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Everything posted by computerjockey

  1. dude - clean your room! and you get a "B" for effort but a "D" for originality and btw, dressing up for halloween doesn't count
  2. ' Please PM me if you're an electro DJ. I'll need some sort of stream to check out your stuff. It'd also help if you gave a quick resume as to where you've played before. It's going to be hard for me to convince the people I work with to hire a bedroom DJ but if your shite is that good it won't be hard at all for me to talk them into it. Be warned tho: this is for a gay club (for the time being - future projects will be "mixed") - if you're a bit phobic I'm sure both of us will agree this it isn't the spot for you. Also, this is NOT a residency (unless of course you're just that fucking awesome)... I'm looking to fill rotating spots. DO NOT APPLY IF YOU PLAY THE STANDARD TRANCE, TECHNO, TRIBAL, GENERIC HOUSE, DEEP HOUSE OR 'GAY' HOUSE. I am looking for cutting edge electro music. Some "big" names that are good: Tiga, Mylo (not that Miami Sound crap either - more like "no more conversation"), Goldfrapp, Royksopp, The Egg - just to name a few.
  3. you can agree all you want fool. i have the coolest people i have met in NYC thinking i'm the greatest thing since sliced bread (and the feelings are mutual). you're reaching for straw if you think i'm at all insecure on a place like club planet. it's fucking laughable seeing you guys trying to come up with theories and notions as to what i'm all about. my whole point in even posting this is to say "don't be so fucking typical" - this world would be a lot more interesting if people took 5 minutes to be a bit outlandish... c'mon people - this is NYC - THE BEST PLACE IN THE WORLD TO LET YOURSELF GO
  4. you guys are proving my point - actually you're proving the whole 'mask' theory that i have (that certain people hide behind a mask) - little do i care or realize that it crosses over to club planet too where people hind behind their posts. i'm not going to give 2 cents what you have to say because in reality you probably couldn't even make it pass the ropes of the clubs i go to or work at since you're probably a HUGE nerd in real life (and don't come back at me saying you wouldn't go to a gay bar because that's NOT the point - the point is you're probably so generic and dull in real life that i hardly doubt in any scene you're considered cool) as for the name calling - please, i might be bothered if i was still in 3rd grade and in the bible belt but give up folks - this is NYC - the most progressive city in the country. and thank you for telling me i 'fit right in'... these people are the most original and outlandish people in this city. it's an honor to keep their company. and please, i beg you, POST YOUR PICTURE!!!! i would love nothing more than to laugh my ass off at some nerd who's trying to put me down. however, if you're at all decent i'll have massive respect for you even if you're trying to slam me. and guys - if you haven't figured it out - you're doing nothing more then entertaining the shite out of me when you say i annoy you - i fuckin live to annoy people who are so lame as you are. lame i know, but whatever - it makes the time at work pass by quicker
  5. 1st off -for the peeps who are defending me THANKS but i do realize the people who are trying to tell me to 'fuck off' are those who I doubt would show their face because most likely, in reality, they're probably the most boring and bland cheeseballs straight out of new jersey on this board. if you've got some kind of spark of originality and have something else to offer in the world besides hiding behind a post on club planet then maybe i'll take you with a grain of salt when you tell me to 'piss off'. but some of you seriously need to take the glow stick out of your ass and open your mind a bit. if you still want to tell me to 'fuck off' i dare you to show me your picture because i doubt you've got balls enough to open yourself up to criticism. as for those who think i post lame shite - i guess your the ones who would love nothing more than to discuss JP all day long. as for my need for attention - GET REAL!!! FROM PEOPLE ON CLUB PLANET???? that's a laugh and a half! i've gotten more attention than i ever have from going out from people i consider friends. you think i need the nerds on club planet to give me attention. hardly. and lastly, for your enjoyment (and to annoy the crap out of others) here's a pic if you think i wear too much make-up:
  6. the only thing that's 'brilliant' is your lack of imagination. i've done plenty of 'mschievous shite' in my life and when i do decide to pull crap i know how to do it without getting caught. if i was worried about being ID'd in some police line-up fantasy land then i wouldn't have gotten this tattoo i got on Sunday: i'm just wondering tho - is your comment serious? i guess if you're a complete idiot and have to worry about you fucking up so bad that it's going to get you in trouble then yeah, avoid anything this much fun at all cost since you obviously don't know how to handle yourself.
  7. OK, i knew these guys looked a bit familiar... and please, if you think i'm a homo then you obviously don't know the definition of 'totally queer'...
  8. yes i know alan (the mask) - he's a very very cool guy... the 2 people i came away from CP with (when I first started annoying people a few months ago) where him and gabe (silverbull) as for encouraging others - trust me, i understand what clubs need or don't need. as for what the mask allows you to do compared to when you don't have one... well you would just have to find a superhero and ask him. if the mask doesn't do one any good then why would all those superheros need 'em? i can't quite explain it but when you don a mask something a bit mischievous comes out and let's you do somethings you might not normally do. all i know is i had a fuckin killer time that night being a complete freak (more freakish than i normally am) so if you've got the urge to, try it once - you never know until you try it.
  9. This is me last time I went out (Friday about 9am at the Green Room) - I know you guys are anti-whatever when it comes to make-up (and you're going to try your hardest to slam me as best as you know how) but consider putting on a mask some time when you go out some night. If you think playing 'superhero' was fun when you were a kid, lemme just tell you - it ain't nothin compared to the fucked-up fun you can have when you're out at night at some club. I've been dabling in the whole make-up thing but, by far, the most fun I've had with is when I wore this mask. Of course you don't 'need' to wear anything to have a good time but try it sometime - it somehow let's yourself go and gives you to the freedom to say and do shite you might not normally do. BTW, that's DJ Earthian - he's fuckin killer! He's actually a very good friend of a couple of very good friends - I had just seen him 2 weeks prior when their group, Discrete Encounter, performed (I had gone there because the other 2 memebers had become quick friends and I hadn't gotten the chance yet to see them live). It was rockin to walk in to the Green Room and see him behind the booth...
  10. Can I please ask: WHEN IS TALKING ABOUT JP CONSIDERED A 'GOOD TOPIC'? If there is only one thing I have learned from CP it is that JP is about as "above ground" as one can get (versus something that might be considered 'underground').
  11. no, according to the comments i was getting in the first 10 minutes i was 'robin' but thankfully that comparison stopped quick enough.
  12. I don't know what they did in NYC... Who said anything about disrespecting the others by not dancing? All I know is the energy in a room where the music is the main factor, and everyone just can't get enough of it, can't be matched by a group of drag queens/club kids just standing around. But you didn't hear it from me!!!! These kids I'm speaking of (and NO, i'm not raggin on them) are now my newest best friends...
  13. Gee you breeders would be a dull bunch to go out with... All I know is when I worked the door at Bank (Element) there were a few rules we followed as to who doesn't have to wait in line (and that line is loooooong). All I know is if some of you wore a mask of some sort just to be a bit different then you might not go back to being 'normal' once you let yourself go.
  14. I don't know about Friday's but their 'gay' night on Tuesday is fuckin KICKIN!!! Larry Tee spins upstairs and Ryan McKnight plays in the basement. Distortion Disko, on Thursday nights, is my fave night but Valley is trying it's hardest to overtake that status. And I don't know how 'straight' clubs work but if you don't feel like standing in line then do something about it!!! Make yourself stand out. This past Thursday I was like "fuck it!" and painted on a mask. I've brought up the whole make-up issue before and most guys went haywire but I know a lot of guys, straight and gay, would love to play 'super hero' for a night. Wearing a mask allows you to portray this persona that you might not allow yourself to do if you weren't hiding behind a mask. If you were going to dress like you were just going to the mall then don't expect some door guy to notice you from anyone else...
  15. '92, eh? That's when I was going to Simon's and Keoki (the 'club kid' DJ from NYC) would come down to FL quite often. We would read those 'project x' magazines and laugh our asses off because the club kids in NYC thought they were the shite. Granted they did have some amusing stories going on but c'mon, who could compare a club where it's just about going crazy to the music to a club where it's just about standing around. A decade and some time later mother nature has slapped me in the face because I'm now becoming good friends with some of those same club kids that were around back then. The interesting thing will be to see what happens when Michael Alig gets out of jail (I hear it's happening soon). There's a crowd that feels like that's going to be a party of the year but I can tell you now, I'm one of the crowd that feels pouring draino down someone's mouth isn't what I would consider to be "cool"... Michael better not think he's coming back with a clean slate because there are still a few of us from back then that haven't forgotten what he's done and I'm sorry, killing someone over money you owe them for drugs doesn't put you want me to get out my 'welcome back' banner.
  16. DJ's talking on the mic is kinda annoying BUT my favorite mix tapes from an old club i used to go to would be those when the DJ would leave the mic on and you could hear us howling our heads off at various parts of the song. It's just cool to listen to it be like "HOLY SHITE! that's me and my friends!!!!"
  17. I'm sure they said the same thing in the 80's right before guys starting wearing earrings (we'll have to make some rule where as long as you do it on the left eye then it means you're not queer...) But yeah, sorry, I know plenty of str8 guys who wear make-up. It might not be in your scene, yet, but don't outcast the guys who are secure enough to do put on eyeliner whenever they feel like - but, then again, these are guys who are either in rock bands or get paid to go out....
  18. I sure do! I've met some very cool nightlife people and I met this one guy who's in his 70's, who I swear is today's Andy Warhol, who wants to do me as a woman (altho i have zero desire to be a woman i like this guy so much i'll let him dress me up as he wants). if you think that eyeshadow is anything check out what he did the 1st night i let him make me up - i look like a technicolor clown but the 'look' went over really well at the club i work at: AND SORRY MR MASK FOR POSTING PICS LIKE THIS IN YOUR BIRTHDAY SECTION.... btw, that's sophia lamar - the coolest 'girl' in town... another point - i'll bet anyone on this board that w/in 5 years str8 guys are going to be wearing some sort of make-up even if it's only it's the least bit of eyeshadow to make you look a bit different- there's already a town of str8 guys in this scene that already go there but for you 'other' folks i think it'll catch on like the earring thing did... i'm not talking full-on eyeshadow but something like i did this past tuesday will catch on eventually.
  19. Sorry about the title typo - obviously it's "straight guys" and not "straight gays"... What straight guys need to do if they for whatever reason approach a gay guy to discuss any subject matter: 1) Although it's a given you're going to do so when you're coming up to us, try to avoid asserting how straight you are within the first 5 minutes of the conversation. We already know that. There are a few key factors that clue us in - just in the same way you know we're gay, we already know you're straight. Try waiting a moment. If the guy is interested he'll drop a few polite clues. That's when you casually mention something about your girlfriend. Usually the best response is "gee, I'm flattered but I'm straight". The guy will totally respect that and will not go there again. 2) If you're coming up to the guy most likely the guy has it going on somewhat and either already has a boyfriend or isn't looking. It's a bit different how gay guys view each other compared to how straight guys look at girls. Again, I can't speak for all gay men, but most of us have a caliber that we stick to. Like I said the guy probably has it going on and he's probably looking for the same so you'll be kidding yourself if you don't seriously ask yourself, even if you were gay, if he'd be at all interested. Don't get me wrong - you have your slutty people, whether it be a guy or a girl, who'll sleep with just about anything. However you gotta think about where you're at when you're going up to someone who's gay. If you're at some event or some 'hip' club most likely you're on this guy's own turf and trust me this isn't the 1st time some straight guy has come up to him to chat about something totally nonsexual. You'll come across a lot better if you find the perfect time to slide in that "I'm straight" thing instead of making it the 2nd or 3rd point you make. Some of my best friendships have been with straight guys and I can tell you not one of them was someone who had to insert his sexuality the first moment he could. - note to the guy last night: I'm not trying to find fault with you, because I don't, it's just a point I need to make.
  20. Cielo is a great club - it's a bit on the small-ish and thus 'crowded' side to really be considered a really good dance club. It's just my opinion but it doesn't matter how good the music is if there isn't any room to move really.
  21. Hey Gabe - In the Florida scene "raves" came on quickly and hard in 1991 and where going headstrong and at it's peak in '92. Raves were simply amazing because it just meant someone renting out a convention center or a huge field and playing house/techno/whatever and having a couple of bands play. The unity and family feel with the music bringing us altogether was pretty new to us however things like vics inhalers, pacifiers, glow sticks and ren&stimpy dolls kinda overtook the whole rave culture and made it something most of us didn't want to be associated wtih anymore.
  22. I work the door on Saturday night (Larry Tee's party) - there is not a dress code however if you come dressed up (ie, make up and what not (obviously I'm talking guys here)) you don't have to wait in line. It's a mostly gay party (with some str8's) on Saturday night but if you're a str8 guy who's secure enough to wear a bit of eye liner and/or make-up come up to me and I'll let your party in w/out having to wait... Be aware tho - I'll be working with a new door girl this weekend (she's from Crobar) so I'm not exactly sure how our chemistry is going to work so if you do come up PLEASE DO NOT say I said any of this in some chat board.. Just find me at the door and say "mcmike..." and I'll work in getting you in as long as your discreet and cool about it...
  23. Chris Milo (DJ 3) ROCKS!!!! We used to run in the same circles way back when and the guy is totally talented....
  24. Fuckin perfect! I'm friends with the Unknown People clan (Michael and a few others). I'll definitely will email them for more info... THANKS!
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