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Everything posted by computerjockey

  1. Have to agree with you on being gay sucks. Trust me, it's not something most of us would choose. However, the only advantage being gay has over other minorities, ie. being black, is that most of us can hide it. It's not something that's usually wham-bam in your face to begin with. Trust me I would much rather be settled down with a family then going out clubbing all the time. As for the women part - I've had my share of women (tried doing the whole str8 thing in highschool). You're right, sex with women is awesome, however if you've had b/j's by both you know gay men are about 1,000% better at it since they completely get into it. It's like a lesbian doing it to a girl - you know how it feels and you know exactly what makes it feel even better (w/out having to be given instrucitons - I mean guys you can only imagine what it must feel like for a girl to receive but you know what head feels like as if it were the back of your hand). Sorry guys to gross you out but the guy brought it up. Don't get me wrong tho - I met this beau chick who's bi and I'm definitely more likely to sleep with a bi chick then a str8 cause the bitch can't say much if I decide to go the other way!
  2. Male flight attendants with you??? Must mean their homo's! If they are, and if they want to experiene the NYC nightlife that includes club personalities (used to call them clubkids when they were, well, kids) and beau gay men and wild women, check out Distortion Disko on Thursdays (Duvet on 21st b/w 5th & 6th) and Opaline on Firdays (I think it's 38th b/w 6th/7th). Opaline is fun but Distortion Disko, IMO, is the best night out. Personal message me for reduced admission inof. The night is based on looking glam but the music (what I go for) is Electro.
  3. hey man i'll totally come check it out. do you guys maybe do club courtesy at all? if not, how much is the reduced. i'd be more than happy to pay to support your scene but i'm making less than 1/3 of what i was making with sony music but it is sooo fucking worth it because i hated the music at sony. can you lemme know what kind of music it is? i understand nyc is heavy on tribal and other shite so fill me in if you can....
  4. Huh? Paul totally remembered me, at least if he didn't he gave one hell of a performance. If he didn't then why did he come right down when he saw me and tell me he totally knew who I was? He was talking on backstage up the stairs with his 2 friends and came right down to me when he saw me. If he didn't know me then he somehow remembered every single detail of our relationship that started 13 years ago. My first question to him was "Do you remember who I am" and he gave a 100% reassuring "yes". I think he would have been like "sorry, but where do I know you from?" since he's a very sincere and honest guy. I doubt Paul would have bullshited me just to appease some unknown fan and I really doubt he would have let someone he didn't know past the security guard. If his memory was that bad then I dont' think he would have remembered the full name of my best friend from Simon's since I was closer to him than my best friend was. Whatever tho - if he did all that and didn't know me then it just shows to me that Paul is the nicest guy out there.
  5. In a city that never sleeps it sure does get tired when you're looking for a space to dance until 10am. Does anyone know of the late-night clubs? If you do, PLEASE INDICATE THE MUSIC PLAYED AND THE TYPE OF CROWD THAT GOES THERE. I went to Gypsy Tea cuz I heard it was a late nighter but I couldn't stomach the music or the crowd. Pretty much I like non-repetative upbeat music with a mixed crowd. There's nothing worse then a club that's strictly straight people or gay people with music that either wants to put you to sleep or after hearing it for 20 seconds you've heard all it's going to do.
  6. Exactly - even if there's 1/2% chance of someone getting gay bashed I don't think it's a good idea to advertise who's gay. However I will tell you the gay clubs (In order of my preference): Distortion Disko (Thurs) Bank (Sat) Happy Valley (Tues) Opaline (Fri) I hear the MisShapes' parties are a lot of fun and Rated X is cool as far as I know but the only time I've been to Rated X the music was already off (I think I got there at 5am) but from the people who were hanging around it looked like a cool crowd. If you would like to check out Distortion or Bank let me know - I'll put you on the reduced list (unless you convince me you're a total lunatic about being a music lover then I might be able to get you in for free). If music is your main passion without a doubt then by all means come with me to Happy Valley & Opaline & most likely they won't charge you (however I have nothing to do with running either of those clubs so I can't guarantee anything). Check out my Myspace page for futher info (it's in my sig)
  7. Are you gay? It's hard to see gay bashing when you're not gay. But you have to remember tho - you live in the most progressive city in the nation. You don't live in Jacksonville, Florida do you? The Bible belt, with all it's "holy rollers", is the most vicious and evil place in this country. There is no greater evil then when man does it in the name of God and that is exactly what homophobes use to justify their hate.
  8. One thing about the crowd - why in the hell are pacifiers and glow-sticks around. I've been out of this scene for 10 years and the shite was tired when it first started. Why do people insist on doing that crap. God knows the only good thing about good xtc not being around is that i don't have to deal with smelling vics inhalers all night long.
  9. Hey - I wasn't trying to jump on ya. And yes I LOVE Paul. Paul instantly became my favorite DJ when I first heard him spin in the US in '93. However by '95 I got out the scene and was sick of the "trance" sound and was over what he was playing (don't get me wrong - I wasn't over him per se, just the scene in general). However, I'm definitely not trying to fault you for what you like. We all can't like the same thing - if we did we'd all be a big fat bore. It's just I got to talk to him last night after not seeing him for years and years. I wasn't even sure he'd remember who I was since he has legions of fans. But he's so sincere and nice without a shred of attitude that he picked up our friendship right where we left it off. And don't get me wrong about the "love" thing. I love many of my friends the same way. I don't have a crush on the guy - I just happen to love people who love music like I do and usually people who love it so much are driven to spin it. Personally, I'd just rather dance.
  10. Unless I'm just not clued in that this guy is posting this as a joke (I'm severly lacking sleep from last night after seeing paul) then I fucking pissed that some asshole expects people to "out" DJ's. If you've never been faced with violence from some homophobe then you have no clue. But if you are gay then most likely you've been on the end of some loonie wanting to do some real violence and damage to you. Yeah, maybe he doesn't have a clue but one of my best friends in highschool was passed out in a car when his friends and these other people got into it in a parking lot late one night. The fuckers took a bat and swung it as hard as they could to the window. Sadly, Rick was passed out and had his head against the window. My friends didn't realized what had happened until they drove away and blood was pouring all over the place. I'm pissed, I'm sorry. I hadn't seen Rick for months and I finally saw him again one night and I knew he liked me and I was x-ing and blew him off saying "I would talk to him later" as I was leaving the club (we were 16). Never in my life did I think that would be the last time I would see him. You try being in my shoes. Straights have it easy. They don't have to worry about some fucker trying to kill them just because of who they are. It's a real issue that gays have to deal with that str8's just don't have a clue about.
  11. I'm sure you don't have to pay to get into any clubs but if you do, let me know. I found out "club courtesy" actually works if you're actually curteous. People can usually tell in a heartbeat what you're all about and real people who are into it for the real reasons know right away those that are die-hard music fans. And even tho NYC is still all about dress-up I'm a firm fucking believer that the real reason should always be about the music. It's odd - me being like that makes me almost stick out like a sore thumb amoungst all the fab people in the clubs. Sure they like music too but I'm all about getting sweaty and not giving a fuck what I look like as long as I can close my eyes to get lost in the music even more. BTW, you never answered my question about Jack (Flawless Mother Sabrina). You must know him. I just started hanging over at his house last week and would love to get to know you. Do you ever hang over there (watching him get dressed Friday night was the first time I've experienced a "personality" get ready). It was amazing watching himself transform from a 70-year old something man into this 20-year old club personality. He wants to do me up as a woman and altho I have zero desire to be a woman I'm totally going to let him do it just because I love him (I'll do it once I get back to being skinny (in about 2 months)). I definitely don't want to be a FAT WOMAN!!!! hehe
  12. As a gay man I wanna know why in the hell would I post people I know who are gay just because you want to know? Give me some explanations and maybe I'll go there. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which DJ's are gay. But still, why in the fuck do you want to know? It's really offensive for you to think I'm going to post names of friends to someone I don't know at all. Besides, it's not my place to say who's gay. If you want to know then go to the gay clubs. Don't you realize if you post someone is gay you're opening doors that can't be closed. Have you heard of homophobia or gay bashing? I'm sure there are some sick fucks on here that would love nothing more than to fuck up some fag. Get a clue. Your posting is the most offensive thing I have come across on the board. If you had given some type of explanation as to why you want to know then I might comprehend what the fuck you're trying to get at.
  13. No matter what Paul spins, he's an amaizng man that has changed the scene and the world he lives in dramatically. Sure you can complain about him not playing trance anymore but personally I'm grateful I didn't hear the same trance stuff he's been playing for years. It's about time he moves on. I was pleasently surprised that I didn't hear the same stuff that he's been putting out for a decade. It was a breathe of freash air almost. If you don't like the "change" he is doing now, you should have been around for the change when he started playing trance. My original posting about it: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?t=299479
  14. Hey kid-o's: I only went to see Paul last night after I got off from working at Bank. I went hoping to see him since I haven't seen him in about 7 years. I had to talk my way through 5 security guards to make it to him. HE'S AWESOME!!!! It was like we picked up right were we left off. I 1st heard Paul the 1st time he spun in America (at Simon's in '93) and quickly became good friends with him. Granted he lived in Berlin so we didn't exactly have 1,000 chances to get to know each other extremely well but the time we did spend together when he would come to the club was just fuckin' amazing. What did you guys think of him last night? I only heard the last hour and I liked what I heard (esp the "Superfly" mix he played). Thanks to Kevin J, who's on the board, I know the song (he turned me onto it in the first couple of weeks of me going back out). I finally posted Paul's 1st set in the USA after OK'ing it with him last night. If you go to my Myspace page it's there. Be aware tho: he wasn't playing trance back then. It was more faster, harder progressive house. IT WAS GOOD!!!! The best set I've ever heard.
  15. 1st off - I thought the conversation of JP's was real. Hearing JP, who is a complete polar opposite of the trannie scene, drop that he's hanging with a trannie was absurb. I don't know one trannie who would even know, or care, who JP is. And the reason I post here sometimes? I'm a complete computer nerd. I came to clubplanet before I even started going out 4 months ago to see where I could hang out at. I quickly discovered CP is all tribal, techno, trance and deephouse. I FIRMLY believe that it doesn't matter what music you're into as long as you're totally lost in it. More power to you. As for you Ms. Queen - I don't mean to piss you off. The night I wrote that message I was in the worst mood. I had had it up to HERE trying to be nice to the main "clubkid" and getting nothing but attitude in return (and if you're into the scene at all you'll know exactly who I'm talking about). I was in an extremely bad mood and reading that conversation (tho I now know it's false) set me off. Go to my myspace page and see if we know a lot of the same people. Sure I piss the shite out of people here on clubplanet but it's a whole 'nother story in the real world. But I can't help it tho - I'm a bit schitzo! However, do you go out to Distortion Disko or Bank (maybe even Happy Valley)? I help run Disko and I work the door at Bank. I tend to come across crass on message boards but if you met me in real life my other personality, the one that gets completely lost into the music and dancing to it, takes over. About Sophia tho - SHE IS THE FUCKING COOLEST THING EVER & to me that is news since I just met her about 2 or 3 months ago - Do you know Jack (Flawless Mother Sabrina)? He's been soooo nice to me and dressed me up last Thursday. If you were at Duvet last Thursday I was the one with the blue & purple hair with the blue beard. I LOVE Jack!!!!!!
  16. hehe - gotcha - i'm sorry - it's just i hear JP this, JP that on this board and hearing about JP is the most annoying fucking thing ever. you'll have to forgive me - i just had a run-in with the biggest club personality out there last night and i'm over trying to be nice to people who are just dickheads in return (actually he's the only person who's been a complete jerk)
  17. YAWN - you people on clubplanet are a bore (well not all of you, but most of you know who you are). Name dropping? Please, I'll drop Sophia's name anytime I want and the only names I "drop" are those I consider to be good friends. It's the people who drop JP's name that need to get a clue.
  18. FUCK!!! A too crowded dance floor is my biggest pet peeve. What's the fucking point of going out if you can't dance. I heard Tommie Sunshine at Happy Valley and I had more fun dancing on the stage by myself then when there was zero room to move. I'll go dance to disco if I have to if the amazing music makes it where you can't even move.
  19. Can I please puke now? 1st this JP line proves to me that whole scene is a total joke: Jonanthanpeters: off the subject SUCK MY DICK SUCK IT , suck on it like a huge glow stick , pretend your a raver and you are trying to pick up glow sticks with your mouth - A glow stick and ravers? What the fuck??? Are we seriously trying to relive a scene most of us totally want to put behind us? But I guess JP is used to only being able to get ravers to suck his dick. And what's the deal with dropping that he's hanging with a tranny? I've gotten to know the coolest trannies and/or drag queens in this city in the past few months. Not once have I heard that any of them are in the least bit interested anything that has anything to do with that scene since it's so fucking tired. I highly doubt JP even has a clue to who Sophia Lamar is and she is BY FAR the coolest transexual in this city (no offense Amanda but Sophia is the shite). You'll find me on myspace at http://www.myspace.com/cjmikey If JP is 1/2 as cool as he thinks he is then he'd know exactly who these people were in these pictures (except for me of course). I dare JP to prove just how "hip" he is by naming 1/2 of those pic people that have been around way longer than he has.
  20. http://www.progressivemix.com An online turntable where you can listen to the best electro in the NYC scene. These mp3s are actually Larry Tee's music from his clubs. There is a wide range of different genres of "electro". I know some of you like the staples that have been around the scene for a while but a lot of Larry's music is very fresh. I just made the site yesterday so more tunes will come. Below are the people from the clubs I work and go to.
  21. Who's Who: Larry Tee Sophia Lamar, Brandon Olsen, Kenny, Amanda Lapore Malkavich, Miranda, Clark, Oliver, Xavier J Tre, Jose, Bianca I'm not a dresser-upper but I do work in the scene. Not every single person is my 'best friend' seeing I've been going out for 4 months. To see more of the scene and to here the music go to http://www.progressivemix.com
  22. Give me the sledgehammer and I'll do my best to make sure that if it can't be killed, it can surely be kept from bringing anymore grevious bodily harm to those who don't know better... Wudvr tho - if you're into trance more power to you. As long as you have a passion for any kind of music then I'm all for it. Diversity is definitely the key as long as we don't try to rag on each other just because it doesn't fit into our own personal defition of what's "cool".
  23. Now that you've gotten a handle on spelling, I suggest you work on your wit.
  24. Actually I'm only 24 (I had a 10 year void of any clublife so that decade doesn't count). And youngin', if you're going to talk back to your elders like that then you need to learn how to spell....... And the answer to staying young? Just hang out with those who are older than you are. Sure the trance/techno/tribal scene might be filled with kids who are actually young enough to justify having a pacifier in their mouth, but in the electro scene, there are plenty of older people running around.
  25. Maybe it's me tinckering on the verge of being close to 40 (I'm 34) but I don't find the humor in some grade-school kid saying "fuck" 500 times. It just reminds me how low-class some parents are when I see them dragging their 7 year-old behind them while saying "fuck this" or "fuck that" without a care in the world that their kids are learning from their example. I'm not an old fart yet but geez, give me some "electric company" any day over this ghetto guido shite (and don't get me wrong, I see parents of all races saying shite in front of their kids that just blows me away so I in no way intend the "guido" statement to be racist).
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