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Everything posted by computerjockey

  1. No, I mean I am a fag, man. However, I hate the homoculture - it's all about picking up - while me, on the other hand, would much rather dance. I like mixed scenes better - no "meat-heads" and no muscle-queens.
  2. officially, yes. i started having panic attacks and anxiety attacks - which is just like a BAD ACID FLASHBACK... it wasn't much fun. the meds instantly took care of it but made me go from 164 to 225. i like dancing a lot but i was completely insecure about being on the dancefloor. i can look like an idiot on the floor and i can stand people saying "look at that guy dancing" but i didn't want to hear "look at that fat guy dancing". plus,i sometimes live in a 'homo' culture and they can be much more cruel when it comes to being "body beau"
  3. I'll be honest - I was on wellbutrin for smoking - quit cold turkey - flipped me out - had to take other meds that made me gain weight. Moral of the story - don't stop taking meds even if you don't have insurance....
  4. green acres is the place to be..... i don't do much of anything anymore except for a huff and puff every once in a while. i was wondering what you spun because i can host your mix if you want.
  5. No I've been having health issues and have been majorly overweight. I just didn't want to be on the dancefloor weighing over 200 pounds and not getting any respect. But people, even if you don't like me here, save your real judgement for the floor.
  6. AH DEEPSPELL, MAKE ME LOVE YA WHY DON'T YA???? Is this a rhetorical question?
  7. Then I take it you don't spin at any clubs then. I mean if you didn't really care what people thought about it, or if they wanted to dance to it, then why bother going through all the hassle of playing at a club then?
  8. Sure a DJ can spin without someone dancing. And I can dance without any music but it doesn't do much of any good. Sure you like to mix music, but isn't your goal to have someone dance and be into it?
  9. I was just wondering if you were trying to dish out the "i'm a dj and you're not" mentality. Don't get all bent out of shape. I'm not trying to jump on you I'm just trying to figure out what you're all about.
  10. Is that suppose to be a diss at people who aren't DJ's? Don't you realize that DJ's wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for "dancers". Dancers can still dance without DJ's, that's why God created iPods, but DJ's aren't much use without someone listening to them. AND Deepspell - I'm not dissin ya - I'm just wondering what kind of diss you were dishing out.
  11. huh? all my site is is a jukebox for those that like EDM (and excuse the expression "EDM")
  12. Hmm, common ground - that's why I was asking if you danced in the first place. Maybe we can get deepie to play our 2 fave songs after each other somenight and we'll see who moves how. I'm not the best dancer but play me a good song and I'll be there. Don't you like stuff like "Song of Life" or "Paragliders" or "Love Stimulation". Listen to "love stimulation" and if you like it we'll have that 80's flashback dance-off-thang.... http://www.newwavehouse.com/mp3/humate00.mp3
  13. CHALLENGE - OK - done deal, mister!!! But I can't dance to just anything - it can't be stuff that doesn't do much of anything - I need some high energy in my music of sorts. ie, I can't dance-to-trance...
  14. I'm not acting - I'm just learning the rules. Yes, I fucked up majorly by going on and on about 'that club', I'll be the 1st one to admit it was an annoyance, but you're not the only player in this game. Hell, I'm only a newbie and besides this "board-game" is nothing compared to the real game that's going to be played out on the floor. btw, xlr8ted - do you like to dance?
  15. There's nothing nicer than a friendly dis every once in a while...
  16. if there was ever a poster child for why some st8's should turn gay to stop the reproductive cycle, you're it xlr8ted. -- j/k
  17. just noticed your "resident" status... now that's funny! if you guys are going to keep harpin on about 'that club' check out a MP3 i did of those tunes (however, download it to your HD, it's 80mb): http://www.cjmikey.com/chris/Chris%20Harshman%20-%20Volume%202.mp3 that way, when you guys are raggin on me, you'll at least know what you're raggin on btw, the 2nd song i HATED when i first heard it back in '91. but now it's classic...
  18. how does that one go? the only one i miss is the "keep on moving" song. if i haven't missed it by now i highly doubt i'm going to miss it within the next few postings jock jams, eh? haha - funny funny funny
  19. you can just forward the lisa stansfield lp to me - i don't miss the others & of course i have his 411. the fool was calling me all last night so i could listen to the mixes on his new cd. that's exactly the type of friend i'm looking for - someone who'll call you up every 5 minutes just so you can listen to the mix on da phone. now that's a music lover.
  20. Don't worry - it bugged me for the 1st 5 minutes but as the saying goes "It's better to be talked about than ignored."
  21. Xlr8ted - the more you insult me the more I love you. Keep it coming. One day I'll win you over. Or that is, I'll see who you really are in real life and just start laughing my ass off - however I hope that's not the case. I hope you're a cool guy and that I can retain the respect I have for you now.
  22. Well I've only been on the block for a week and you've been here 5 years. I'm just learning the rules and regulations of posting and of course I'm going to fuck up here and there before I have it down. I've annoyed my share by talking out of my ass but that "portal" is closed. It's like the 1st time I danced - I kept my hands in my pockets and looked like an idiot. But now dancing is a way of life for me. I'm not saying posting is going to become a HUGE part of my life but I'm just now getting my hands out of my pockets when it comes to posting.
  23. Talk the politics of life all you want. I can dig that. But your putdowns, no matter how clever you feel they are, are nothing more than those insults of a 8th grade bully beating up on the new kid. Karma usually comes back and makes that 'new' kid a hell of a lot more successful in life than that bully will ever be.
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