldn't mind riding starscream's cock... anyone know how thick???? c'n i don't do it too often (2x's n 15 years) the smaller the better....
  23. i love how you say shite that makes you look like a bigger asshole/retard/reject-from-your-own-mother's-womb/dumbass more so than anyone else could...
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