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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by computerjockey

  1. i <3 u now - that's the best line i've heard in a long long time
  2. call me faggot all you want - all i know is having sex with other guys gets me laid 100x's more then you ever will and if you don't know that getting head from a guy is 20x's better then that from a girl (girls hate givin it while guys love it) and if you don't know that having something shoved up your ass increased the orgasm by 50 then that's your own f'n problem - not mine ps i type over 80 wpm so long winded respones take all of 20 seconds
  3. you're fucking stupid dude - i don't think your opinion amounts up to shite anywhere including this board. i'm sorry - i'm the biggest fucking music freak around and i will say shite about dumb shite people say about electronic music including "dancing is stupid"
  4. OMG are you f*ckin for real??? oh lord - i guess you wouldn't know wittiness if if slipped you a pill, took you home, took pictures, and then dropped at the corner with the rest of the trash. you're lame dude - let me guess - you're at least 20 pounds overweight, haven't had sex in God knows how long, maybe still in highschool and has about 3 people they think they can call a friend. please post a pic so i can really laugh my ass off at you. you're talking to someone who is very well respected in the NYC nightlife club scene. anything you can say hardly resembles something to be bothered with. i mean, c'mon, anyone who can't come up with something original besides "catch AIDS and die faggot" (sorry - every homophobe has uttered those words in the past) deserves nothing more then to linger on this board and have it be the highlite of their night
  5. homo, faq, queer, whatever - all i know is we have way better sex than u str8 1's... at least we get much more of it that is
  6. are you serious??? that's a VERY good come back, thank you - esp with someone who can only muster "get aids faggot"
  7. everyone picks on me??? that's a joke and a half. if i was still in grade school i might be worried but we're on a bulletin board with a bunch of nerds - catch me in real life mr and if you wanna pick on me then then have at it but i think you'll find picking on me in real life is a bit more difficult than it is on this board because i can see who you are, and thus you can see who i am, and it's a bit harder to hide behind a screen when i can stare at you in your eyes and see you for the dweeb you are. i can be a bitch and if you don't think i can turn up a few notches in real life think again - this board is TIRED and people who say shite like "oh dancing is so stupid" on an electronic music board are the biggest IDIOTS around
  8. kiss my ass dude - i'd tell you the same but i have a feeling u hardly ever get laid if ever
  9. the new look of clubplanet is about as ugly as anything i've ever seen note to clubplanet: get a homo to do your color scheme next time
  10. ur lame "fuck dancing"??? get a fuckin clue - music is where it's at and the only way to appreciate a good electronic song is to dance to it. why in the hell do you think they call it "dance music"? ur words are not only lame but show u to be a true idiot
  11. PM'ing you now hmm what else could PM stand for??? i could only guess how did you know about shealita?
  12. don't blush mr - any guy who's into music hardcore is my kind of guy. who cares if you're into junior (KIDDIN! kinda) seriously what is this club about? i'd like to hear more about the scene you're in. is it a bunch of chelsea muscle heads or what? i kinda steer clear of the big clubs, like crobar, only because it tends to lack the smaller family feel i dig. however TALK ME INTO IT. u owe me a corner somewhere if we ever meet - talking optional
  13. what is this alegria club all about? i'm looking for something new but is it going to be total 'mo (all gay & happy)? i'd like a cool, mostly str8 club, where the DON'T play deep house, tribal or trance. if it's a 2big club who cares - i'll go anyway.
  14. i m sooo out of it today - u are a homo, aren't ya? i'm all getting confused with rayray (see previous posts in other threads).... so tell me starscream, and i remember you being a totally good looking guy, where can a guy like me go out to meet a guy like you?
  15. whatever - i'm in a foul mood - and no i didn't turn gay to str8 - i still dig guys too... i was just looking for an excuse 4whatever btw, ghhhost - i had rayray all wrong - it was starscream i was thinking of... now that i got the tattoo i might as well go for the namesake. any hints? flowers, candy, liquer, drugs?
  16. This is why the NYC board is lame. Let me guess - the person here calling someone a "fag" lives in NJ (or at least not in NYC). Go f*ckin say that shite on the NJ board then. I can deal with guys saying shite like "you ride my dick all day" because if they seriously did "ride a dick all day" they'd realize just exactly how much more hardcore sex is when u do that. But the days of calling people 'fag', or 'nigger' or 'spick' or whatever, are over - at least in NYC. It has always and will always be a melting pot. Talk about music all you want but the board is lame board if you call it a NYC board and find shite that is hardly NYC.
  17. who cares how you dance... i love it when i see people losin it on a floor and it makes it 10x's better if they don't know how to dance but couldn't give 2 f*cks about it
  18. this board is kinda lame peeps - ghhhhost make it better and start posting some nudies of urself...
  19. "snap... fierece... runway... drama..." - and ur tellin me starscream isn't mega-homo????
  20. This was this past tuesday - a less crowded night than the line-around-the-block weekends (which I prefer less crowded). Don't worry tho guys - on the weekends there are plenty of chicks there to keep you satisfied. PS - be nice to the door girl - if you piss her off at all you're not getting in.
  21. Mr. Black kicks f'n ass man. The electro music scene there is unlike any I've experienced in NYC. There are times when the floor has a mind of it's own and it's the best place just to chill. Expect long lines on the weekends that are worth it and don't come w/any hang-ups cause it is a gay club.
  22. o yeah - i remember u - giovanni is a really nice guy - guess him hangin at twilo is y i haven't seen him in a bit.....
  23. This person just said it ALL. This is why bars like Crobar and stuff, IMO, are kinda lame. You miss out on that underground feeling where you feel like something new is happening. New music scenes are where it's at. Once something gets commercial and 'above ground' then it just loses it's appeal and hardly has any type of 'family' feel to it.
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