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Everything posted by computerjockey

  1. actually gabe and i are about on the same level of b'n music freaks... he's another one that would win the hearts of any dj over by just b'n a freak in his own way
  2. well ghhhhhost - in your instance i'd suggest you take pics of 1/2 naked confused 13 yr old GIRLS - u might think that's "cooler"
  3. r u talkin about me??? i was just sick of this board going "u think ur cool" crap. i think i'm a big geek, personally. it's just nice to know some others think differently
  4. are we having the "let's quote computerjockey in our sig day"????
  5. fagsRkewl - i wish some1 had clued in all the 2nd graders at my catholic grade school...
  6. 1st off - the HOPPER rocks! 2ndly - wtf isn't larry at his club this weekend???? and next time he has a "battle" with some1 at his club remind me to brink the bazooka - i <3 all dem dj's but i go to his club to hear the best DJ in town....
  7. the best ones are the free grey goose bottles (cain wed)
  8. how are 10year old clubs new??? for the best new club (under 50 years old) would be mr Black....
  9. dear ghhhhhost (and i'm almost afraid to ask...) y do u have a quote from me in your sig??? i know i kinda didn't check on that thread to see how you guys tried to bustME but HUH????
  10. i must admit the new setup kinda rocks but still - green, mint green??? only breyers can do mint green right...
  11. i looked at ur cover and i think you'll find all the cheesy bimbo's in NJ, not NYC
  12. r u sure digweed wasn't talking about the latest social security reforms???
  13. i know! thank God i arleady took a shower a couple of hours ago - it's just i LOVE good arguements
  14. i know EXACTLY what is cool in the nightlife music scene and it was NOT the NYC scene that was here 10 years ago in '95. i hardly have to explain this to people on a computer bulletin board. if i didn't know what was "cool" then how did i catch on to house music when it first it FL in '91, knew it was over and tired with by '95 (thus "not cool") and now i'm having to explain this to someone who is, let me guess, in the "tribal" scene? the "coolness" factor with NYC is the ELECTRO scene - its' rather new (it's a child of electroclash thank you) and if you think you'll ever find what's "cool" at clubs like crobar or whatever - think again. BTW, i might not know what's "cool" but Paul Van Dyk surely did when he gave me his watch the 2nd time he came to America (in '93) - I could care less what peeps that have no clue think but when the guy, who was on his way to becoming the biggest DJ in the world, thinks I'm "cool" then that's all I need. i was there for paul's 1st set in the USA and i knew from the 1st moment exactly who he "was" (he was an UNKNOWN then) & i became his biggest fan because yes, i'm afraid, i know exactly what's cool in the music scene - if you need other references i'll be happy to post 'em - btw (pt II) if you know paul say "michael from simon's" and watch his reaction. all i can say is if i dig a dj he's gonna dig me just as much in return and that's only because he realizes just what music means to me. i might not be cool but my passion for music sure the f*ck is.
  15. say what you want - i never said i had AIDS, or not, but i think the only person who really has a say in the condom issue is the person i'm screwing at the moment.
  16. oh you wanna play this game, retard? who has what spots in what clubs? fun fun fun because you have zero clue mr (or mrs).
  17. sorry i don't bottom asshole - and who says i don't have AIDS yet anyways - i think what i have, or don't have, is my own thing and has nothing to do with you unless you wanna get fucked by someone who has an extremely thick dick
  18. i did say "12 years ago", right? as for "reaching that far back" - that's because that's the last time i went out asshole. i quit going out for 10 years - have only been going out since last year in NYC
  19. people - this is too much fun (i'm serious - i LOVE a good arguement but i can hardly define 1/2 these responses as "good") i do have a life and must go out at night - later peeps
  20. oh God - can you please keep your aids comments to urself? you're about to piss me off and unless you don't want some fag kicking your ass then i suggest you shut the fuck up about this aids shite - it's not funny man
  21. you said it all - miami is fickle, it'll be the dj's that know simon's 1st off - miami is LAME - the real music scene was in central FL (orlando, tampa and gainesville) - all my miami friends used to drive 5 hours to come to simon's every weekend - it's not my fault you lived in a 'fickle' city and didn't bother to drive to another town that wasn't "fickle" about music - don't blame me for that and don't make generalized statements about the music scene if all you cared to do was go out, get your pic taken and then go home. again - you said it all
  22. how in the hell do you know??? go ask ANY dj in my scene about me and they'll tell you who's the biggest music freak, by far, is i mean i'm not trying to discount your love but i'm gonna defend any statement about music (such as "dancing is stupid") no matter what the cost
  23. maybe with you but have you have NO idea do you???? my pics have become the biggest thing in the NYC scene right now... you can say shite like "people will forget you" but go ask someone who lived in FL anywhere in the early 90's (up until '95) who went out in the house scene and say "Michael from Simon's" - i do think if my name hasn't been forgotten in FL 12 years after the fact then peeps still might remember me a week in NYC the name is "McMike" - go ask around the NYC scene to find out about me- and not your lame trance, tribal or deep house crap either ps - if you do the FL test and they don't know it, then they don't know Simon's and thus you're talking to someone who's clueless
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