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Everything posted by computerjockey

  1. This guy is responsible for what's gonna be on my tombstone: "Music was my 1st love and it will be my last - music of the future and music of the past." Music of the Phewtcha - Chog and the Fresh Fruits of Funk - '91 Harry "Choo Choo" (Joons ?) label click here to listen to it It's been me theme ever since. I could be wrong w/the name but it was w/in the 1st few months of house hitting central FL.
  2. some1 betta grab him an iced tea and whistle him happy bday...
  3. yeah it sucked - that's why the number one GAY mag in the country, OUT Magazine, just named it 3 months ago as the best night in the country. if the only thing you seem to have a real knowledge of is crobar and krash then PLEASE stay away from parties where you would be just an annoyance with attitudes like yours. besides do you have a clue as to why it closed much less that it's opening back up in a week at a different space? talk all you want about generic gay clubs - you can hear that shite in Iowa - in NYC, in a REAL NYC scene - the sound is electro - there's a reason why there's a term called "NYC Electro" that's known to just about everyone in the music world except for those @ crobar, roxy and/or krash. it'd be one thing if you were str8 and still into a sound that's been around for over 15 years but you're not and u should try to do something a bit underground & different - not some sound that's been run over-ground since '95. i'm sorry but parties like roxy, krash and crobar spells nothing but GENERIC. and did someone actually admit to living in chelsea and thus being a chelsea boy? there wasn't really a need for disclosure seeing it was quite obvious how your musical taste screams "GENERIC GAY BOY LIVING IN CHELSEA" - all i can suggest is stick to madonna - her lastest release was actually quite good and since you're queer maybe you'll realize madge is putting out NYC electro - one day maybe even you'll catch up to madonna
  4. There's only one DJ for authentic NYC electro - LARRY TEE - he was a "rock star" when i met him over 20 years ago and he still rocks the shite out of the music scene here
  5. totally agreed - there's 2 many peeps dishing out BS when if they were held up to the same limelight they'd wither up and die too.
  6. ur a total dumbass... hello - you didn't even go on the right night. TUESDAY night with SUSANNE BARTSCH is the GAY valley party - her halloween party was at Avalon. before you start talking shite about certain club nights make sure you have a clue to what the hell you're saying before you start telling people other clubs are better. lemme guess - you probably live in NJ???
  7. how is this drama? maybe if you had a clue to what you were talking about then you might be able to call it something factual. valley is ONE party & your basing straight bars not having gay nights as proof of your statement??? GET REAL. not all parties are the same yet your "not as the good ol' days" is the same piece of shite excuse people use when they realize that it's them, and not the party, that so f*ckin lame. maybe Krash or JP isn't as good as the "old days" but get a new line and a new way of thinking before making statements trying to blanket the whole city when you probably haven't even been outside the realm of JP....
  8. Girls are the hottest thing in gay bars and it appears to be happening more often which is right on for 'bi' guys seeing certain problematic factors don't exist. All I know is it's getting a bit dangerous for str8 guys to bring their girlfriends into gay bars now.
  9. Valley is closed. Susanne's party is happening @ Guest Room starting on the 28th. As for "gay friendly" - it's more like "straight friendly"- gay people make the party (period) and a lot of str8's get into it. As for NYC having no gay clubs - as compared to where? Ohio maybe??? Give me a break - NYC is a GAY town, much less one filled with bars and clubs gays can go to. It's funny - I might get a lame shot from someone saying some BS back to me on this board but notice they're NOT from NYC yet posting shite like that in the NYC section. In re: Krash - never been, never even heard of it. I have a feeling if it's either that having to go to JP then it means you might as well go to Splash seeing you're totally missing what is the underground gay culture of NYC. If you're looking for what makes the NY scene "NYC" then check out any party hosted by Amanda Lepore, Sophia Lamar, Kenny Kenny, Moondust or Rainblo or simply go to http://www.myspace.com/cjmikey - those people are featured endlessly and the parties included are Valley, Distortion Disko, Bank, Cain, Mr. Black, Boy's Room, Hiro, The Cock and others...
  10. sounds like complete bullshite - i'd love some bar-wanna-be-r to try to rip me off. that shit wouldn't fly and i would have made damn sure it was brought to everyone's attention. even if she is pouring premium that's still total shite - she's obviously ripping everyone off.
  11. It all depends on what type of GLBT clubs you're looking for. I'm not sure about the meathead factor but if you're looking for your non-typical Chelsea crowd I'd definitely check out Larry Tee's Bank @ Element on Saturday. It's a mixed bag of Chelsea boys with the regular NYC clubbers (and Larry's music is def. the best in town). There's always Mr. Black that's going on just about every night and is really good for an after-hours. Happy Valley (Tues) and Distortion Disko (Thurs - Larry's other night) just closed but they should be back open in about 3 weeks. Valley was named by Out Mag about 3 months ago as the best night in the country. Hiro on Sunday is pretty packed too. If you're looking for more cruisy bars try Formika's party @ the Boysroom or on Monday's go to the Cock to hear JonJon. One thing - if you can find out where Amanda Lepore is I can assure you whatever party she's at is going to be a fun party.... Hope that helps.
  12. someone obviously forgot to tell you the romper room session ended when you were 4
  13. HA! no touching, no grinding - la la la la LAME! I guess the "grab your crotch and if they want it they'll do the same" method doesn't work in your kind of clubs. This just cracks me up. It's like on craigslist where guys pour their hearts and soul into their ads for girls where men4men just give measurements and that usually does the trick if you're cute enough. Most of you can bitch all you want but that's one thing homo's have over their str8 counterparts - at least with men4men men want sex all the time (gay or str8) and homo's don't have to go out giving cards to 100 strangers in one night hoping to get a response for a date at a later date so maybe on the 3rd date he can get lucky. Obviously there's more to life then just sex but try telling that to any guy, gay or str8, who's horny. You can hit me back and cry "QUEER!!! FAG!!!" all you want but this is definitely one area where gay men have the major advantage over str8 one's. We don't have to go through this bullshite. I'm not speaking for gay men in every instance but it's hardly rare that a 'date' only follows if the instant sex hook-up is any good. Obviously the girls on here can say whatever they want but the straight guys can ignore this fact if they want but if sex hook-ups were as easy for them as it is for gay guys then they'd be getting laid with a different chick every night if they wanted and the only criteria on how good looking she is depends on how good you look. Think about it - if girls had the same exact desire, need and attitude as a guy did then there wouldn't be any need for handing out business cards to strangers. The other thing is sex with girls is rather limited seeing you can only top a girl but you can flip all you want with a guy and please I've heard it more then once that str8 guys prefer anal sex anways with chicks.
  14. I've met Gabe out several times at few different events and he's a totally amazing person. Anyone who cares that much about the music ROCKS my vote. I didn't bother to read the 5,000 lines of text in this posting but anyone who thinks they have it over Gabe, either online or in real time, needs to think again.
  15. hehe - sorry but my obsession has always and always will be music. don't get me wrong - it's the music, NOT the DJ's, i'm obsessed with. if there's any physical thing i'm obsessed with it's my ipod and not some guy or girl spinning a tune.
  16. Like the rest of us? I don't see you behind the decks making me wanna move. And which "talent" are you talking about? The "mixing ability" or "song choice"? There a HUGE difference seeing one can be learned by just about anyone and the other is something that is truely innate. I've heard a ton of DJ's lately and I can count on one hand those I know that might play me one song I'm totally into that I haven't heard 1,000 times before. I love old music but there's no real talent in playing something that's already been established for years by endless number of other DJ's around the world.
  17. StarScream - I wouldn't worry about this shite. You're on a board with people that prove they have zero people skills when they say shite like "your t-cells must be dropping". It's a heavy indication they lack any sort of true friendships that would teach them what real compassion means. They're just showing the only wit they can muster is when they're hiding behind a computer screen because if you said anything remotely like that in a room in NYC you wouldn't be standing for very long. Besides I've seen a picture of you and not only are you seamingly cool and very good looking but someone I'd actually wanna hang with. Getting pissed at a bunch of CP dorks isn't worth it. I mean take ghhhost for example - if memory serves me well his pic indicated he might not be too bad to hang with either but unfortunately the 1,000 a words a picture says aren't the ones coming from the mouth of the individual in the pic. And ghhhost - don't get pissed - I'm just using you as an example seeing, again, you seem to be on the other end of the arguement.
  18. Joking about death & diseases is hardly funny. My best friend just got really ill for the 1st time 2 months ago, after being sick for 10 years, and I had to deal with "fuck, is this it?". If your mom or sister just died from cancer I don't think you're gonna find some jerk-off, who's making juvenille comments about cancer, as funny. Let us know the next time someone close to you dies and how. That way we can start making snide comments about it. You'll see you're less than thrilled when 2 weeks after your best friends dies of a heart attack some prick is cracking jokes that aren't in the least bit "light-hearted". What amazes me is the retards that say crap like this do NOT live in NYC but NJ. Isn't there a board for NJ? If you're going to have a NJ mental-state keep to that board but have enough respect to realize you're out of your home turf when you start making snide comments about people dying from AIDS in the NYC section. As for the "Aviance" reference in this post... where is this coming from? I'm either good friends and/or good associates with some of them so if some retard on this borad is saying crap about 'em I'd like to know since you're talking about friends.
  19. Paul didn't play much Trance at his first set. It was very very fast Progressive House with some Trance thrown in. That 1st night he flipped us all out seeing he was a complete unknown and turned out to be the best DJ I had ever heard. So on the 2nd tour we both knew what each other was about and so I was easily able to swindle and sweet talk him out of his watch.
  20. Actually dude there are plenty of straight girls, straight guys and everything inbetween. What's lacking, thank God, are losers with minds too narrow to see beyond that. As for your panty patrol I take it you patrol places like New Jersey because comments like yours are far from the mindset of a city like New York.
  21. I heard those parties rocked. btw, Ms. Queen - you totally retired or can I ever talk you into going out again? I'm sure we know pretty much the same crowd.
  22. I have to say, besides her 1st release, Madonna's latest CD, along with the remixes that came off of it, is her best work to date.
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