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The only glaring obvious fact is that the asian panda with a condom on his head would still probably be too small to fit between the chasm of a fishing dock you house between your legs-- even if he tried to head-butt you down low. But perhaps he already tried, which is why your face has assumed the slurpee-sucking formation that it has become accustomed to quicker than the salivating of pavlov's dogs.

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At least i bang girls and not sheep, ya sheep rapist :worry::shake:

bro, I'd hate to see the oversized, hefty, half blind girls that you claim you bang with your looks. In fact I still think you're a virgin wet behind the ears who has to muster up a plan using roofies and alcohol to pick up a large obese women at bars, treating them to a cup o noodle's dinner the next day. And still you get no pussy

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Lorenzolameass, it's funny that in the 2 months plus that I've been on this board, I have read nothing from you but scripted speeches of insults and mocking comparisons, but not one single post of honest dialogue with anyone else and friendly communication. Is that really all that you are able to understand and express, rudeness and schoolboy mockery? No one knows anything about you other than your idolization for a little known B movie star and enjoyment of disecting any negetaive details you can imagine, fabricate, or exploit in other people's photos. So to the people on the board, you are a childish taunter who entertains others through your anti-social immature nature. What else is there from you? What has anyone seen from you other than your predictable insults and name calling? They're laughing at you lorenzo, not with you.

Why don't you make a new thread about you, and talk about yourself so others can get to know the real lorenzolameass under the false mask of confidence and superiority that you wear? Seriously, start a thread and talk about who you are, where you are from, what you do for a living, what your goals in life are, what you love and dream about, ect. Enquiring minds may want to know.

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I've seen you lay down heavy on the insults yourself. It's no wonder you enjoy him. I have to admit, there are times when I enjoy him too, but that's only because I am laughing at him, not for how he makes other people feel about themselves. It's like Archie Bunker in All In The Family, you laugh at his racist comments not in agreement of them, but at Archie himself for being so narrow minded that he can't see the bigger picture. But lorenzo takes it too far, and it gets to the point--past that point in fact--when it's old and lame and simply not humorous anymore. This whole mini crusade will likely put me on his list of targets but that's just fine. I am not insecure about my looks and I can ignore him just fine.

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Typical..this place never changes, all the nerds start weeping because it reminds them of High School again.

Whatever. Reread my post. I'm above all that petty shit, I was putting down LL for doing it, not crying about it. I couldn't care any fucking less about him and I'm even expecting him to rip apart one of my photos, which should be fun to witness.

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