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First Date!!!! and questions about date 2


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so yeah i joined this dating board and today i met this girl for the first time at her house.

i was really nervous....... while she was calm... LOL. it went well i think. there could have been a few things i prolly should not have said that i did because i was nervous but oh well.

We watched Nip Tuck and had dinner. then we talked on the couch and i held her hand :) she said she likes me . :) we will see. im optimisitc. shes a very sweet and down to earth gal. cuban girl 23 yrs old. :0

she did give me a kiss on the way out i was goin for her cheek but she let me kiss her so that was promiising :)

for those miami board peeps i will be bringing her and her roomate to carisa's bday august 6. if we are still seeing each other lol.... u know girls how they change their minds oy.

one thing ill do is def take it slow. but i def need some advice on how to approach date 2 tomorrow

a) where do i take her to eat? (how much money do i spend. ?)

B) do i back off now and dont be as romantic and let her make the move now?


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so yeah i joined this dating board and today i met this girl for the first time at her house.

i was really nervous....... while she was calm... LOL. it went well i think. there could have been a few things i prolly should not have said that i did because i was nervous but oh well.

We watched Nip Tuck and had dinner. then we talked on the couch and i held her hand :) she said she likes me . :) we will see. im optimisitc. shes a very sweet and down to earth gal. cuban girl 23 yrs old. :0

she did give me a kiss on the way out i was goin for her cheek but she let me kiss her so that was promiising :)

for those miami board peeps i will be bringing her and her roomate to carisa's bday august 6. if we are still seeing each other lol.... u know girls how they change their minds oy.

one thing ill do is def take it slow. but i def need some advice on how to approach date 2 tomorrow

a) where do i take her to eat? (how much money do i spend. ?)

B) do i back off now and dont be as romantic and let her make the move now?


Actually ....

<<< has ....

been known to give great advice (but for some darn reason never follows his own advice lol)

I think (B) is the easier question. Guys need to make the first move ... it's awesome if a girl does make the first move :drool: ... but a guy shouldnt sit around waiting for her to make the move twitling his thumbs. And if you make a move, and she says, "slow it down cowboy" (why girls are always calling me a cowboy, i have no clue lol ... i digress) ... if she says, slow it down, hey, dont worry about it. It doesnt mean she'll never see you again. (And often, lol, girls change her mind, often 1/2 hour later.) You never wanta go home thinking "what if, what if, what if i had" ... just go for it.

In terms of angle, romantic or not, it's your call. Every 2 people have a different vibe. I can have a vibe with a girl at one end of club at 10 pm and have a totally different vibe (that also works) with a diff girl at the other end of the club at 1 pm. Just go for what feels right. That's always the best approach. And dont plan too much. Be able to switch in midstream if something good, or wonderful, comes up. :)

Ok, now (a)

a) where do i take her to eat? (how much money do i spend. ?)

Answer - where the pitchers of beer are cheapest,


Okay, now ladies, dont come in here shouting at me on this one but ... lol ... it's a super turn off for a guy when a girl says "i only wanta go to eat at Here" and Here happens to be $30 entrees. You know the girl is a keeper if a) there is a collective effort between you and her on what to choose (not her telling you where to go) and B) she knows her food (ie. "bling, there is this place that makes an awesome plate of ...") or similar.

Good luck!

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dont overthink it............just be yourself..

werd...bling just take her to have sushi...some place that isnt too loud and u can make good convo...if u want spend some loot and have a couple of hours to kill...take her to the melting pot....dinner takes like 1-2 hrs and she will love the dessert...be urself...dont try to do too much or say too much to impress...be urself and take it easy, if u feel the need to blurt out something stupid, dont...wait till at least seh gets to know u better...lol....at first be cute with the romance...dont go overboard, u might scare her away...u will do fine...just let things happen...after u have gotten to know each other, u can be romantic and things will be cool...

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werd...bling just take her to have sushi...some place that isnt too loud and u can make good convo...if u want spend some loot and have a couple of hours to kill...take her to the melting pot....dinner takes like 1-2 hrs and she will love the dessert...be urself...dont try to do too much or say too much to impress...be urself and take it easy, if u feel the need to blurt out something stupid, dont...wait till at least seh gets to know u better...lol....at first be cute with the romance...dont go overboard, u might scare her away...u will do fine...just let things happen...after u have gotten to know each other, u can be romantic and things will be cool...

Totally agree, the Melting Pot is a perfect first/second date restaurant. The dessert rocks! It's not too fancy or cheesy - it can even be a bit romantic. But most importantly enjoy the moment and be yourself - I love to be with a guy that feels comfortable w/ me and acts like himself and doesn't try to hard! Good luck!

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my advice is, don't get all crazy thinking that this has to work out and this is THE one, just take it as it comes, enjoy it, and see where it goes- that's what 'dating' is all about! and don't suffocate the gal, very important, don't be so overzealous you scare her away- yer right when you say you need to take it slowly! so i say lay off the 'mr. romantic' stuff until you know she wants it, just be the nice, cool, wonderful and fun guy that you are and you'll be much better off!

btw, can't tell you where to take her for dinner silly! it totally depends on the type of person she is! i would prefer a dive over a fancy restaurant for the first date but you see, that's just me, she might be offended by such a place!!!

oh and good for you scoring that smooch! lip service is a good sign!!! :aright:

nip-tuck :rock:

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don't act desperate, be comfortable, friendly, and funny. Also, don't spend too much money or get all fancy, because then she'll always expect that... first few dates I like to keep things casual and focus on getting to know each other. So just sit back in your chair, act like you're too comfortable, and don't show her that you're way into her.

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Bling, show her the Tripod!!!!!!!! She will love you forever! :laugh:

Actually my advice is just be yourself and do what comes natural to you.

Remember, everything is good in moderation except for sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :getdown:

You can never get too much of it. :D

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a) where do i take her to eat? (how much money do i spend. ?)

B) do i back off now and dont be as romantic and let her make the move now?


A) Have you guys talked about food and what she likes to eat?? If not I would take her someplace that you've been that you like. I would try not to go anywhere where the cuisine is too exotic because she might be a finicky eater... As far as spending money is concerned I'll say this. Most guys try to make a big first impression by taking their dates to expensive restraunts and spending a ton of money. I wouldn't go that route. The thing you got to remember is that this is only your second date. You really don't know too much about this girl or if she will even be right for you. So why drain your wallet on someone you might not even be with a month from now. Once you're with her a year or so and you know she's right for you then you can spend a little more... Don't take this as me saying you should take her to McDonald's. I'm sure Miami has a few restraunts that won't cost you an arm and a leg...

B) I agree with the people that say to be yourself. Keep the mood positive and light. Stay away from controversial topics like religion, politics, etc... Remember you're trying to learn as much as possible about her so ask a lot of open ended questions... Listen to what she's telling you and look her in the eye...

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I agree generally with the "be yourself" philosophy, meaning that you have to trust your instincts and go with the flow. You must adapt to her vibe.

However, there's a limit on that -- I mean, you're not going to fully "be yourself", meaning that you're not going to just completely let your guard down and start talking about the new rash that you have and your ex girlfriends and your dead dog. You have to select carefully what aspects of "yourself" you're going to present to her, and when you present them. In other words, of course he shouldn't fake it, but "be yourself" is pretty vague advice. There's definitely some artfulness to the whole thing.

My favorite place for 1st dates are restaurants that are a little off the beaten path (not TGI Friday's, etc) -- basically places that have some sort of unique atmosphere/food. Middle-range in terms of price. And most importantly, you should be in a place that has a good sized crowd, because it's too early to have a secluded romantic dinner. That comes later. If you want to get intimiate or whatever that can come after the dinner. Be in a crowd at first to take the edge off.

ok im gunna be like the 3rd person to say it but i will reenforce it. BE YOURSELF!!!!!!


it works wonders.

if she doesnt like you for YOU, then its not ment to be.

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so yeah i joined this dating board and today i met this girl for the first time at her house.

i was really nervous....... while she was calm... LOL. it went well i think. there could have been a few things i prolly should not have said that i did because i was nervous but oh well.

We watched Nip Tuck and had dinner. then we talked on the couch and i held her hand :) she said she likes me . :) we will see. im optimisitc. shes a very sweet and down to earth gal. cuban girl 23 yrs old. :0

she did give me a kiss on the way out i was goin for her cheek but she let me kiss her so that was promiising :)

for those miami board peeps i will be bringing her and her roomate to carisa's bday august 6. if we are still seeing each other lol.... u know girls how they change their minds oy.

one thing ill do is def take it slow. but i def need some advice on how to approach date 2 tomorrow

a) where do i take her to eat? (how much money do i spend. ?)

B) do i back off now and dont be as romantic and let her make the move now?


Stick with being yourself. That's what is working. I would put myself in an area where you have a bunch of options. Don't plan the night except for dinner. Take every minute as it comes. Remember to be in control.

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I agree generally with the "be yourself" philosophy, meaning that you have to trust your instincts and go with the flow. You must adapt to her vibe.

However, there's a limit on that -- I mean, you're not going to fully "be yourself", meaning that you're not going to just completely let your guard down and start talking about the new rash that you have and your ex girlfriends and your dead dog. You have to select carefully what aspects of "yourself" you're going to present to her, and when you present them. In other words, of course he shouldn't fake it, but "be yourself" is pretty vague advice. There's definitely some artfulness to the whole thing.


Basically you got to ask yourself if what's about to come out of your mouth is going to help your cause or hurt it...

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Yes, but "be yourself" is so vague, and I don't think that he ever asked whether he should "act like someone else" or "be himself"...

I just get frustrated when people have told me to "be myself" because really, be yourself is kind of meaningless advice. Ok, so I shouldn't do my Arnold Schwartzenegger impression the whole time. No shit. I think he's asking for more specific advice, like, "is the second date too soon for romance" or "what kind of restaurants are good for second dates". Obviously he has to roll with the feel of the night and turn up the romance if the situation calls for it, but he's just looking for general advice, i.e., the Industry Standard on dating.

It took me a lot of figuring out on my own through trial and a lot of error before piecing this stuff together, and I still am no expert... But "be yourself" is not really very specific advice.

Also, I know that when I was starting out "being myself" meant telling girls everything about "myself" because I'm the type that tends to spill everything about myself right off the bat... I had to learn the hard way that you have to pace yourself and not appear so interested right from the start, otherwise you scare them away. I'm still being myself, I just reveal myself at a slower pace than I normally would. Is that still "being yourself?"

Stick with being yourself. That's what is working. I would put myself in an area where you have a bunch of options. Don't plan the night except for dinner. Take every minute as it comes. Remember to be in control.
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bling, every picture i see u in u have babes all around u, is a dating board necessary? opportunity is all around u!!!

A dating board/site is just another opportunity to expand your pool of opportunity. ;)

In his case, he is probably just too timid to approach these women in an intimate way, so a dating board is the easy way to break the ice/spark an intimate (not intimate sexual) conversation with a lady.

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