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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by computerjockey

  1. Ryan is actually a really good guy. He plays in the basement at Happy Valley on Tuesdays and at Opaline on Friday's and I just totally hooked him up with the opening gig at the new party I'm hosting. He's practically one of the nicest DJ's I've met in NYC so far.
  2. no offense but you're a f*ckin stupid bitch - 1st you rag on me (and yes I did see who you are but i've learned not to directly insult people but you were totally asking for it when you were like "i've got plenty of ammunition" (that statement in itself gave me everything i needed if i wanted to bring you down)) and then you want me to say hello to one of my friends??? GET REAL!!! and i don't know where you've been but i've going to "GA" for the past 24 hours (or better known as "HA" - if you don't get the reference to "AA" then i'm not explaining the joke) - but i'm seriously trying to curbtail the whole "i'm a homo" thing. and you're a class act telling me where i can 'stick my dick'. cheesy bimbo's like you are exactly the reason why i refuse to revisit that stage in my life. one last question comes to mind: if you don't like me then WTF are you doing checking out my club pics? now i know why they call it an oxy-moron (if that joke needs reference here you go: only a moron would do something like that). if you don't like me then stop trying to pry around in my personal life more than what you already do by reading my posts. no one has even come close on this board to pissing me off but you, yourself, have achieved that goal. if you're going to try to be to put me down leave it at that. i have no qualms with people on this board, although usually with great failure, trying to tell me to 'piss off' but to sit there and try to be nice to me the next second - f*cking make up your mind.
  3. I almost don't want to post this because in the past month this club has been over run with you breeders (KIDDING!!!!). However the best night for people in general (sorry I'm not talking about a one-night party) is Happy Valley on Tuesdays. Larry Tee or Tommie Sunshine usually spins upstairs with Ryan McKnight and guests spinning in the basement.
  4. In the 80's I went to this place called Einstein-A-Go-Go - it was geared towards teens (ages started at 14 and ended at 18 (you were too old to go once you graduated highschool) - the cool thing about Stein's is I was into the music hardcore before I even knew about the concept of clubbing really. However it was Simon's in Gainesville, FL in the early 90's that was a HUGE factor in the int'l DJ scene. 54 out the top 100 int'l DJ's picked it as their favorite place to spin in '94 (this was from a poll from the #1 DJ mag at the time). Simon & I were best friends however my closest friend of the time was the resident headliner. When I mention that poll fact to people they don't seem to grasp what it means - I mean over 1/2 the DJ's in the world thought just one club was the place to be and luckily I got to be there. The coolest thing is I was a very hardcore part of Simon's. For example my fave set of all time was Paul van Dyk's 1st set in America (Simon's '93) - I became as good as friends as possible with Paul that night and the next time he came in town he gave me his watch. I have a God-given talent for schmoozing DJ's when I want only because our passion for music is usually on the same level and I love nothing more in a person then where their very essense is the music and usually they love that in return.
  5. you're actually onto something. if being normal was 'abnormal' then i'd go for it. being different, to me, is a blast. i always want what i can't have and avoid anything that everyone else seems to be doing. i'm so trying to avoid the "g" word now on CP but you can boil me down to being a-sexual - i care about nothing but the music and thus hooking up is the last on my list (if it's even there) when i go out. the only thing is in NYC the music scene isn't nearly as hardcore as i'm used to so i'm finding myself getting an interest in one or two people since i don't have the music to occupy all of my time. however - is this is a major sidetrack - i met the most beau lesbian last night and lemme tell you, i haven't had the hots for a girl like that in a very very long time.
  6. thank you thank you thank you. i've been doing doors/lists and managing clubs but the 'host' thing, i guess, is 10x's more involved. however i do have other plans up my sleeze. it looks like i might just be given my own night within 2 or 3 months where i'll have complete control over everything and when that happens EVERYONE is invited BUT only if you're hardcore into the music. the last thing i want is people who are not into it taking up space on the dancefloor. i'd rather have a crowd of 20 people who are losin it to the music then 200 who couldn't give a f*ck what the DJ is playing.
  7. sure i missed the NYC club culture in action since i lived in FL but you're clueless if you think i missed any part of the late 80's early 90's. i got into music @ 13, started clubbing when I was 14 ('85) to New Wave stuff (new order, depeche mode, etc) then there was a quiet period for about a year (around '90) and then when House hit FL around '91 i got to be a major part of a club which was the most popular club on the int'l dj circuit scene (i stopped going out when i moved to NY in '95). sorry if i'm misreading what you're saying but @ 1st i took it as saying i "missed that era". we used to laugh our asses off in FL because NY'ers thought "dressing up" is what made a scene "cool" while we were positive a scene that was all about the music is where it was at (and we were right). don't fault me for missing any NYC bullshite when what i had in FL was 10x's better.
  8. total f*cking bummer - now i've gotta deal with the fact that the cutest club planet'er (well one of two from this post - the other poster i've had 0 contact with) is actually a nemesis. i imagine i'll be singing that 80's Shriekback song for the rest of the night..
  9. This is coming from someone who has the longest lamest quote in their signature and then some cheesy ass porn pic along with it. to be called 'the worst thread ever' by someone with your cheesy-ass northern new jersey taste is a complete compliment. of course i'm opening myself up for others to slam me here but who gives a f*ck. if i wasn't slammed on this board bored i wouldn't even bother coming back.
  10. dude - that's classic - i used to dig comic books...
  11. Back in the 80's New Wave era nothing could touch the electronic sound coming out of the UK - basically it was all about them with mega-groups like New Order, Depeche Mode, Vince Clarke (Yaz & Erasure), The Smiths, The Cure, Siouxsie - the only US synth groups that came close were the B-52's & Book of Love. The people on the other side of the pond will always have it over us when it comes to what's cool in music & nightlife.
  12. Trust me - gay guys don't need help in getting fucked up - we have that covered - most of us since jr. high....
  13. dude - i'm all for it... good idea - str8 guys who show up with some sort of make-up (obviously not trying to look like a woman) would get 2 free drinks... good idea for a party night - maybe we can make it a super-hero theme
  14. The most I've ever been slammed on this board is when I first signed on but, fuck it, I'm saying it again: In 1994 the main DJ mag of the time, Mixmag, polled the top 100 int'l DJ's as to their favorite place to spin in the world. 54 picked the club I used to go to, Simon's, in Gainesville, FL. When Keoki told me about the poll, and told me he picked it over his own NYC club, the Limelight, I told him he was full of shite because there was no way in my mind he would have chosen anything but his own club. Other DJ's, like Paul van Dyk, also picked Simon's that year as their favorite.
  15. It means that the party is going to be all about the music - usually when the party is 100% concentrated on the music then it draws crowds from all walks of life. When you get into a room where noone gives a damn who's doing who in the personal life because everyone is just flippin out to the what the DJ is spinnin then it creates one hell of an atmosphere. Unfortunately I have yet to find this in NYC. Usually the parties I go to or either too 'gay' or too 'str8' - however the late night clubs, like The Green Room and Love, have been where everyone just comes together not caring a thing about anything but the music. And yeah, the flyer is kinda corny but I had zero to do with how it looks. AND - I just found out 5 minutes ago I'm going to be put on another party's flyer as a "host" and this one is more str8 than gay.
  16. gee you get the "sherlock" award of the year... it's a fucking gay party however, once i get my own party - if i ever do - it's going to be 100% mixed - all about the music and nothing to do with who's gay or who's str8
  17. DUDES!!! there might be 2 or 3 of you that will appreciate this (and a ton of you that will do nothing but slam this). i've been going out for 4 months and already i'm hosting a party. FUCKIN KILLER!!!! i've been pegged for needing attention on this board (and yeah, i'll get it where i can) but HELLO!!!! i've never gotten this much attention in this short amount of time (and the only reason i think it's happening is because being a complete lunatic about music is very very rare compared to what it was in my old scenes). btw - i'm "mcmike" (look at the 'hosted by' bit):
  18. the most classic shirt was when this dj friend made a shirt, back around '92, that said "i know the dj" - obviously 14 years later the saying isn't nearly as classic as it was then - before you slam it you'll have to remember this is right before dj's achieved 'rock star' status in the scene.
  19. dude that's not actually a bad comeback - 2 points to you unless of course you're rippin someone else's put-down... but please - it's the people who constantly talk about JP that the corner market on sleep-aids
  20. stockings??? i haven't gone there yet altho i do have a few trannie/drag queen friends who totally want to do me up as a woman. YUCK!!! i have ZERO desire to do so but seeing that i have nothing but massive respect for this one person (he's the person in my avatar at the moment) then i'm going to let him do what he wants just to make him happy. but hello!!! trust me - me dressing up as a woman is like any of you guys dressing up as a woman - it's just weird to me since i like being a man however don't get me wrong - those who do it, well more power to them for having the balls to do so.
  21. you know the funny thing is when i was in college and was going out (91-95) Michael Alig and all them were the rage as club kids in NYC. we used to get their 'project x' magazine and make fun of them (basically because we thought it was fuckin funny as shite that they thought 'dressing up' defined what a really good scene was). it's a bit weird that 10 years later i'm finding i'm hanging out with the same people i was making fun of. granted, if nyc had a real electronic music scene then i'd be there instead of here but it doesn't (and sorry guys - i mean cutting edge electronic music - not music that's been around for over a decade)
  22. um, where have you been for the past 5 years??? there has been a massive movement of people out of NYC to the boroughs (and definitely not to new jersey). please - williamsburg (tho it's getting a bit tired) is more "ny" than any other place in manhattan
  23. dude.. you're from new jersey.. people from new jersey seem to have little impact on what phases new yorkers
  24. man - i checked out your postings and "Dare" by Gorillaz is a FUCKING KILLER track!!! i have it marked down as the 'jr sanchez blocrok' mix that i like but i could totally be wrong in that spelling. You can call me an asshole all you want but I got a bit of respect for ya now that you mentioned one of my 'top 5' club tunes since i've been going out. if you guys haven't heard "Dare" check it out here: DARE one last thing mr - you're wrong about the attention thing. you guys can keep saying that but it's the furthest thing from the truth. right now i'm getting so much attention from when i go out that i'm really longing for the days when it was just me, the dance floor and the music and that's it - however the music scene in NYC isn't at all what it could be.
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