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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by computerjockey

  1. You and "X" need to hook up. If I don't go for some guy who really wants me then why would I even consider a no-face stranger like you?
  2. That's because you only know me from the board. Besides I don't even really know what you look like. Lines of text speak chapters but a picture speaks volumes.
  3. OH Jim-boy - you might still be in denail but somewhere deep down inside you know there's a part of you that likes me. You might still be in the closet about it but give it time. You'll come out.
  4. hehe i've been a bad bad boy on the board - being sent directly to the corner. but yeah, corners are sometimes the best places to be - noone bugs ya while you're dancing.
  5. You got me all wrong Jim. I didn't mean to play just for me. I can be in a corner all by myself groovin to the music and I'll be happy.
  6. Well, as I'm sure most of you will be happy to hear, I'll be done with the board once I find a good DJ to play me some Electro-ish kind of stuff.
  7. EXACTLY - I want to but after only going out dancing once in the scene I haven't heard much nor do I know which DJ is which. But this will remedy itself soon enough.
  8. Actually if you're avatar reminds me of a raver with a burnt out glow-stick in '91 then yeah, I would say it's a judge of character.
  9. Thanks Mr. Bull for including the links. I wish more people would include bits of what the night is going to sound like. For those of us who are new to the scene, and don't really know what the DJ's sound like yet, it really helps.
  10. Bully me some more. This board is boring, to me, without me being insulted.
  11. Do you know if he actually wrote "Heaven Scent"? Also, I remember "For What You Dream Of" indicated Bedrock on it but I'm not sure if this is his song or not. FWYDO is claclaclassic.
  12. Do you like their "Dark & Long" song? Me & my friends call it the "Enjoy the Vagina" song because if you listen to "lyrics" that's exactly what it sounds like they're saying....
  13. Yeah, but is there room to dance? What types of music do all these places play?
  14. This doesn't mean much coming from someone who finds "deepanal" a fascinating screenname or someone who has cookie monster as an avatar.
  15. Can you elaborate tho on these spaces? Like: What kind of music - give me Electro but I'll dance to all good EDM. What's the crowd like - meatheads, muscle-queens or is it more mixed? How crowded does it get - is there room to go insane as neccessary?
  16. Just remember, take it easy on the newbies. We're still learning the R&R's (rules & regulations). I think everyone who's new should be given a one week grace period.
  17. Please include the type of music you'll be hearing and if it's all about dancing too. Please exclude rooms where there's no room to move. As I see it PS 1 is one place where it's at this weekend for a chilled, laid-back getting-down-to-the-music mixed crowd kind of thing. I don't know what's what in the music scene here so I'll just say what I'm hoping to find: a bit of 80's electronica (like New Order, Depeche Mode or Baby Ford) - to higher energy stuff (like 'Song of Life', 'Paragliders (LSG mix) or PVD's mix of 'Love Stimuation')) to the current electro sound (not German hardish stuff nor the rock n roll kind but the Belgium fun synth stuff). Also, if you're playing out somewhere, even if it's your living room, and are willing to play anything on my jukebox, http://www.newwavehouse.com I will make damn sure I'm there for it. Use the "Play just" area to choose the decade, keep hitting "next" until you find some songs you like. Hit me with that list. I'll give you the mp3s. Slam me if you need to but if I can find one person to play it it'll be worth it.
  18. Please include the type of music you'll be hearing and if it's all about dancing too. Please exclude rooms where there's no room to move. As I see it PS 1 is one place where it's at this weekend for a chilled, laid-back getting-down-to-the-music mixed crowd kind of thing. I don't know what's what in the music scene here so I'll just say what I'm hoping to find: a bit of 80's electronica (like New Order, Depeche Mode or Baby Ford) - to higher energy stuff (like 'Song of Life', 'Paragliders (LSG mix) or PVD's mix of 'Love Stimuation')) to the current electro sound (not German hardish stuff nor the rock n roll kind but the Belgium fun synth stuff). If any DJ likes this song and would like to spin it I will be there to dance to it. Supposbely it Kraftwerk lyrics - The female vocal breaks are what makes the song - This is Electro from last year. It is a white label and it's called "Gluclich" http://www.newwavehouse.com/mp3/gluclich00.mp3
  19. oh cry me a river and go drown in it... JUST KIDDIN YA FREAK!!!
  20. Don't worry Jim - I've only been out once dancing lately, I'm sure I'll gather my own circle of friends soon 'nuff. And please, you only know me from the board (as in boring!) - tell me the same once we've danced a song together.
  21. This is why I relate to people who are more into the music and not into the picking up scene. BTW, if you know of any cool gay guys out there who are into the music hardcore LEMME KNOW!!!! Usually they just want sex sex sex....
  22. Tell that to the bible belt from where I came. Trust me I'd like to be able to dive right into it, go to the gym and pick-up every night. But for me it has and always will be about the music. But don't worry, most of my friends are str8 so I have nothing against you guys.
  23. I concentrate more on the programming, Flash, aspect of it. That's why my sites look like shite. I could either design and make it look better or I could program it and make it play another song or something. Never a tough choice in my book. But the answer is, yes I do web design and programming.
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