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Everything posted by computerjockey

  1. does this chick realize she just quoted my favorite depeche mode album in her thread title????? HIGHLY DOUBTFUL but if she does SHE ROCKS!!!!! "So we stay at home And I'm by your side And you know What's going on inside Inside my heart Inside this house And I just want to Let it out for you And I feel your warmth And it feels like home" here is the house - depeche mode - black celebration 1986
  2. Well if you "kinda" don't have a clue to what you're talking about I wouldn't go around making statements about Paul only being the tops for the past 7 years. Next time instead of making a blanket statement that infers you're speaking facts I would say "ever since I've been in the scene" or "from the info I have". It's a lot better to cover your ass then to be offensive and leaving the door wide open for people who have known Paul since the begining. I just think it's a bit presumptuous for some Joe-Schmoe to make a statement like that just because you didn't have knowledge of what was happening in the scene before you decided to join in. With your statement you literally cut Paul's affect on the scene in half and I'm sorry but Paul was the shite from the first moment he put down that first LP on American soil in '93. If you don't believe me listen feel free to that first set and please notice - he was NOT playing trance - in fact he played progressive house and when he did he played it very very very f*ckin fast - so fast we had never heard a DJ either play songs at that high rate of BPM or mix in and out of songs with such speed and skill: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 PLEASE BE ADVISED - These MP3's will only be available until 7/10 since I am not renewing my server after that date and unless someone else hosts these MP3's this is the only time you'll be able to get a copy of that first set. The man introducing Paul is Simon (Paul's 1st set happened at Simon's (the club)). The 2nd 1/2 of the last MP3 was my best friend of the time Chris Harshman who told me one of the highlites of his career is when he layed down "Te Amo" by Sultana as his first LP that night and Paul went bonkers over the song. If you listen closely when Simon is introducing Paul, and turn the volume up, you can hear me and my friends screaming and just how few of us were in the club that night (I can even point out which idiot screaming is me). There were only about 20 or so of us there since Paul was a virtual unknown before that night. 1/2 of us almost didn't go out because we were all like "Who's Paul?" (that actually ended up being the name of the 1st tape from that night via my naming convention since that's what I asked Chris when we were trying to decide if we should go out or just stay home and chill). This is the only place you can get these MP3's since I'm the only one who ended up with the tapes from that night. The inside joke of that night is the very begining of the 1st MP3 has a guy saying what sounds like "Just say hi to Paul" and we didn't know if a German DJ was trying to infer that in English. It was f*ckin classic (tho now listening to it it just sounds like he's saying "Just Hi to Paul" - don't know where we got "say" from....). To get the full affect just imagine being in some club thinking you're going to just hear some 'whatever' DJ. Then all of a sudden this comes on, you're x'ing your f*ckin ass off and what you hear ends up being the best set you've heard in your entire life. I mean song after song was the most amazing song we had heard and all I did that night, besdies dancing, was totally freak the f*ck out to Simon. If you recognize any songs I can guarantee you it's the first time that song was played in the USA - for example it was the first time Paul played his best mix, IMO, in America (Humate's "Love Stimulation). Sorry to type so much but this set is one of the biggest sets in history that changed how House music was perceived and played because Paul threw the level/bar of dj'ing and mixing so far up in the air after this that it never came back down. Listen to the mixes - we had NEVER heard anyone do that to LP's before and we had many famous DJ's, like Sasha, spinning their first American sets at Simon's. DJ's like Paul and Sasha just didn't "happen" to spin their first sets in the USA at Simon's for no particular reason at all. Simon's was the biggest club on the int'l DJ circuit scene and in fact in '94 Simon's was voted by 54 out of the top 100 int'l DJ's as the best club to spin at in the WORLD by a Mixmag poll (the DJ bible back then). I would imagine all the other clubs in the world divied up the remaining 46 votes. So sorry to get a bit miffed at your original statement but according to you this set never happened. Note to CP: Paul gave me permission to give out these MP3's last time I saw him.
  3. stick and stones may break my bones... GROW THE FUCK UP! if you can't get past grade school mentality at least come up with something a bit more original. oh shite i just noticed why u r who u r. you're from NJ! i guess when you're from NJ and so close to the KoolKids of NY then, yeah, you might as well stay in NJ''s grade school mentality section.
  4. Sorry - it's just I'm one of those "if everyone's doing it I'm not doing it" (except, yeah, if everyone was jumping off a bridge i'd have to jump too) and Junior as been the biggest and most popular 'gay' dj for eons. But it should be fun at Bank so i'm looking forward to it.
  5. if ur nice to me, hehe, i can put you on my guestlist. however i strongly suggest contacting me through myspace to get more info on the list since i hardly ever come to this board http://www.myspace.com/cjmikey
  6. I have been trying to avoid Junior for years now and have a done a great job. HOWEVER - he's playing 7/8 at the club I work at - BANK.
  7. His 1st song, "Visions of Shiva", came out 14 years ago in '92 and his best remix ever, IMO, came out in '93 (Humate's "Love Stimulation"). If you're saying PVD has only been in the 'top 5' since '99 then I think you're missing out. Ever since DJ's became "HUGE" in the early 90's it was always him and Sasha as the main "int'l DJ's". Don't let a limited knowledge of house music and DJ's slant Paul's impact on the scene in the early days.
  8. Hey Peeps - If you LOVE Electro hit me up with 2 lines on why YOU LOVE IT and I'll be thrilled to hook you up on my lists. I've just been told they're going to start "paying" me to do what I do now (hire dj's & hosts) and the first step is giving me my own lists. If you don't mind shoot me through my myspace page and hit me with a pic. If you're a true music freak I'll be more than happy to get you in for free to the electro clubs of NYC. http://www.myspace.com/cjmikey
  9. DUDE! Nick Warren??? FUCKIN KILLER! I've never heard him play but when he started his "Way Out West" group - well the first few things they put out were fuckin just KILLER! It was 1993 when he came onto the block as "way out west" here they are shoot - their first release montana- their 2nd release "Ajare" was their 3rd release but after that I kinda got out of the scene (there later releases, IMO, didn't match the quality of "Shoot" or "Montana"...
  10. Happy Valley is still kickin hard. As for these "mask" comments - catch up people. That was how long ago?
  11. I think I understand. I hope I would jump in and help but people carry weapons and there's a good chance you'll end up worse then the original victim. It's a sad fact of life that people have to think that way although I know if I saw a hate crime in process on any minority I'd pick up something and go bezerk. If you're going to go beat the living daylights out of someone simply out of hate then it's a case of the Old Testament "Eye For An Eye" since the New Testament's "Love One Another" doesn't exist on their level.
  12. I heard a funny remark from someone in the club scene that they're going to wheel Kevin in on his wheelchair at Disko as planned so he can perform for pride month if they have to. It was a total joke but I it would be a riot if Kevin was able to roll on the stage, wheelchair and all, to show that the show will go on no matter what even if it meant him just being on stage.
  13. As usual it's 2 of the fab five making the most of nothing. Ignore these two and if you stay on this board you'll soon find out who the other few are that seem to have nothing better to do then say stupid shite. If you're really interested in the gay nyc scene check out my myspace page at http://www.myspace.com/cjmikey If any of the pics look fun to you I'll tell you what night you're looking at and the best strategies on getting in the right way.
  14. It's lame that it takes (usually) 4 straight guys with weapons (usually) to beat up one homo (and no I didn't read they used bats or pipes or anything this time around). That, to me, is called major fuckin pussy-material but I guess the typical homophobe can't stand the thought they if it was just one on one with some queer then they themselves might be the one that ends up in the ER.
  15. Bank is @ 225 Houston (at Essex) - I know the club that used to be there was called Bank before but I dunno much more that.
  16. yeah this is totally fucked up. it's a HUGE hit to the 'house of aviance' seeing kevin is pretty much the biggest figure in that house.
  17. sorry guys - Bank is NOT 18+. however, on a sidenote, Bank is quickly becoming the best nite out for a gay or str8 night. valley on tuesdays is still a ton of fun but bank lately has become a blast and is becoming more and more fun with each night that passes.
  18. r u new to the scene? there are a few places to go if ur underage but if ur new to the scene u'll figure out that the more involved u get the more u'll learn on how to pass those "ropes" of the 21+ clubs.
  19. richie rich hosts there wednesday nights i believe and so does amanda. it's a really fun night (i HIGHLY suggest going to marquee first and then dropping in at cain afterwards)
  20. good song tho i like 'dark & long' better only because if you listen close enuf it sounds like they're saying "enjoy the vagina". no joke - if you listen to it there's a good portion where the vocals sound like they're saying "enjoy... the vagina... enjoy... the vagina". it's also pretty cool when the song breaks and there's only one vocal sample and that's definitely saying "down down down downers down down downers". click here to listen to it: dark & long I have to agree with gabe tho - it's about impossible to pick out one track tho if I had to I would say PVD's remix of Humate's "Love Stimulation" love stimulation
  21. what? you now have a problem with people editing their comments within the 1st minute of them posting it? geez mister - you're worse then a girl on a rag trying to find stuff to bitch about. didn't you say i'd be "sweating" it if i saw you? sorry that comment cracked me up. if i didn't sweat shite in highschool then i'm not gonna wig out on some nerd telling me i'll be running scared if i ever see him. and if you think people dress weird now you should have seen us in jr highschool dressing all goth and new wave (& trust me - people calling me "fag" now is zilch compared to the highschool crap). and dude you need to pull out your magnifying glass because you're far from solving any mysteries here with comments like the insane one because, yeah, technically bozo i am a bit insane but the lithium seems to take care of that - well that, the depakote and the seroquel.
  22. dude - you wanna meet??? i'm not scared of you you fuckin nerd. i might be somewhat queer but i'm hardly a sissy. besides i've got a bit of psycho-path in me that if we ever did get into it I really don't think you'd like me to let that part of myself go. it'd be more than a pleasure to kick your fuckin ass. what we should do tho is meet in real life, in whatever club scene you want, and see what each other is all about. why don't we do this - agree to meet at some dj gig we both like and then after the night see who gets further with the dj. i'll blow you out the fuckin water dude. the one thing i know for a fact is that i can charm the shite out of any DJ IF, and only if, I like them. i hardly doubt any dj of paul van dyk's status has given you the time of day much less their watch.
  23. Dude - when I can annoy the crap out of some geek like you I'm not gonna stop. You quite haven't solved that mystery yet, have ya sherlock? And issues - yeah I had 'em but you don't understand - the whole tone in NYC has totally changed. It's only nerds who are stuck in some square-state mentality that insist on making "faq" comments. 99% of the guys I run into now or either flattered that you find them attractive or actually contemplate if they could ever go there. Trust me - when comparing the two - the total losers on this board or the people I meet in real life I've come to realize those "issues" I've had can now be put to rest. I'll just keep running with the 'annoyance' factor because people like you get so bothered by it. It's actually quite fun to know that if we ever met in real life that you couldn't hold a candle to who I am. You're either boring, a loser or just totally typical.
  24. OK - now we're talking something serious. I'm wondering if any of you have any personal pics of DJ's and or groups you've seen in NYC. I'll start off by posting the 1st 3 rows of my Myspace friends list. You can also go to http://www.cjmikey.com to see the programming I've put into my Myspace page. Here's the pic:
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