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Everything posted by computerjockey

  1. May I ask what a boy like you is doing on a board like this MR? Ur one and only - McMike
  2. hey peeps - finally found the watch paul van dyk gave me in '93/'94 so i was wondering if anyone else has an item from a club they consider to be their best piece of nightlife momento
  3. geez it has been 10 years - d&b took over in '95 and drove me right out of the scene
  4. i haven't had time to readh through this to see if the posting was bullshite (ie, joke) but i have NEVER heard anything so fucking rude. i mean it's one thing to not like what the DJ plays but to try to be nice and be like "oh don't suck next time" - get some class people
  5. All I know is that after getting to know him all I can say is this: If you can't figure it out it says "SILVERBULL ROCKS!!!" Much love to someone who cares so much about the music and the the affect it has on the scene. If NYC had more people like this NYC would beyond a doubt have the best music scene around.
  6. Is there something I don't get with the "D:" thing? There used to be this group from the early 90's called "D:Ream"... Just wonderin.... Oh here's D:Ream's biggest hit from '92 U R The Best Thing It's a Sasha remix and if I'm not mistaken it was his 2nd remix ever (1st being Evolution's "Metropolis") - This remix is pretty much, IMO, what cemented Sasha as a force to be reckoned with since this song couldn't have gotten any BIGGER than what it came to be... The thing that makes the song is the female vocal sample that keeps going "ooh-whoa". The female background vocals ROCK too. This song is SUPER cheese but SUPER CHEESE is sometimes the best shite around.
  7. What's the deal with the "no tits" thing? The chick is HOT hands down with or without massive tits.
  8. I remember when Sasha snagged Jimmy out of the Orlando scene in the early 90's. Sasha pretty much ruled O'town back then...
  9. Are you fucking kidding me??? People actually have the balls enough to come up to ANYONE and say "dude, you're playing like shite" pretty much? OMG WTF??? Geez, if I was in a booth w/a friend and someone came up and said shite like that I'd fuckin flip out.
  10. And here I thought 27th had been taken over by New Jersey.... As a friend, Thomas, a door guy, was quoted in a local mag this week.. "nothing good ever came out of a white stretched limo."
  11. Have you seen the main Myspace ad? This clubplanet thing is nothin' compared to the Myspace one. The Myspace ad has these falling cellphones that make the most annoying sound. Thing is there is no "mute" button. I finally figured out that if you click on the ad it'll stop the sound but there's no indication that's the case. It appears very recently internet ads have become way more annoying then they used to be. Sites need to re-think this because it's going to cut-down the traffic and I hardly think these new tactics are creating any more new traffic to the ad sites.
  12. When I heard Paul at the Roxy earlier this year he wasn't really playing the 'trance' he's been known to play for years. He was playing more like his original style - not completely like he used to play but still it was a lot less hardF*CKINcore trance.
  13. You pin-pointed some of the major problems with the club scene here. I don't know what would be worse tho - dealing with kids who can't handle their alcohol or deailng with clubkids, coked-up, who dish out so much attitude that it's an obvious sign of their own insecurities.
  14. i would hardly let the "21 & over" stop you from coming to NYC. if everyone played by the rules of the law then 1/2 of us would be sitting on our asses at home just about every night...
  15. prettiest f*ckin DJ i've ever seen.... what city is she from???
  16. Dude you were obviously not around back then. I can't state what was going on in '97 or '98 since I got out of the scene in '95 but I know for a fact what the music scene in the US was like back then. There were basically 2 main DJ's in the begining - Sasha and Paul. Maybe Florida was very a-typical but go get someone who was in the scene back then and try telling them Paul was not one of the top DJ's in the scene and didn't make a HUGE splash from the 1st moment. If you tried stating he was around "#42" or something I think they'd fall over laughing. They'll tell you his grip on the scene back then was just as firm as it is now. I hardly think reading back issues of mags is any comparison from living it first hand every weekend night for the 1st 5 years. In my scenes there's usually not a bigger music freak then me and if you don't believe me ask any DJ that's come into contact with me - ask Paul if you get a chance. Say "Michael from Simon's" and he'll know exactly who you're talking about and he'll tell you I was the biggest freak at his first set. If you know any DJ's from the NYC electro scene ask them what "McMike's" biggest passion is. Altho having a HUGE music passion in FL was common back then, it's kinda really rare in the NYC nightlife and it's my one trait that makes me stand out and, like Paul, some DJ's really dig it.
  17. I'll say it again: "BIG ROOM" SHITE HAS ZERO HEART AND SOUL (unless of course you're on like 3 pills which I imagine everyone is) here are a couple of songs that have come out in the past year that i consider to be 'electro'. yeah it's not something brand new but whatever - i haven't been able to get any new music in the past few months so forgive that i'm using old tunes as references: Tiga's "U Gonna Want Me" - which, btw, imo, is the best 'gay themed' love song to come out in a long time (notice he's singing to a 'boy') Royksopp's "What Else Is There?" - when I talk about soul, spirit and heart - well this song has tons of it Mylos' mix of "No More Conversation" - this has literally been the 'biggest' song in the past year Goldfrapp's "Number 1" - soul soul soul & lot's and lot's of heart with a huge dose of spirituality
  18. fun fun fun: 1st off altho i 'avoided' JR doesn't mean the man doesn't deserve respect. I just avoided him because everyone else was jumping on his bandwagon. Never once did I saw he was a crap DJ. It's funny you used Kraftwerk - perfect example - when they were out and I was all into New Order & Depeche Mode I thought Kraftwerk sucked. Even tho they all use computers I would hardly say they're the same exact genre. So if you want to consider something that has the occasional "electro bleep" as electro feel free. But I might as well start calling everything 'techno' like we used to do in the early days since officially it's all 'technological music'. (Side note: in the early days there were 2 forms of music: house & techno) "Big room" music is "BIG ROOM MUSIC". It has ZERO heart, very little soul and doesn't do a thing to bring in any spirituality. Basically when all you hear all night long is "BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM" with the occasional 'electro bleep' then to me that's "Big Room Music". And please - I'm hardly ignorant when it comes to computer generated music. You might not agree with what I say but I'm the biggest music freak I know and have always been that way. So to call me "ignorant" when it comes to music is to say you don't know me at all. I'll go head to head with anyone on this board about computer generated music (since the 80's days of New Wave) with pride (altho, yeah, I'm a bit devoid of anything from 95-04 but as far as I know nothing new and earth-shattering came out of music from that era and I can assure you anyone on this board wasn't listening to anything new during that era that hadn't already come out). And whatever - straights can enjoy JR too - in fact it took a straight guy to point this out to me but straight guys are the biggest fags todays. The typical gay guy is way more straight in his appearence (No, NJ, this does NOT include you).
  19. Yo Ms. Queen - Where did I say Larry's stuff was "edgy"? You missed the mark on that one seeing I never referred to Larry as "edgy". Sure some of the stuff Larry plays is totally 'edgy' but the biggest problem in our friendship came when I started bitching about him playing too much Madonna (tho her new album, IMO, is her best (w/all the remixes and stuff)). As for other clubs I go to Cain & Marquee on Wed, The Cock on Mon, Opaline & Mr. Black on Fri and Apt & Hiro on Sun. However except for the one time the rez blew me away at Cain I haven't found a DJ I'm all excited about. As it's always been, NYC ain't the greatest city in the world for a 'grade-a' music scene. When I state my opinions I'm not trying to knock anyone else from enjoying anything else. I just state what's going on in my head at the time. Um, NYC electro is involving and the sound I'm talking about has hardly been around for half a decade. You must be referring to "electroclash" when you mention Larry & Williamsburg and 'electroclash' IS NOT 'electro'. Compared to every other genre out there (Tribal, Techno, Trance, House, WHATEVER) NYC Electro is the most recent and most edgy thing out there. Even if you do want to say it's been around for 5 years that's cool but considering stuff like Trance has been around for over 15 years then yeah it's edgy. "Good music is good music" - good grief lady. Have you ever checked out my Myspace of New Wave House jukebox??? If you had you'd know most of the shite I listen to is at least 10 years old so altho I may only talk about new stuff on this board I hardly disregard music that isn't considered edgy anymore. Don't get me wrong tho - all the music I listen to was, in it's day, the most technolgoical advance sound out there. AND please - "gay house" - if it's music that you can expect to see a bunch of gay guys running around w/out their shirts on then let that be "shady" if you want. It's a fact jack.
  20. Um, JR was NOT playing anything remotely electro or ANYTHING that I wouldn't hear on KTU (it's a joke people). I don't consider something wtih "electro bleeps" to be electro. He was playing the typical "big room" slightly generic and kinda gay house. And I never said anything about what 'vibe' was going on. I have ZILCH against JR and his style of music. I pretty much got exactly what I thought JR would spin. However I hate that "big room" sound because it lacks anything resembling an 'edge' to it. The crowd was fun but it was your generic gay crowd and there was maybe 1/10th of "Tee regulars" there so IMO it was a fantastic crowd but not your typical Tee-crowd (don't get me wrong - I am NOT saying one's better - I just don't go for the typical 'gay bar' crowd). On another musical side-note Larry does not play "MAXIMUM" electro. To me "MAXIMUM" electro is like Belgium electro and that shite doesn't even get played in NYC as far as I know. Trust me, if I knew of a club that played anything remotely like Belgium electro I'd be there every night. However as far as very very good NYC electro go Larry Tee is by far IT. It was kinda fun tho being at the club before it opened and watching JR run around. I could have sworn I was 6 years old at Disney World watching Chip or Dale run around. I might not be hardcore into him but there's no denying the man is a living legend in his scene. If any DJ deserves respect it's JR. As far as the basement DJ - I only heard a song or two. I only made reference to him because the 1st song I heard him spin was sampling the shite out of "Little Fluffy Clouds" by the Orb and 3 weeks ago when a different DJ at Cain played "Lush 3.1" by Orbital he had ZERO clue to who Orbital was (and that time the song wasn't just sampling the original but was basically the entire song).
  21. in one word: BLECH! Seems like a really nice guy and maybe those tunes keeps the typical JR crowd happy but give me AUTHENTIC NYC ELECTRO any day. Shite - if I kept my eyes wide open all night long I still couldn't have found any edge in that set. Even the basement DJ had enough in him to play a song that sampled the Orb. The crowd seemed to love it BUT the "Bank" crowd was hardly there. I mean there were ZERO Tee Kids and only a handful of "employees". I sat looking at the empty reserve tables til 1am. Granted I must admit Jack, Sophia and Skyla dancing by the rails did one hell of a job making sure JR's night had that "Larry Tee" stamp on it but if that was the only night you've ventured out to see Larry Tee you can hardly consider that authentic Tee. Thing is having Larry out of town is making me respect and admire the guy a hell of a lot more then I already did.
  22. I was all for it and it could have easily have happened I bet. But Simon insisted only that the residents play. As we found out one night can't hold a lot of dj's anyways. Of course every resident should have been able to play but in the end it Chris Milo (DJ 3) who went on first and then Chris Gallahger (the 1st resident of Simon's around 91-92) and Chris Harshman (the resident headliner of Simon's 92-95) played. Every DJ who's played for Simon has massive respect for him. To me Simon is the most incredible person I've met. If Simon had asked Paul and/or Sasha they would have done it simply because they love the guy. When Simon gave me the OK I even had dj's that played at Simon's after I quit going, like Steve Porter, wanting to play. Dubtribe, tho not Dubtribe anymore, wanted to play. I wasn't at a loss for DJ's that had names now. Simon could had his pick but he was right in going with the 3 Chris's since the residents after all are the core, heart, body and soul of most clubs. If you can find anyone who went to the Simon's reunion they will tell you Simon is the one that made sure everyone was taken care of that night.
  23. same lyric, wrong genre oh well at least you didn't say "i feel fine i feel good i feel like i never should" and lemme tell you that is the best lyric in the world to sing along to when you're x'n
  24. try going to the actual website of the place - HOWEVER they're even charging memebers that night so the guest list is like way strict and way cut back that night. or better yet try reaching larry tee on myspace by going here he's kinda busy but i know he's pretty good about getting people on his list via his myspace page. i would say tell him 'mcmike' sent you but seeing i'm suppose to have a list then that's not a good idea. i just don't want to deal with that list full of peopel i don't really know that night....
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