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Everything posted by computerjockey

  1. yeah - a passion for music is lame. ok - next dumbass statement from you coming up in less then a minute i'm sure... jealousy??? i'm still waiting for the pic because i would imagine you're more then just a bit over weight, quite hideous looking and i have a feeling, if you do have a girlfriend, the same could be said of her.
  2. oh so you went to law school??? try learning how to argue your case better because right now the only thing you're proving is you're one HUGE nerd
  3. no no no - what you're saying is not the saddest thing ever - it doesn't matter what's coming out of your mouth - it's the person who speaks these words that is truely the sad thing in life.
  4. OMG - could you please post a picture of yourself so we can see just how cool you really are.....
  5. *YAWN* u are the saddest attempt at a reasonable arguement that i have come across...
  6. NEWSFLASH: only morons find coolness in a bottle
  7. are you fuckin for real???? "too broke to go to places" - yeah right mr - last night at the table i was part of they went through over $5,000 of grey goose - i doubt you could even afford one bottle there much less get into the club... quotes trying to dismiss the importance of people who care about music, or the importance of music, is why this thread, entitled "why does everywhere suck", is so valid that i doubt you'll ever have a clue... you're just proving the point that on the int'l music scene everyone has a very reasonable reason to laugh at NYC and the people here who couldn't care less about the music being played. if u think you're being cool for being able to afford the over priced drinks then keep on drinking because the only thing you're bound to get ouf of the scene is one hell of a hangover. then again i don't blame you for not having a clue to what people are like in a real music scene since you obvioulsy have never been in one.
  8. personally i quite dig when people try take jabs here on the board bu thanks for the clarification you weren't trying to be mean-spirited
  9. what? some place that only plays 80's/top40/hip-hop becoming stagnant? imagine that.... (and i would imagine you're not talking 80's, as in New Order 80's) - you can only be in a lame scene for so long b4 you realize it's super tired... one day you might realize it was tired from the start... what i'm into is a scene that plays the most cutting edge music possible and i'm sorry, trance that has been around for 15 years at least is not 'cutting edge'.... btw - this was trance when it 1st hit FL and was kewl: we shall be by well hung parliment '91 btw pt ii - the break in this song was one of the 1st real breaks in house music and to this day is probably the most beautiful break ever.... the simplicity and beauty of it can not be understated
  10. asian girls (minus the pacifiers in their mouth) --- very cool (well really i mean japanese girls - coolest girls on the block thank u) PS: if these are the kind of asian girls showing up lemme know and i'll be there but from the pics i've seen they're all rave-o-rama at the PVD concerts at crobar and shite
  11. exactly - you don't care about the DJ - neither do most of the peeps in this town - it's all about who you know, if you're on some list, how cool you can be, etc, etc... and then people wonder why this flaky nothing-but-fluff thin-as-ice as-see-through-as-plastic scene sucks. go to any city where people actually care about music and you'll see a scene that does NOT suck and people who don't mind waiting in a long line and actually paying to get into a club and excuse me - i'll be the first one to complain about attitude problems however i hardly have a problem getting into clubs for free. and if you call caring nothing more than wearing jeans and a t-shirt as dressing as "trash" then i'm all for the mold effect. btw, forgive me if i read u wrong because it seems to me you meant to write "i couldn't care less" because people don't usually say the care about something by saying "i could care less"....
  12. why does everywhere suck??? that's super easy to answer.... for some reason in NYC it's quite OK to give attitude. i don't know about your scene but in a place where being all fab and full of glamour, and seeing who can throw the biggest attitude around, is far more important then what the DJ is spinning then everything sucking hardcore is about the easiest thing to give an answer to.
  13. kick his ass ghhhhhost - i wanna see someone online blood on this board....
  14. i actually am becoming one - on the official path now and no, the church does not accept gays really - what else would you call an organization that says they can't become priest? as for john - it clearly states "the disciple whom Jesus loved" - if you read the Gosepl of John you'll clearly see the person Jesus chose to love was John. i think it goes far beyond a "crush" - probably not sexual but if you try to say "oh He loved John just like everyone else" then you haven't read the book. it's a great love story that proves love is not prejudice in any way. and if you think it requires someone to have sex with the person in order to be the "love of their life" then i guess 90% of married couples just aren't in love anymore.
  15. backupqueen - this is where i'm gonna have to disagree with you - you're actually talking to someone who's becoming a priest. however to each his own - i can understand not believing in God seeing organized religion is anything but holy. but as ET once best put it: "be good"
  16. Try the lower east village - I hear that's the best place to start in NYC if you wanna bartend here. As for 'gay friendly', or whatever, that's the entire city of NYC.....
  17. i wish u were funny so i could actually find this amusing...
  18. chilled? why does that remind me of someone who's dead??? i kinda don't feel like being a cadavar tonight.... i only feel alive when i can annoy
  19. who cares if it actually happened as long as you kinda get something out of it... don't judge (Christ HATED hypocrites more then anything) have compassion it's not hard to see the good in the text
  20. actually the most romantic and intense dinner was the last supper. i could just imagine what john was going through as he leaned against the chest of Jesus and, at peter's request, asked the guy he loved more then anything, or anyone, in the world who was going to betray and thus kill him. IF you read the Gospel of John you'll see Jesus' loved one individual more then anyone else and it was a guy. "the disciple whom Jesus loved" - now i'm sure most of you can't get it through your head that you can have the most intense and passionate love for another human being w/out sex being involved but, IMO, the greatest love story is in that book and it's b/w 2 men.
  21. oh please - you guys talked the romans into it - punctus pilate didn't want to kill him. he gave you guys the choice of either killing Chrsit or some other guy who was kinda evil. as usual - the jews lay blame on everyone else hehe
  22. btw, how did this become the 2nd highest read thread on the front page????
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