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Everything posted by computerjockey

  1. geez - i'm starting to annoy even myself for posting so much - but I just wanted to say if anyone feels the need to rag on the guy in my new avatar I would suggest you know he gets paid about $100 an hour to go out. He's absolutely the most amazing person I've ever met. He's definitely the Andy Warhol of today (in fact they were good friends when Warhol was alive). I dig the guy so much that I'm letting him dress me in drag even tho I have ZERO desire to do so. In fact when he asked me what was the thing that freaked me out the most I said "dressing in drag" so, even tho he wanted to do dress me up before, he's now insisting I face my biggest fears head on. You'll have to understand where I'm coming from - I've had issues with being a homo (up until it became "cooler" then being straight just not too long ago) so dressing up as a woman is way more difficult for me to do then it would be for any of you straight guys. It just irks me when people think homo's want to be women.
  2. Actually Larry Tee usually spin on the main floor. Tommie Sunshine has spun a few times but Ryan spins 99% of the time in the basement with guests. If you stick to the upstairs you're going to see what Happy Valley is about somewhat - however it's definitely the basement where everyone hangs out. Let's definitely meet - I would love to meet in person someone who, in the past, has felt a need to rag on me. You know what I look like obviously so come up to me if you see me. Gosh darn it - I just realized that means Larry isn't spinning and I was hoping to introduce Larry to Simon... bummer I'm still a bit baffled tho why NOONE on this board has a picture of themselves in their avatar. You're all more then ready to jump and rag on someone the first chance you have but you guys hardly ever show your true self.
  3. oops - i kinda didn't realize my 'big pic' is linking to the one I have online so everytime I update it it's going to be updated in this thread. BTW - any cute bisexual girls out there??? This 'guy' thing isn't working out so I might as well head back to the 'other' side and start raising me a family. Thank God for bisexuality.... And I INSIST u b bisexual - I've dealt with my fill of straight girls that can't deal with the whole "man on man" thing...
  4. Dude - I was gonna rag on you for posting so much to this thread since you seem to be sooo over it but keep insisting on coming back. However, seeing you have 53,000 posts then it's an obvious sign you have no real life. Keep ragging on me if it makes you feel better - I understand - I can cope and sometimes pity true losers when I spot 'em.And THANKS for the "gayest member ever". Coming from such a nerd herd it's quite an honor. NERD HERD!!! fuckin love it!!!!!
  5. The Simon's reunion is happening this weekend. Simon insisted on having just the old residents spin so there ain't gonna be no BIG name DJ's.
  6. Dan who? Is he playing upstairs or in the basement? The thing with Valley is the upstairs draws more of the 'mainstream' crowd while most of the rest of us head down to the basement to chill out. Hmm - so you really showing up next week? HEHE - I'm actually taking Simon to Valley that day (remember Simon?? the #1 CLUB IN THE WORLD shite I was saying months and months ago???). lemme know what the deal is with next tuesday and i'll make it a point to say 'hi' so you can see i'm not nearly as bad in real-life as i am on-line. however if you're on myspace try contacting me that way seeing last time i checked out CP was when i posted this thread eons ago it seems. here's the rest of the pics since i've posted the others - 9/10'ths of what you're looking at are people who get paid to go out - either dj'ing or just to show up and promote/host.
  7. I keep coming back because down deep I'm nothing but a computer nerd like the rest of you. I'm sorry but if Sports Illustrated just picked the team you were on as the best team in the country then I think you'd be all into it too. Dude and just "one magazine"? Out magazine is the #1 gay magazine in the country picking the best club night. If you think the "New York Times' is just another newspaper, and then try to compare what they have to offer to some square-state no-name town then get real!!! But I must commend you MR for not making some juvenille comment. Gee are you really getting past the 'grade-school' mode. Something tells me you're not quite out of the woods yet... And here's something to keep the legion of fans I have on here happy (it's my avatar for Myspace):
  8. btw - you guys are even bigger losers than what i thought. i kinda forget that a lot of you are still in highschool but that's no big surprise seeing most of you sound like you're still stuck in gradeschool so it's easy to lump everyone into one big nothing-but-juvenile category. you can slam me back all you want but be adivsed i'm not reading your lame crap. maybe if one of you could make an argument that doesn't infer i want to sleep with 99% of the CP male population - i mean get real guys - have you not seen how good looking some of these guys are in these pics? you've got to be kidding yourself if you think you could ever add up to anything like that. besides even if you WERE good looking the personality you've shown on this board negates anything looks could ever equate to. i just feel sorry for BackUpQueen seeing i've left Ms. Queen in quite a situation having to deal with stupid shite like this. and one last thing - in the past 2 months the reaction i get from 'straight' guys on the 'how gay are you?' question has changed greatly in NYC. it's no longer a "f*ckin sick" knee-jerk reaction but one of serious contemplation of "what if" before they answer back. so all you "studs" who have nothing better to do then talk about how they don't need to wipe their asses because I might come hanging around need to wake up - i have more then enough to keep my occupied around me to call a permanent recess on CP. if any of you remember the only reason i came to this board was to find somewhere to go. seeing i'm a HUGE part of the "best night in the country" then i think i've found it.
  9. in '91 the rumor of a new computer generated sound that was nothing like new wave was hitting my hometown of Jacksonville, FL. we heard a club 2 hours away in Gainesville was playing it so we headed down and from the moment i stepped inside that club, and heard k-klass's "rhythm is a mystery", i was hooked.
  10. here's the BIG PIC i've been taking (sorry - the pics themselves are only 2 inches high and the pic is only 10 inches wide but it's over 15 feet in length:
  11. Michael is actually standing in the hallway of Valley - I asked him the other week why's always standing there and he told me he has a bit of the old claustphoibia in him.
  12. btw peeps - that collage is cool because Musto is there HOWEVER the fact that I have a picture of Joey Arias is way more important then having one of Musto.
  13. WHAT THE FUCK??? All I have to say dude is you better be glad we're seperated by cyberspace right now. When your friends start dying slow horrible deaths and your bestfriends have some terminal illness then maybe you'll see where I'm coming from. You better hope our paths don't cross ever. I'm a bit on the psychotic side, as most of CP knows, and trust me, you don't want to be on the receiving end when I'm pissed. You have no idea what I'm capable of and you've just given me more than enough reason to fuckin let you have it in a way you'll never forget.
  14. 1st OFF - best answer ever received from my "how gay are you?" question was from the dj, adam goldsmith, last night when he said "depends". if any of you know adam he was only joking around - i don't think he's 'mo at all. SO NOMEMBERNAME: are you asking for change??? The reason I put up the "gay" thing is last time I posted pics someone was like "that's the gayest thing i've seen". However offering .23 cents for agreeing with someone on CP is like handing in a 50 cent coupon for something that only costs a nickle. And, PEOPLE!!!, attention whore? from a computer board??? it might appear i'm craving attention from club planet but i think you're overreading my personality. i'm a bit 'too much' (who could ever tell???) in EVERYTHING i do so if i crave attention i know exactly where to go to get it and it ain't from people on club planet - that you can be sure of. the only person i've met in real-time on this board is silverbull and he can verify what i'm about. the 1st place i'll look for attention is on a dancefloor (super easy when you're the only one dancing). if i'm out to get attention i'll make damn sure that there's going to be someone around who'll be more than happy to give it and to get it back. i don't waste time and i don't consider spending 2 minutes posting pics as a 'real need for attention'. hell, if i wasn't annoying the crap out of some of you then CP would be literally what it is - a place for a bunch of computer nerds to waste time (yes, i'm definitely a 'computer nerd'). here are the pics from last night with the article attached after that:
  15. you know it's the same 4 or 5 people that say the dumbest shite on this board - actually that might be stretching it a bit.... hmm - jim, ghost, stymie and xlr8 - yup - those are the same 4 jerks that have been giving me shite since i started trolling this board. you guys are nothing but sad, you know? you can say whatever you want but in the meantime i'll be living it up not only at Valley but at a few others clubs that rock just as well.
  16. Happy Valley on Tuesday night was just named as the best club in the country by Out magazine. Here goes a few instances of the "g" word: Out magazine is the #1 gay magazine in the US pretty much obviously referring to a gay club (Valley is actually really mixed on Tuesday). So if any of you Sherlocks feel like tagging the words "OMG - they're all fags!" in reference to the picture below you need to put away the magnifying glass and retire the "sleuth years". Here are the pics from last Tuesday:
  17. All male. Besides I kinda think lesbianism would be rather limited (tho I'm sure the entire lesbian population would greatly disagree). Whatever - they're just a bunch of p*ssy eaters anyways (any lesbians with a sense of humor, if they do exist, will know I'm kidding). As for "that's a shame" part - I don't find any trauma in taking and not giving when it comes to that. But, to gross out 9/10'ths of the CP population, if girls gave it better I'd be getting it from girls.
  18. You obviously don't know me at all - if you did you would know I don't suck cock.
  19. Ever hear the expression "It's better to be talked about than to be ignored"? If either of you guys ever wanna meet up in some club and see what each other is really all about I'm all for it. I work Fridays @ Element doing the door/list & hosting, No-Pop (Vlada) on Saturdays hosting, I co-manage Distortion Disko (Duvet) on Thursdays, I kinda have a semi-list happening on Tuesdays at Happy Valley & if you want to show up Wed. for either Marquee or Cain (or even be bold enough to go to the Cock on Mondays) then lemme know - I can get you in for free. Friday nights at Element is a straight night and if either one of you want to come and be my guest lemme know since I'll be the one in charge of the door. Another thing too - I might come across as a complete pompous ass online but I'm one of the nicest guys out in the scene right now. So if any of you wanna let me have it feel free. I know I'm a jerk online but it's not online is where it counts - it the real world where you make your impressions that will last a lifetime - so again - if you don't like me online wait until you meet me in person. If you want to go to any of the clubs I mentioned PM me.
  20. I'll be doing the door/list for this party but I'm listed as a 'host' (mcmike) - whoo hoo! And, last and least, it's a str8 party....
  21. as far as i can tell you're one of the nicest people on here....
  22. Any government being able to kill it's own people so it has a reason to go to war with another country to kill more people so we can fill up our SUV's with their oil is something I would NOT put past Bush.
  23. 1st off the whole why the make-up. I'm basically revisiting what I did when I first went out clubbing at 14 - it was '85 and you dressed goth and new wave BIG time if you were into the music. by 16 i had 'conformed' to the dress codes of the bible belt. this isn't something new to me. i'm just taking it to a different level where in some interesting circles shite like that is celebrated. 2nd - my problem with saying i'm 'gay' all the time isn't nearly as bad as you guys talking crap about 'smoking pipes' and shite. you're gonna have to remember it's what's on that other end of the pipe that makes it worth lighting up. i just had the most single best experience with someone last saturday - filled every "type" i had (including straight (complete virgin) and if you think you're any straighter, you're kidding yourself - i know straight and this guy was the real thing). I'm not going into details but what this guy was able to give to me was something none of you could match in any category so give it up with this highschool bullshite about gay guys smoking 'pipes' or whatever - the gay guys I'm getting to know either have boyfriends that are way finer or just would simply not be interested. You might fuck any girl that comes around but it's a different game with gay guys - sure we get it whenever we want but there's a different game that's played when on some plastic layer you're trying to get a guy who's just as good looking as you are (and yes there's more to someone then looks and even on that level your personalities are something i wouldn't call top-notch if you're still speaking highschool babble of who wants to touch your dick). besides straight guys area a waste of my time. you can't honestly give me what i want so i'm not even going to fool myself into thinking so. sure you might be able to give yourself physically but so what - that's no big deal - it's the emotional attachment that straight men can't give.
  24. Why don't you, next time you talk to Ryan, ask him what's the name of the guy who just hooked him up on his new Saturday gig? And please - I've only been going out for 4 months, have met endless amounts of people, so I haven't quite had the time to start collecting personal data on everyone. However if you've been snooping around my picture pages at all you'll see a few pics of just me and Ryan together. Although I think Ryan is practically one of the nicest DJ's in town he is not someone I've been hanging out with every night - sometimes at Happy Valley he gets a bit stressed and it's best to leave him alone with his wiggin out about whatever. And I must apologize to EVERYONE on the board for this thread. I'm NOT apologizing to those who think I post lame threads, I'm apologizing that this thread won't disappear!
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