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Real World Last Night...


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Anyone catch that episode? Some herb from San Diego was heckling the chick with the "hard" breast implants... she hits him with a closed fist (really wasn't a punch) and an hour or so later, the cops arrest her and he claims battery...

Guys like that should be taken outside and beaten to a bloody pulp... what a fucken pussy. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by captainpec

Anyone catch that episode? Some herb from San Diego was heckling the chick with the "hard" breast implants... she hits him with a closed fist (really wasn't a punch) and an hour or so later, the cops arrest her and he claims battery...

Guys like that should be taken outside and beaten to a bloody pulp... what a fucken pussy. :rolleyes:

That's what im sayin....BAIL @ $8,000 :eek:

Why couldn't the camera crew show them the tape that she like bitch punched him??

I wanna fuckin beat this shit outta that guy, that's so wrong:blown:

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I can't believe the cops would actually arrest her! That was absolutely ridiculous. That guy was a fuckin pussy. He just wanted some camera time. Poor girl was just defending her roommate. I hate fuckin pigs.

It really wasn't the cops though, they were doing their job. The guy had told them that she scratched him, basiclly that she attacked him so they had no choice but to arrest her. I think that fucking guy should have gotten a beating

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yeah i thought it was strange both robin and brad got arrested and the cops said nothing to the camera people... if they were serious, they would have asked the cameras to leave. whatever...

that girl frankie needs to lay off the alcohol... she becomes a huge whore... and she needs to take her skanky hands of my love randy... grrr

regardless, i thought last nights episode was fuckin funny, with randy running around with the drunken 'free brad' sign on his chest and the drunk ass voice mails from jail... lol i really like this season so far... i'm such a real world junkie :rolleyes:

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last nights episode was great....Randy was hilarious and so was brad...all drunk about it...

Frankie is a closet slut and its fucking obvious..& she has a man.

Cameron is just plain fucking annoying. you can tell shes a gossip/drama queen prentending to be all innocent.

Robin is cool cuz i think she is really just acting like a normal person.

Jaquese is cool too...he was funny this episode and im glad he is getting more into it.

Jamie is too quiet and needs to do something!!!!

overall, this is one of my favorite seasons. ;)

BTW<~~the INFERNO looks amazing.

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I like Jaime and Jacquese...they seem to genuinely look out for each other. Of course, it's only the 4th episode, they'll probaby either hate eachother or make out before the show's over!

Ever since boobie girl (don't know her name) dropped the "n" bomb, I couldn't get with her. I think she should be locked up just for thinking she could justify that. :rolleyes:

Cameran's accent is starting to get to me but I think she'll be the one to watch. She and Frankie have drama clouds over their heads.

The Inferno looks awesome! (I'm a RW/RR junkie too)

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Originally posted by mssabina

regardless, i thought last nights episode was fuckin funny, with randy running around with the drunken 'free brad' sign on his chest and the drunk ass voice mails from jail... lol i really like this season so far... i'm such a real world junkie :rolleyes:

LoL....Brad and Randy are funny as hell.....They remind me of my guy friends

The people in this season are great....They are all young stupid alcoholics....my kind of people :laugh:

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Originally posted by sprincess218

I like Jaime and Jacquese...they seem to genuinely look out for each other. Of course, it's only the 4th episode, they'll probaby either hate eachother or make out before the show's over!

Ever since boobie girl (don't know her name) dropped the "n" bomb, I couldn't get with her. I think she should be locked up just for thinking she could justify that. :rolleyes:

Cameran's accent is starting to get to me but I think she'll be the one to watch. She and Frankie have drama clouds over their heads.

The Inferno looks awesome! (I'm a RW/RR junkie too)

she seemed to really regret saying it...and i think she realized what she said was fucked up...i think she was just trashed and wasnt thinking about the consequences of her drunken words. Not trying to justify it at all, but just saying.

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I really don't like that chick Frankie -- she's annoying and that style of hers is just horrible :nono:

im with you on the Frankie trash.

Also, Cameron's accent is getting on nerves! She's too sugary-coated.

I think she sounds perfectly normal and hot as all get out!

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Inferno looks sick!

Did you see where they interview all of them? How all the drama is going to unfold!

Trishelle cheated on Mike with Adam WHAT A SLUT!!!!!

I can't wait to see her fight coral

Also I wanna see Katy kick the shit outta Veronika I cant fucking stand her!

But I love this season of RW

I don't like Frankie @ ALL!!

She def needs to back the fuck up seriously bitch :D

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Trishelle cheated on Mike with Adam WHAT A SLUT!!!!!

I can't wait to see her fight coral

Also I wanna see Katy kick the shit outta Veronika I cant fucking stand her!

Coral: Wrestle? I don't wrestle, I beat bitches down!

I hope she kicks the hell out of Trishelle! :bounce:

Katie's a pistol, I would love to see her and Veronica go at it. Veronica is a skank, I'd beat the stuffing out of her.

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Originally posted by fouroneone

Guys who watch the Real World and MTV are either 15 or need to be taken outside and beaten to a bloody plup

Shit I never read in the Man's Bible that the "macho" thing to do is to not watch MTV...

Guys with predetermined positions on how "men" should live their lives end up spending more time doing this :jerkoff: than enjoying life...


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